Cell size = 2.0 Number of rows = 8960 Number of columns = 8963 Data type = floating point Boundary Xmin = 223875.0 Xmax = 241801.0 Ymin = 3803500.0 Ymax = 3821420.0 Statistics Minimum value = -121.60 Maximum value = 1.33 Mean = -49.22 Standard deviation = 24.44 Coordinate system description Projection UTM Zone 11 Datum NAD83 Vertical Datum NAVD88 Units meterThe complete 5-m resolution bathymetry grid of Offshore Coal Oil Point was originally archived as an ESRI grid with the following attributes:
Cell size = 5.0 Number of rows = 1129 Number of columns = 3326 Data type = floating point Boundary Xmin = 224186.37 Xmax = 240816.37 Ymin = 3804683.07 Ymax = 3810328.07 Statistics Minimum value = -297.76 Maximum value = -80.00 Mean = -119.41 Standard deviation = 43.80 Coordinate system description Projection UTM Zone 11 Datum NAD83 Vertical Datum NAVD88 Units meter