Cell size = 2.0 Number of rows = 8980 Number of columns = 8975 Data type = floating point Boundary Xmin = 535610 Xmax = 553560 Ymin = 4137800 Ymax = 4155760 Statistics Minimum value = 0 Maximum value = 254 Mean = 146.63 Standard deviation = 34.77 Coordinate system description Projection UTM Zone 10 Datum WGS84 Units meterThe merged Reson 8101 acoustic-backscatter grid was originally archived as an ESRI grid with the following attributes:
Cell size = 2.0 Number of rows = 8980 Number of columns = 8975 Data type = floating point Boundary Xmin = 535600 Xmax = 553540 Ymin = 4137780 Ymax = 4155740 Statistics Minimum value = 0 Maximum value = 254 Mean = 151.33 Standard deviation = 55.38 Coordinate system description Projection UTM Zone 10 Datum WGS84 Units meter