The complete Offshore of Pacifica bathymetry data were originally archived as an ESRI grid with the following attributes. NOTE: the horizontal datum of the bathymtry data (NAD83) differs from the horizontal datum of other layers in this DS (WGS84). Some bathymetry grids within this map were projected horizontally from WGS84 to NAD83 using ESRI tools to be more consistent with the vertical reference of the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD88).
Cell size = 2.0
Number of rows = 8960
Number of columns = 8963
Data type = floating point
Xmin = 531130
Xmax = 549056
Ymin = 4154950
Ymax = 4172870
Minimum value = -45.19
Maximum value = -1.54
Mean = -24.34
Standard deviation = 7.42
Coordinate system description
Projection UTM
Zone 10
Datum WGS84
Units meter