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Data Series 827

Prepared in cooperation with the Bureau of Land Management

Vegetation Database for Land-Cover Mapping, Clark and Lincoln Counties, Nevada

By David A. Charlet, Nancy A. Damar, and Patrick J. Leary

Thumbnail of and link to report PDF (2.8 MB)Abstract

Floristic and other vegetation data were collected at 3,175 sample sites to support land-cover mapping projects in Clark and Lincoln Counties, Nevada, from 2007 to 2013. Data were collected at sample sites that were selected to fulfill mapping priorities by one of two different plot sampling approaches. Samples were described at the stand level and classified into the National Vegetation Classification hierarchy at the alliance level and above. The vegetation database is presented in geospatial and tabular formats.

First posted July 8, 2014

For additional information, contact:
Director, Nevada Water Science Center
U.S. Geological Survey
2730 N. Deer Run Rd.
Carson City, NV 89701

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Suggested citation:

Charlet, D.A., Damar, N.A., and Leary, P.J., 2014, Vegetation database for land-cover mapping, Clark and Lincoln Counties, Nevada: U.S. Geological Survey, Data Series 827, 18 p.,

ISSN 2327-638X (online)




Data Collection Methods

Data Classification

Database Design

References Cited

Appendix 1. Geospatial Database Components and Attributes

Appendix 2. List of Symbols Used in Stand Names