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West Virginia Water Science Center

Channel Gains and Losses in the Opequon Creek Watershed of West Virginia, July 25–28, 2005

By Ronald D. Evaldi and Katherine S. Paybins

U.S. Geological Survey
Data Series 179


Prepared in cooperation with Berkeley County Commission


Discharge measurements were made during July 25–28, 2005, in streams and springs and at a wastewater-treatmentplant outfall in the Opequon Creek watershed of West Virginia to describe surface-water resources during low-flow. The greatest spring discharge measured was 6,460 gallons per minute, but 11 of 31 springs inspected were not flowing. Stream discharge measurements obtained at 69 sites defined gaining (influent) and losing (effluent) channel reaches. Drainage areas were determined for the channel measurement sites, and gains and losses of flow along the channels were expressed in terms of flow per unit drainage area to the reach. The greatest gain measured for a channel reach was approximately 11,100 gallons per day per acre, and the greatest loss was approximately 8,420 gallons per day per acre.

Table of Contents



Hydrologic Conditions

Discharge Measurements

Channel Gains and Losses

References Cited


1.   Map showing Channel gains and losses in the Opequon Creek
watershed of West Virginia, July 25–28, 2005

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