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Please attach to USGS WRIR 02-4140

Techniques for Estimating the Magnitude and Frequency of Floods in Rural Basins of South Carolina, 1999

by Toby D. Feaster and Gary D. Tasker

This errata sheet is available as a pdf (648KB).


Subsequent to the publication of U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 02-4140, the following errors were found.

Cooney, T.W., Drewes, P.A., Gissendanner, J.W., and Church, B.W., 1994, Water resources data, South Carolina, water year 1994: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Data Report SC-94-1, 532 p.

Federal Emergency Management Agency, 1994, Flood insurance study—City of north Augusta, Aiken and Edgefield Counties, South Carolina: Washington, D.C., Federal Insurance Administration, Flood Insurance Study Report, August 16, 1994, 18 p.

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