Revision History File
Publication Series and Series Number: Water-Supply Paper 2265
Title: The
Publication Authorship: Dee Molenaar
First Version and Date of First Release: 1.00 1988
Version and Date of Current Release: 1.1
Summary of Product Components
Component |
Description |
Last Revised in Pub Version |
Date of Last Revision |
Book |
1.1 |
Historical List of Revisions (latest revision first)
4: The word "Paleozoic" is missing in
the "Eras" column, and the word "Carboniferous" is
wrongly placed and is not necessary to the "Period" column. Also, some of the
lines connecting the geologic periods do not connect with their corresponding
month-time equivalents on the Year scale; i.e., November 1st should
connect with the base of the Cambrian.
Figures 7A, 7B: The
sub-figure captions should be beneath the pertinent figures, rather than being
lost within the main caption. Also, the province name "
8: Ditto above. Also, caption on the figure, "ICE DAM
BRAKES", should read "ICE DAM BREAKS".
10: This caption would be better placed
beneath the figure, not at the top of the group of photos of Figure 11.
11: The caption should be at the top of
Fig. 11A, and with Figs. 11A and 11B placed lower, at the same level of Figs.
11D and 11C.
13D: Caption should read " ... sewage treatment plant," not " ...plane."
14: The gray relief
shading of the hilly area surrounding the study area should be printed darker,
to more pictorially emphasize the contrast with the flat study area.
(The dull gray of the shaded relief in the relatively flat study area should be
deleted, so that the color patterns would be printed against a white
background. This comment also applies to figs. 22, 23, 25, 29, 31, 34, 35,
20: These three block diagrams should be
aligned in a row, A,B,C, left to right, for
original-artwork perspective; the discerning reader might wonder why C is
turned in this direction. Perhaps the figure should be side-titles, or else
reduced in size so A,B, and C can be in line across
the page, with bottom title.
21: Error in captioning the recharge
area on right. It should read "Recharge area for unconfined
aquifer." Also, the "Potentiometric
surface" line should be dashed where it crosses the "Confining layer".
23: Should use different size or style
of fonts within the boxes denoting recharge and discharge, to avoid confusion
with town names on the underlying base map. Here, the labels appear to read "Parkwater Leakage to
24: For consistency and clarity, the
leader from B (losing stream) should be pointed to the stream where it is
intersected by the cross section on the right, as was done for the leader from A (gaining stream).
35: Caption should be placed beneath
the illustration, rather than at the bottom of the facing page.
41: Leaders should be added to the
pertinent curves in the upper two graphs.
43: Leader going to right from "
44: The line and brown penciled area
should be extended upward to the left, all the way to "Nine Mile Dam".
46: Leader from the upper right corner
of the aquifer element (on block diagram) should lead to its corresponding
corner on the flow-model map.
on page 74 (Appendix C): This section
diagram should be a square, not a rectangle. (If the word-processing computer
can’t make a square, the cartographer should do the job.)
ii: As for most USGS reports, indicate
author’s year of birth: i.e., "Dee Molenaar, 1918-".
v-vii (in CONTENTS): For clarity of reading, page numbers should all be
"right-justified," with dotted leaders extending from the pertinent
captions. Also, to introduce the reader
early to explanations now in Appendices A and C at the back of the report,
this should be placed immediately after the CONTENTS, as in most
USGS reports.
iii: 2nd column, line 4,
should read "relations between".
vi: Figure 5 should be indicated as on
pp. 8-9; fig. 7 on pp. 12-13; fig. 8 on pp. 14-15; fig. 9 on pp. 16-17; and
fig. 13 on pp. 22-23.
1: 2nd column, line 5:
Unit-modifying hyphens should be retained here (and elsewhere). Should read "land-use activities ...".
2: Column 1, line 5: Delete apostrophes:
should read 1800s, not 1800’s. This is not a possessive nor
an abbreviation. (But, for some reason, the GPO Style Manual still adheres to
this bad practice.)
2: Column 1, paragraph 3, next-to-last
line: Add hyphen to read "earth-sciences professional."
11: Column 2, paragraph 2, line 9:
Should read "Condon," not Congdon".
16: 3rd paragraph (continued
on p. 17) should be the 2nd paragraph on p. 16.
26: Column 1, paragraph 2: Change "(see
section, this report)" to read "(see page 11)".
36: Column 2, line 5: Change "provides"
to "provide". Line 7: Change "indicates"
to "indicate" (These two changes reflect the plural subject "data").
43: Column 2, paragraph 3, line 7:
Should read "land-use ..." (unit modifier; see note for p. 1 above).
44: Column 1, paragraph 3, line 10:
Ditto above.
45: Column 1, paragraph 1: Delete 1st
sentence as redundant; 2nd sentence says it better.
48: Column 2, paragraph 3, line 13: Add
to read " ... liter, respectively ...".
52: Column 1, paragraph 2, last line:
Add hyphen, to read "land-use activities".
59: Column 2, paragraph 2, line 3: Add
hyphen, to read "land-use planning".
64: Last "by" value should read "0.5556".
74: Delete last sentence; the photo in