Fact Sheet FS-163-97
October, 1997
Radioactive Elements in Coal and Fly Ash:
Abundance, Forms, and Environmental Significance
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Coal is largely composed
of organic matter, but it is the inorganic matter in coal—minerals and
trace elements— that have been cited as possible causes of health, environmental,
and technological problems associated with the use of coal. Some trace
elements in coal are naturally radioactive. These radioactive elements
include uranium (U), thorium (Th), and their numerous decay products, including
radium (Ra) and radon (Rn). Although these elements are less chemically
toxic than other coal constituents such as arsenic, selenium, or mercury,
questions have been raised concerning possible risk from radiation. In
order to accurately address these questions and to predict the mobility
of radioactive elements during the coal fuel-cycle, it is important to
determine the concentration, distribution, and form of radioactive elements
in coal and fly ash.
Abundance of Radioactive Elements in Coal and Fly Ash
Assessment of the radiation
exposure from coal burning is critically dependent on the concentration
of radioactive elements in coal and in the fly ash that remains after combustion.
Data for uranium and thorium content in coal is available from the U.S.
Geological Survey (USGS), which maintains the largest database of infor-mation
on the chemical composition of U.S. coal. This database is searchable on
the World Wide Web at: http://energy.er.usgs.gov/products/databases/
CoalQual/intro.htm. Figure 1 displays the frequency distribution
of uranium concentration for approximately 2,000 coal samples from the
Western United States and approximately 300 coals from the Illinois Basin.
In the majority of samples, concentrations of uranium fall in the range
from slightly below 1 to 4 parts per million (ppm). Similar uranium concentrations
are found in a variety of common rocks and soils, as indicated in figure
2. Coals with more than 20 ppm uranium are rare in the United States. Thorium
concentrations in coal fall within a similar 1–4 ppm range, compared to
an average crustal abundance of approximately 10 ppm. Coals with more than
20 ppm thorium are extremely rare.
During coal combustion most of the uranium,
thorium, and their decay products are released from the original coal matrix
and are distributed between the gas phase and solid combustion products.

Figure 1. Distribution of uranium
concentration in coal from two areas of the United States.
partitioning between gas and solid is controlled by the volatility and
chemistry of the individual elements. Virtually 100 percent of the radon
gas present in feed coal is transferred to the gas phase and is lost in
stack emissions. In con-trast, less volatile elements such as thorium,
uranium, and the majority of their decay products are almost entirely retained
in the solid combustion wastes. Modern power plants can recover greater
than 99.5 percent of the solid combustion wastes. The average ash yield
of coal burned in the United States is approximately 10 weight percent.
Therefore, the concentration of most radioactive elements in solid combustion
wastes will be approximately 10 times the concentration in the original
coal. Figure 2 illustrates that the uranium concentration of most fly ash
(10 to 30 ppm) is still in the range found in some granitic rocks, phosphate
rocks, and shales. For example, the Chattanooga Shale that occurs in a
large portion of the Southeastern United States contains between 10 and
85 ppm U.
Forms of Occurrence of Radioactive Elements in Coal and Fly Ash
The USGS has a current
research project to investigate the distribution and modes of occurrence
(chemical form) of trace elements in coal and coal combustion products.
The approach typically involves (1) ultra sensitive chemical or radiometric
analyses of particles separated on the basis of size, density, mineral
or magnetic properties, (2) analysis of chemical extracts that selectively
attack certain components of coal or fly ash, (3) direct observation and
microbeam analysis of very small areas or grains, and (4) radiographic
techniques that identify the location and abundance of radioactive elements.
Most thorium in coal is contained in common
phosphate minerals such as monazite or apatite. In contrast, uranium is
found in both the mineral and organic fractions of coal. Some uranium may
be added slowly over geologic time because organic matter can extract dissolved
uranium from ground water. In fly ash, the uranium is more concentrated
in the finer sized particles. If during coal combustion some uranium is
concentrated on ash surfaces as a condensate, then this surface-bound uranium
is potentially more susceptible to leaching. However, no obvious evidence
of surface enrichment of uranium has been found in the hundreds of fly
ash particles examined by USGS researchers.
The above observation is based on the use of fission-track
radiography, a sophisticated technique for observing the distribution of
uranium in particles as small as 0.001 centimeter in diameter. Figure 3
includes a photograph of a hollow glassy sphere of fly ash and its corresponding
fission track image. The diameter of this relatively large glassy sphere
is approximately 0.01 cm. The distribution and concentration of uranium
are indicated by fission tracks, which appear as dark linear features in
the radiograph. Additional images produced by USGS researchers from a variety
of fly ash particles confirm the preferential location of uranium within
the glassy component of fly ash particles.
Health and Environmental Impact of Radioactive Elements Associated
With Coal Utilization
Radioactive elements from
coal and fly ash may come in contact with the general public when they
are dispersed in air and water or are included in commercial products that
contain fly ash.
The radiation hazard from airborne emissions
of coal-fired power plants was evaluated in a series of studies conducted
from 1975–1985. These studies concluded that the maximum radiation dose
to an individual living within 1 km of a modern power plant is equivalent
to a minor, perhaps 1 to 5 percent, increase above the radiation from the
natural environment. For the average citizen, the radiation dose from coal
burning is considerably less. Components of the radiation environment that
impact the U.S. population are illustrated in figure 4. Natural sources
account for the majority (82 percent) of radiation. Man-made sources of
radiation are dominated by medical X-rays (11 percent). On this plot, the
average population dose attributed to coal burning is included under the
consumer products category and is much less than 1 percent of the total
Fly ash is commonly used as an additive to
concrete building products, but the radioactivity of typical fly ash is
not significantly different from that of more conventional concrete additives
or other build-ing materials such as granite or red brick. One extreme
calculation that assumed high proportions of fly-ash-rich concrete in a
residence suggested a dose enhancement, compared to normal concrete, of
3 percent of the natural environmental radiation.
Another consideration is that low-density,
fly-ash-rich concrete products may be a source of radon gas. Direct measurement
of this contribution to indoor radon is complicated by the much larger
contribution from underlying soil and rock (see fig. 4). The emanation
of radon gas from fly ash is less than from natural soil of similar uranium
content. Present calculations indicate that concrete building products
of all types contribute less than 10 percent of the total indoor radon.
Approximately three-fourths
of the annual production of fly ash is destined for disposal in engineered
surface impoundments and landfills, or in abandoned mines and quarries.
The primary environmental concern associated with these disposal sites
is the potential for groundwater contamination. Standardized tests of the
leachability of toxic trace elements such as arsenic, selenium, lead, and
mercury from fly ash show that the amounts dissolved are sufficiently low
to justify regulatory classification of fly ash as nonhazardous solid waste.
Maximum allowable concentrations under these standardized tests are 100
times drinking water standards, but these concentration limits are rarely
approached in leachates of fly ash.
The leachability of radioactive elements
from fly ash has relevance in view of the U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency (USEPA) drinking water standard for dissolved radium (5 picocuries
per liter) and the proposed addition of drinking water standards for uranium
and radon by the year 2000. Previous studies of radioelement mobility in
the enviroment, and in particular, in the vicinity of uranium mines and
mills, provide a basis for predicting which chemical conditions are likely
to influence leachability of uranium, barium (a chemical analog for radium),
and thorium from fly ash. For example, leachability of radioactive elements
is critically influenced by the pH that results from reaction of water
with fly ash. Extremes of either acidity (pH<4) or alkalinity (pH>8)
can enhance solubility of radioactive elements. Acidic solutions attack
a variety of mineral phases that are found in fly ash. However, neutralization
of acid solutions by subsequent reaction with natural rock or soil promotes
precipitation or sorption of many dissolved elements including uranium,
thorium, and many of their decay products. Highly alkaline solutions promote
dissolution of the glassy components of fly ash that are an identified
host of uranium; this can, in particular, increase uranium solubility as
uranium-carbonate species. Fortunately, most leachates of fly ash are rich
in dissolved sulfate, and this minimizes the solubility of barium (and
radium), which form highly insoluble sulfates.
Direct measurements of dissolved uranium
and radium in water that has contacted fly ash are limited to a small number
of laboratory leaching studies, including some by USGS researchers, and
sparse data for natural water near some ash disposal sites. These preliminary
results indicate that concentrations are typically below the current drinking
water standard for radium (5 picocuries per liter) or the initially proposed
drinking water standard for uranium of 20 parts per billion (ppb).
Radioactive elements in
coal and fly ash should not be sources of alarm. The vast majority of coal
and the majority of fly ash are not significantly enriched in radioactive
elements, or in associated radioactivity, compared to common soils or rocks.
This observation provides a useful geologic perspective for addressing
societal concerns regarding possible radiation and radon hazard.
The location and form of radioactive elements
in fly ash determine the availability of elements for leaching during ash
utilization or disposal. Existing measurements of uranium distribution
in fly ash particles indicate a uniform distribution of uranium throughout
the glassy particles. The apparent absence of abundant, surface-bound,
relatively available uranium suggests that the rate of release of uranium
is dominantly controlled by the relatively slow dissolution of host ash
Previous studies of dissolved radioelements
in the environment, and existing knowledge of the chemical properties of
uranium and radium can be used to predict the most important chemical controls,
such as pH, on solubility of uranium and radium when fly ash interacts
with water. Limited measurements of dissolved uranium and radium in water
leachates of fly ash and in natural water from some ash disposal sites
indicate that dissolved concentrations of these radioactive elements are
below levels of human health concern.
Suggested Reading:
Tadmore, J., 1986, Radioactivity from coal-fired power
plants: A review: Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, v. 4, p. 177–204.
Cothern, C.R., and Smith, J.E., Jr., 1987, Environmental Radon: New York,
Plenum Press, 363 p.
Ionizing radiation exposure of the population of the United States, 1987:
Bethesda, Md., National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements,
Report 93, 87 p.
Swaine, D.J., 1990, Trace Elements in Coal: London, Butterworths, 278 p.
Swaine, D.J., and Goodarzi, F., 1997, Environmental Aspects of Trace Elements
in Coal: Dordrecht, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 312 p.
For more information please contact:
Dr. Robert A. Zielinski, U.S. Geological Survey
Denver Federal Center, Mail Stop 973
Denver, Colorado 80225
(303) 236-4719; e-mail: rzielinski@usgs.gov
Dr. Robert B. Finkelman, U.S. Geological Survey
National Center, Mail Stop 956
12201 Sunrise Valley Drive, Reston, VA 20192
703-648-6412; e-mail: rbf@usgs.gov |
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