U.S. Geological Survey
Fact Sheet 045–02

Torok Structural Play Brookian Topset Structural Play
undiscovered petroleum accumulations for the Torok Structural Play estimates of undiscovered petroleum resources for the Brookian Topset Structural Play
Brookian Clinoform Central Play Brookian Clinoform South-Deep Play
estimates of undiscovered resources for the Brookian Clinoform Central Play map and histogram showing expected (mean) numbers of undiscovered petroleum resources for the Brookian Clinoform South-Deep Play
Figure 8. Maps of petroleum plays with histograms showing the expected (mean) numbers of undiscovered petroleum accumulations estimated to exist in various size categories of technically recoverable gas resources in the four plays estimated to hold the greatest gas potential in NPRA. About 60% of the technically recoverable gas resources, on the basis of the mean estimate, are thought to occur in central and southern NPRA within these four plays.

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