Fact Sheet 119-02

figures 7 and 8

graph showing combined cool and warm season precipitation as a function of Pacific Decadal Oscillation
Figure 7. Combined cool and warm season (October 16–October 15) precipitation for the Colorado Plateau as a function of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO). Ten wettest and driest years shown in red. PDO is averaged over a 14-month window with 7 months preceding and 6 months following the midpoint of the combined season.


graph showing monthly indices of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation and combined seasonal precipitation for the Colorado Plateau
Figure 8. Smoothed (15-month moving window using the Savitzsky-Golay procedure) monthly indices of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) (upper) and combined seasonal precipitation (standardized anomaly index, SAI) (lower) for the Colorado Plateau.

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