Georgia Water Science Center
This report is available online in pdf format (1 MB): USGS FS 2006-3082 ()
U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2006-3082, 2 pages (Published May 2006)
The Georgia Water-Use Program was initiated during 1979, as a cooperative effort between the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and the Georgia Environmental Protection Division (GaEPD). This ongoing program focuses on collecting, compiling, and disseminating water-use information for the State (Fanning, 2003). These data are stored in a central database, which is maintained by the USGS. Every 5 years, data are aggregated at the county, State, and national level and are published in State and national circulars.
Georgia’s Water Resources
Water-Use Program
Water Use
This report is available online in pdf format (1 MB): USGS FS 2006-3082 ()
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