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Fact Sheet 2008-3078

USGS Fire Science Activities

Hazards Management in Grand County, Colorado—Fire Fuels Characterization

U.S. Geological Survey Rocky Mountain Geographic Science Center

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The USGS Fire Science Initiative is designed to identify potential wildfire risks and related hazards and to mitigate their effects on people, property, and natural resources. The USGS Rocky Mountain Geographic Science Center (RMGSC) plays an integral role in the fire science demonstration project targeting Grand County, Colo., which uses remote sensing imagery, other geospatial data, and advanced classification techniques to produce inventories and assessments of the current state of the ecosystem. The data gathered—extent of tree mortality and insect infestation, changes in fire fuels, susceptibility to post-fire effects, distribution of wildland-urban interface areas, etc.—will give much needed information to decisionmakers on the Federal, State, and local levels.

First posted April 10, 2009

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Suggested citation:

Cole, C., Lile, E., and Briggs, J., 2009, Hazards management in Grand County, Colorado—Fire fuels characterization: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2009-3078, 6 p.

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