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Fact Sheet 2009–3006

Prepared in cooperation with the Wyoming Department of Agriculture and the Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality, on behalf of the Wyoming Ground-water and Pesticides Strategy Committee

Pesticides in Ground Water of Wyoming, 1995–2006

By Cheryl A. Eddy-Miller, Timothy T. Bartos, and Laura L. Hallberg

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In 1991, members of local, State, and Federal governments, as well as industry and interest groups, formed the Ground-water and Pesticides Strategy Committee (GPSC) to prepare the State of Wyoming Generic Management Plan for Pesticides in Ground Water. Little existing information was available describing pesticide occurrence in ground water; therefore, statewide baseline ground-water sampling was considered a high priority by the GPSC.

The GPSC identified 20 pesticides and degradates for baseline ground-water sampling (referred to herein as focal pesticides). Sampling focused on the State’s most vulnerable ground water (Wyoming Ground-water and Pesticides Strategy Committee, 1999) as determined by Hamerlinck and Arneson (1998; fig. 1). Ground-water vulnerability is based on inherent sensitivity of the hydrogeology (such as a shallow water table or highly permeable aquifer materials) and overlying land use.

Posted March 12, 2009

For additional information contact:
Director, Wyoming Water Science Center
2617 E. Lincolnway, Suite B
Cheyenne, WY 82001
Phone : (307) 778-2931

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Suggested citation:

Eddy-Miller, C.A., Bartos, T.T., Hallberg, L.L., 2009, Pesticides in ground water of Wyoming, 1995–2006: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2009–3006, 4 p.

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