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Fact Sheet 2011–3094

Florida Water Science Center

USGS Research on Florida's Isolated Freshwater Wetlands

By Arturo E. Torres, Kim H. Haag, Terrie M. Lee, and Patricia A. Metz

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The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) has studied wetland hydrology and its effects on wetland health and ecology in Florida since the 1990s. USGS wetland studies in Florida and other parts of the Nation provide resource managers with tools to assess current conditions and regional trends in wetland resources.

Wetland hydrologists in the USGS Florida Water Science Center (FLWSC) have completed a number of interdisciplinary studies assessing the hydrology, ecology, and water quality of wetlands. These studies have expanded the understanding of wetland hydrology, ecology, and related processes including: (1) the effects of cyclical changes in rainfall and the influence of evapotranspiration; (2) surface-water flow, infiltration, groundwater movement, and groundwater and surfacewater interactions; (3) the effects of water quality and soil type; (4) the unique biogeochemical components of wetlands required to maintain ecosystem functions; (5) the effects of land use and other human activities; (6) the influences of algae, plants, and invertebrates on environmental processes; and (7) the effects of seasonal variations in animal communities that inhabit or visit Florida wetlands and how wetland function responds to changes in the plant community.

First posted September 27, 2011

For additional information contact:
Arturo E. Torres
U.S. Geological Survey
Florida Water Science Center
(FLWSC – Tampa)
10500 University Center Dr., Suite 215
Tampa, FL 33612

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Suggested citation:

Torres, A.E., Haag, K.H., Lee, T.M., and Metz, P.A., 2011, USGS research on Florida's isolated freshwater wetlands: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2011–3094, 4 p.

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