Revision History for Fact Sheet 2013-3057 William J. Carswell, Jr. The 3D Elevation Program—Summary for Washington ----------------------------------------------------- Posted online August 20, 2013 ----------------------------------------------------- Revised and reposted August 14, 2014, version 1.1 The text for version 1.1 was revised to match the wording and placement of paragraphs used for 3D Elevation Program State summaries beginning in 2014. The map and figure caption for figure 1 have been updated to show the extent of existing and planned publicly available lidar data as of June 2014, and the source of the information has been added. The numbering has been reversed for table 1 and table 2 so that data quality levels are now listed in table 1 and conservative benefits estimates are now listed in table 2. For table 1, the table title and headnote have been updated; within table 1, columns 2 and 3 have been updated. No updates have been made to table 2 with the exception of adding the word "estimates" to the table title. -----------------------------------------------------