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Fact Sheet 2013–3102

Prepared in cooperation with the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development

Water Resources of St. Mary Parish, Louisiana

By Lawrence B. Prakken, Vincent E. White, and John K. Lovelace

Thumbnail of and link to report PDF (1 MB)Abstract

Information concerning the availability, use, and quality of water in St. Mary Parish, Louisiana, is critical for proper water-supply management. The purpose of this fact sheet is to present information that can be used by water managers, parish residents, and others for management of this vital resource. Information on the availability, past and current use, use trends, and water quality from groundwater and surface-water sources in the parish is presented. Previously published reports and data stored in the U.S. Geological Survey’s National Water Information System ( are the primary sources of the information presented here.

First posted April 14, 2014

For additional information contact:
Director, Louisiana Water Science Center
U.S. Geological Survey
3535 S. Sherwood Forest Blvd., Suite 120
Baton Rouge, LA 70816

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Suggested citation:

Prakken, L.B., White, V.E., and Lovelace, J.K., 2014, Water resources of St. Mary Parish, Louisiana: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2013–3012, 6 p.,

ISSN 2327–6916 (print)

ISSN 2327–6932 (online)



Groundwater Resources

Atchafalaya Aquifer

Upper Sand of the Chicot Aquifer System

Surface-Water Resources

References Cited

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