Version history for Fact Sheet 2016–3018 By U.S. Geological Survey Landsat International Cooperators and Global Archive Consolidation ----------------------------------------------------- Version 1.0: Posted online April 7, 2016 ----------------------------------------------------- Version 1.1: Posted online December 8, 2016 On page 1, the URL in the 2nd paragraph was changed. On page 1, the URL in the 4th paragraph was changed. On page 2, the URL in the 1st paragraph was changed. On page 2, the URL at the end of the 4th paragraph was changed. ----------------------------------------------------- Version 1.2: Posted online June 10, 2019 On page 1, the URL in the 2nd paragraph was changed. On page 1, the background image for figure 1 was updated. On page 1, the figure caption was changed from "(Current as of January 2016.)" to "(Current as of June 2019.)" On page 2, all URLs in the 4th paragraph were changed. On page 2, the figure caption was changed from "More than 3 million scenes have been added as of December 2015" to "More than 5 million scenes have been added as of December 2018." On page 2, both URLs were changed in the last paragraph. On page 2, "Land Remote Sensing Program" was changed to "National Land Imaging Program" in the last paragraph. ----------------------------------------------------- Version 1.3: Posted online April 26, 2023 On page 1, "international ground stations" was capitalized. On page 1, "Landsat 7 and Landsat 8" was changed to "Landsat 8 and Landsat 9" in the text and in figure 1. On page 1, a hyperlink was updated from to On page 1, figure 1 was revised to show Landsat 8 and 9 data instead of Landsat 7 and 8 data. The date in the caption for figure 1 was changed from June 2019 to January 2023. On page 2, "four decades" was changed to "five decades." "USGS archive" was changed to "USGS Landsat archive." "Effort" was changed to "initiative." "Landsat community" was changed to "Landsat user community." Text was changed from "to improve scientific uses such as change detection and analysis" to "to contribute to the understanding of a changing Earth." On page 2, "collection stations worldwide" was changed to "IGSs." Text was changed from "USGS archive is shown in figure 2" to "since the start of the LGAC initiative is more than 6.6 million (figs. 2 and 3)." On page 2, text was changed from "recoverable foreign data" to "recoverable IGS data." Text was changed from "into the Landsat archive to "into the USGS Landsat archive." Text was changed from "become visible on EarthExplorer (, GloVis (, and the LandsatLook Viewer (" to "become available from USGS data access portals and the commercial cloud (" Text was changed from "More information about LGAC is provided on the Landsat Missions Web site (" to "For more information on the LGAC initiative and reconciliation status, please visit the Landsat missions website (" On page 2, figure 2 was revised to only show Landsat 4 to 7 scenes. A new figure, figure 3, was added. On page 2, the Facebook hyperlink was updated, the Instagram handle was added, and the National Land Imaging Program hyperlink was updated.