Version History for U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2019-3025 Wildland Fire Science—Supporting Wildland Fire and Land Management By Paul F. Steblein, Mark P. Miller, and Suzanna C. Soileau ----------------------------------------------------- First posted online April 23, 2019 ----------------------------------------------------- Revised and reposted February 14, 2023 as version 1.1 The text on the first page was modified to reflect current available data. A sentence was added that introduces Circular 1471, the USGS Wildland Fire Science Strategic Plan (released in Spanish as well). The bullet points listing wildland fire facts were updated to mainly show 10-year average data rather than data pertaining to only 2018. For the accumulation of fuels, vulnerability to "drought" was added. For remote sensing and geospatial tools and data, "GeoMac" was removed from the list of data and tools.