Revision History for U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2019-3068 By Caitlyn Florentine Glacier Retreat in Glacier National Park, Montana ----------------------------------------------------- Posted online December 4, 2019 ----------------------------------------------------- Revised and reposted December 6, 2019 The following changes were made to the fact sheet: On the front page, the citation "USGS, 2019" was deleted and the citation "Baker and others, 2018" was added to the sentence "These records act as a 'finger on the pulse' of glacier change across the United States and are some of the longest direct measurement records on Earth (Baker and others, 2018; O’Neel and others, 2019)." On the front page, the version number "ver. 1.1" was added and the month of publication was changed from "November 2019" to "December 2019." On the back page, the position of the North arrow on figure 5 was corrected. On the back page, the References section was revised by adding a reference for Baker and others (2018) and deleting the U.S. Geological Survey (2019) reference.