Version History for U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2023-3001 Flood Warning Toolset for the Sabinal River Near Utopia, Texas By Namjeong Choi ----------------------------------------------------- First version posted online February 28, 2023 ----------------------------------------------------- Revised version posted online September 2023 as version 2.0 The revision was necessary because the gage datum was corrected at the reference streamgage 08197970 Sabinal River at Utopia, Tex., from 1,336 feet (ft) to 1,331.9 ft above the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (a systematic error was discovered in the local area, which is related to data entry practices rather than data accuracy). On p. 1, in the "Hydraulic Model" section, simulated stream stage values of 7 and 24 ft were replaced with 11 and 28 ft, respectively. On p. 3, in figure 3, the flood extent and depth layer for a simulated stream stage of 24 ft (referenced to the older, incorrect gage datum) was replaced with a newly created layer for a simulated stream stage of 28 ft (referenced to the new, corrected gage datum). On p. 4, the title of the larger work under "This Fact Sheet is based on the following publication:" was updated to include "(ver. 2.0, September 2023)." On p. 4, in the "References Cited" section, the title of Choi (2023a) was updated to include "(ver. 2.0, September 2023)." On p. 4, in the "References Cited" section, the digital object identifier of Choi (2023b) was changed from "P9332MFT" to "P9CIK9ZF." On p. 4, in the "References Cited" section, the two references for the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) National Water Information System were updated from 2022 access dates to 2023 access dates for the newer, corrected data, and the publication years in these database references were updated accordingly to 2023. Alpha labels were added to distinguish the two USGS (2023) references, and the newly unneeded alpha label for the USGS National Water Dashboard reference was removed (originally 2022b, updated to 2022). The intext citations throughout the report were updated accordingly.