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Table 1. Estimated economic volumes of oil, gas, and natural gas liquids (NGL) in undiscovered conventional oil and gas fields and in unconventional oil and gas accumulations in the United States, at selected prices, January 1994.

[Date from Attanasi (1998). Unconventional accumulations are continuous-type oil and gas accumulations, including coal-bed gas. AG=associated gas or gas in oil accumulations and fields. BBL=billions of barrels, TCF=trillions of cubic feet, bbl=barrel, mcf=thousands of cubic feet]

Conventional undiscovered oil fields

Unconventional oil accumulations

Conventional undiscovered gas fields

Unconventional gas accumulations









 Region*  Oil (BBL)  AG
 NGL (BBL)  Oil (BBL) AG (TCF) NGL (BBL) Oil (BBL) AG (TCF) Oil (BBL) AG (TCF) Gas (TCF) NGL (BBL) Gas (TCF) NGL (BBL) Gas (TCF) NGL (BBL) Gas (TCF) NGL (BBL)
1-Alaska  0.9 0.9 0.0 3.8 3.3 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2-Pacific Coast  1.7 2.2 .1 2.6 3.4 .1 .0 .0 .0 .0 1.2 .0 2.7 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0
3-Colorado Plateau & Basin & Range    .6 1.8 .1 .8 2.3 .1 .1 .1 .4 .3 1.7 .0 3.1 .0 20.8 .0 29.6 .0
4-Rocky Mts. & N. Great Plains  1.7 2.9 .4 3.0 4.0 .6 .0 .0 .0 .4 8.5 .7 11.0 .8 6.9 .0 13.6 .0
5-W. Texas & E. New Mexico  2.0 3.0 .3 2.7 4.0 .4 .0 .0 .0 .0 6.1 .1 9.0 .2 .0 .0 .0 .0
6-Gulf Coast  1.8 3.5 .1 3.2 6.2 .2 .0 .0 .7 1.6 36.9 1.0 57.2 1.6 5.4 .1 5.5 .1
7-Midcontinent .3  1.1 .1 .7 2.1 .1 .0 .0 .0 .0 6.3 .1 9.9 .2 .3 .0 2.1 .0
8-Eastern  .2 .3 .0 .5 .6 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .9 .0 2.7 .0 2.5 .0 21.0 .0

Total United States**

 9.2 15.8 1.1 17.4 25.9 1.6 .1 .1 1.1 2.3 61.7  2.0 95.9 2.9 35.9 .1 72.1 .2
*Figure 4 shows the eight U.S. regions defined for the U.S. Geological Survey's National Assessment of United States Oil and Gas Resources (U.S. Geological Survey, National Oil and Gas Resource Assessment Team, 1995).
**Totals may not add exactly due to rounding.

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