Cascades Volcano Observatory

U.S. Geological Survey
General Information Product 63
version 1.0

Eruptions in the Cascade Range During the Past 4,000 Years

By Bobbie Myers and Carolyn Driedger


thumbnail view of poster showing map of the Cascades on the left and a chart of peak-name vs. eruption date on the right

Volcanoes have been erupting in the Cascade Range for over 500,000 years. During the past 4,000 years eruptions have occurred at an average rate of about 2 per century.

This chart shows 13 volcanoes on a map of Washington, Oregon, and northern California and time lines for each showing the ages of their eruptions.

Download this report as a 24" x 20" PDF file (gip63.pdf; 168 kB)

For questions about this report, contact Carolyn Driedger.

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