Where can I find more information about dinosaurs?
Your local museums, public libraries, and bookstores are good places to start.
Some national monuments (Dinosaur National Monument, UT and CO), national parks
(Petrified Forest National Park, AZ), and state parks (for example, Dinosaur
Valley State Park, TX) have outstanding displays. State geological surveys also
have or can provide information on nearby dinosaur exhibits. The references below
will help you get started; they provided some of the information for this
- Dodson, P., and Dawson, S.D., 1991, Making the fossil record of dinosaurs:
Modern Geology, vol. 16, p. 3-15.
- Farlow, J.O., 1993, The dinosaurs of Dinosaur Valley State Park -- Somervell
County, Texas: Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, Austin, 31 p.
- Glut, D.F., 1982, The New Dinosaur Dictionary: Secaucus. Citadel Press, 288 p.
- Lambert, D., and the Diagram Group, 1990, Dinosaur Data Book: New York, Avon
Books, 320 p.
- Marsh, O.C., 1896, The dinosaurs of North America: U.S. Geological Survey,
Sixteenth Annual Report, part I, p. 131-414.
- Norman, D., 1985, Illustrated Encyclopedia of Dinosaurs: New York, Crescent
Books, 208 p.
- Russell, D.A., 1989, An Odyssey in Time, the Dinosaurs of North America:
Minocqua, North Word Press, 220 p.
- Thulborn, T., 1990, Dinosaus Tracks: London, Chapman and Hall, 410 p.
- Weishampel, D.B., Dodson, P., and Osmolska, H., 1990, The Dinosauria:
Berkeley, University of California Press, 733 p.
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For more information, please contact Robert Weems at rweems@usgs.gov or Ronald Litwin at rlitwin@usgs.gov.
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Last modified 05-17-01 (krw)