Ground Water and the Rural Homeowner
The Hydrologic Cycle
Ground Water
Where ground water occurs
Ground water is constantly moving
Seasonal patterns of ground-water recharge and storage
Effects of long-term climatic trends on ground-water storage
Types of Wells
Dug wells
Driven wells
Drilled wells
Wells and Pumpage
Water-Level Declines
Shallow wells
Increased pumping in the immediate area
Water-Level Rises
Quality of Water
Salt contamination
Oil spills
Methane gas
Barnyard runoff
Pesticides and fertilizers
Septic Systems and Ground Water
Cluster-housing contamination
Unknown Hazards Beneath the Land
Former chemical dump sites
Abandoned wells
Former orchards or vegetable lands
Oil and gas fields
Subsidence and sinkholes
Consider Past and Future Land Use
Country Living Calls for Knowledge
A well log and a water analysis may be as important as a deed
Determine the location of the septic system and water source
Some Practical Considerations
Suggested Reading