Online Reference
Robbins, E., Anderson, J., Flohr, M., Nord, G., Jr., Podwysocki, M., Prugh,
B., Jr., Stanton, M., and Sweet, P., 1996, Application of the Microbial
and Spectral Reflectance Technique (MAST) to the identification of acid
mine drainage at Contrary Creek, Louisa County, Virginia: U.S. Geological
Survey Mine Drainage Newsletter.
References available from Interlibrary Loan
Robbins, E.I., D'Agostino, J.P., Ostwald, J., Fanning, D.S., Carter, V.,
and Van Hoven, R., 1992, Manganese nodules and microbial oxidation of manganese
in the Huntley Meadows wetland, Virginia, USA: Catena Supplement (Dutch
Soils Journal), v. 21, p. 1-23.
Ghiorse, W.C., and Ehrlich, H.L., 1992, Microbial biomineralization of iron
and manganese: Catena Supplement (Dutch Soils Journal), v. 21, p. 75-99.
Robbins, E.I., LaBerge, G.L., and Schmidt, R.G., 1987, A model for the biological
precipitation of Precambrian iron formation: B, Morphological evidence and
modern analogs, in Appel, P.W.U., and LaBerge, G.L., eds., Precambrian
Iron-Formations: Athens, Greece, Theophrastus Press, p. 97-139.
Robbins, E.I., and Norden, A.W., 1994, Microbial oxidation of iron and manganese
in wetlands and creeks of Maryland, Virginia, Delaware, and Washington,
D.C., in Chiang, S.-H., ed., Pittsburgh Coal Conference Proceedings, Coal--Energy
and the Environment, Volume 2, p. 1154-1159.
If You Wish To Share Your Observations, Write
Dr. Eleanora I. Robbins
U.S. Geological Survey
956 National Center
Reston, VA 22092
Martha A. Hayes
U.S. Geological Survey
8987 Yellow Brick Rd.
Baltimore, MD 21237
Contact: Norrie Robbins
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