Alabama, Florida, Georgia, and South Carolina
HA 730-G


There are two different files for each illustration

A 90 ppi JPEG file, suitable for screen viewing is accessed through the thumbnail image.

A tiff file is accessed through the "tiff file" link. All files are Adobe Photoshop. These files have been compressed with GNU's gzip utility. If your web browser defaults to a screen display of the file, turn on the "Load to local disk" option before downloading. Download and process these tiff files as ascii, not binary.

Hydrologic System

Freshwater Controls

Figure 30 Map showing the canal system and water-conservation areas in southern Florida (340K)
downloadable tiff file G030.tif.gz (2.5MB compressed)

Ground-water Flow

Figure 31 Map showing water-table contours and the water movement in the Biscayne aquifer in southern Florida (388K)
downloadable tiff file G031.tif.gz (3.2MB compressed)

Figure 32 Map showing municipal pumpage from the Biscayne aquifer in southern Florida (212K)
downloadable tiff file G032.tif.gz (1.8MB compressed)

Water-Table Fluctuations

Figure 33 Map showing water-table contours and the general direction of water movement in the Biscayne aquifer (240K)
downloadable tiff file G033.tif.gz (1.6MB compressed)

Figure 34 Map showing water-table contours in the Biscayne aquifer during October, 1947 (228K)
downloadable tiff file G034.tif.gz (1.8MB compressed)

Response to Recharge

Figure 35 Graph showing the rise of the water level after intense rainfall in well G-86 located in Miami, Florida (140K)
downloadable tiff file G035.tif.gz (1.2MB compressed)

Canal-Aquifer Connection

Figure 36 Diagram showing the hydraulic connection between the Biscayne aquifer and the canals that cross it (172K)
downloadable tiff file G036.tif.gz (1.4MB compressed)

Figure 37 Photograph showing the large-scale canal control structures that prevent inland movement of saltwater up the canals (164K)
downloadable tiff file G037.tif.gz (1.4MB compressed)

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