Alabama, Florida, Georgia, and South Carolina
HA 730-G

Regional summary

There are two different files for each illustration

A 90 ppi JPEG file, suitable for screen viewing is accessed through the thumbnail image.

A tiff file is accessed through the "tiff file" link. All files are Adobe Photoshop. These files have been compressed with GNU's gzip utility. If your web browser defaults to a screen display of the file, turn on the "Load to local disk" option before downloading. Download and process these tiff files as ascii, not binary.

Fresh Ground-water Withdrawals

Figure 13 Map showing fresh ground-water withdrawals in Segment 6 (372K)
downloadable tiff file G013.tif.gz (3.2MB compressed)

Figure 14 Graph comparing the amount of fresh ground-water withdrawn from each of the Segment 6 aquifers (320K)
downloadable tiff file G014.tif.gz (2.5MB compressed)

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