Geologic Investigation Series I-2610
SummaryThe Barrymore quadrangle (V–59) is a predominantly ridged plains region south of Imdr Regio, incorporating portions of Helen, Nuptadi, and Nsomeka Planitiae. The map area extends from lat 50°–75° S. and long 180°–240°, with nearly 70% coverage by cycle 1 synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images (left-look, incidence angles 16°–23°) and complete coverage by cycle 2 images (right-look, incidence angles 20°–25°) (fig. 1). The majority of the map area is covered by regional plains material that may either be smooth or deformed by wrinkle ridges or ridge belts of variable spacing. The difference in elevation between highest and lowest points in the map area is about 2.3 km. A north-south-oriented, 1,375-km linear ridge belt named “Saule Dorsa” is in the center of the region. The southern tip of this belt is intersected by a stratigraphically complicated, east-west-trending intermittent series of disrupted material, arcuate depressions and rises, regional plains, and volcanic centers. This region (hereafter referred to as the “east-west disrupted zone”) lies within a belt between 63°–67° S. extending from Kadlu Dorsa to Moombi Corona. A high concentration of canali-type channels (long sinuous lava channels that may contain subsidiary channels that branch off from the main channel [Baker and others, 1992; Komatsu and others, 1992]) occurs in Nsomeka Planitia. This includes Xulab Vallis and Citlalpul Valles, which form the eastern extent of a 3,000-km-long canali system (Komatsu and others, 1993). Three instances of canali bifurcation from north-south to east-west orientations occur in this region (fig. 2). Several large impact craters with fluidized ejecta blanket (FEB) outflows occur in the map area, along with some impact crater extended deposits (parabolas). The latter are mapped as surficial material using stipple patterns over the plains materials. These surficial deposits show variations in radar backscatter properties between cycle 1 and cycle 2 images related to orientation of aeolian dune or ripple faces (for example, Weitz and others, 1994; table 1). This region provides an interesting geologic setting for interpreting the history of regional and local plains formation and evolution, mainly due to development and subsequent deformation of the areally extensive plains units and accompanying canali (Komatsu and Baker, 1994). |
First posted May 2, 2003 For additional information, contact: Part or all of this report is presented in Portable Document Format (PDF). For best results viewing and printing PDF documents, it is recommended that you download the documents to your computer and open them with Adobe Reader. PDF documents opened from your browser may not display or print as intended. Download the latest version of Adobe Reader, free of charge. |
Johnson, Jeffrey R.; Komatsu, Goro; Baker, Victor R., 1999, Geologic map of the Barrymore Quadrangle (V-59), Venus: U.S. Geological Survey Geologic Investigations Series Map I-2610, 1 plate,