DIGITAL DATABASE FOR THE QUATERNARY GEOLOGIC MAP OF THE DALLAS QUADRANGLE, UNITED STATES, MISCELLANEOUS INVESTIGATIONS SERIES I-1420 (NI-14) Files available through this site represent the digital component of the Dallas Quadrangle of the Quaternary Geologic Atlas of the U.S., Miscellaneous Investigations Series, Map I-1420 (NI-14). The files contain .e00 files, shapefiles, and pdf files of the map's illustrations and correlation diagram, and pdf files of the map unit descriptions and sources of information. An ARC/INFO aml, keyfiles and shadeset are included to produce the plot of the data. The following ARC/INFO export coverages are included in >geo_net--map unit polygons and open water; lines that are geologic contacts and shorelines. >geo_pnt--a point coverage of point data shown on the map >geo_lin--a line coverage of fault data shown on the map >hydr_lin--a line coverage indicating locations of streams and water bodies >topo_lin--a line coverage containing contour lines >bnd_lin--a line coverage with a neatline and State boundary lines >bnd_poly--a polygon coverage containing county and administrative areas >rd_lin--a line coverage of State and Federal highways in the U.S. >rr_lin--a line coverage of railroads >grid_lin--a line coverage of 1 degree projection lines Included in I-1420_ni-14_map.pdf--A scan of the original published paper map I-1420_ni-14_plotfile.pdf--Plot of the digital files containing map units, hydrology, topography, and list of map symbols I-1420_ni-14_correlation.pdf--Scan of correlation diagram on published paper map. I-1420_ni-14_sand.pdf--Scan of illustration of sand and loess distribution and thickness shown on the paper map. I-1420_ni-14_index.pdf--Index map showing location of Quaternary Geologic Atlas of the U.S. quadrangles and quadrangles published digitally and as paper maps. I-1420_ni-14_responsibility.pdf--A scan of the illustration of State compilation responsibilities shown on the paper map I-1420_ni-14_textonly.pdf--Text description of map units, figure captions, and sources of information used in preparing the original map Errors noted on I-1420_ni_14_map.pdf In DESCRIPTION OF MAP UNITS, zse, CLAYEY SAND AND SANDY CLAY DECOMPOSITON, DECOMPOSITON should be spelled DECOMPOSITION In SOURCES OF INFORMATION, Wood, W.W., and Ostercamp, W.R., Ostercamp should be spelled Osterkamp Also available in the file are the ArcView shape files of the Arc/Info coverages Charles A. Bush U.S. Geological Survey (303) 236-4723