------------ INTRODUCTION ------------ Following is a list of coverages contained in this workspace used to generate the included EPS file. Please note that not all features listed in the features list are present in the indicated coverage. This is merely a list of mappable features for which symbology has been developed. Use the Arc/Info frequency command to determine which items are present in a given coverage. ------------------------------------------------- CONTACTS COVERAGE (arcs, annotation and polygons) ------------------------------------------------- Contains polygon boundaries between mappable geologic units and polygon codes for the mappable geologic units. Arcs are coded to represent certainty of contact location. Annotation is added to indicate geologic units. Annotation size is scaled to plot as an 8 point Helvetica font when plotted at the indicated map scale. Special characters are used to represent specific geologic formation ages (see note below). ** contacts.aat ** (arccode 5 6 c) --> contact arcs codes con = contact acon = approximately located contact icon = inferred contact ccon = concealed contact fcon = fault contact bord = map border ** contacts.pat ** (polycode 6 7 c) --> geologic unit polygon codes =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- **NOTE** Special characters are used to indicate Cambrian, Pennsylvanian and Triassic rocks. In order to display these characters special fonts should be used with the following equivalent characters: ^ = Cambrian & = Pennsylvanian @ = Triassic 'Qa','Alluvium (Holocene)' 'Ql','Landslide deposits (Holocene and Pleistocene)' 'Qf','Alluvial-fan deposits (Holocene and Pleistocene)' 'Qs','Lacustrine sand and silt (Holocene and Pleistocene)' 'Qm','Till (Pleistocene)' 'Qo','Glacial outwash (Pleistocene)' 'QTg','Alluvial and pediment gravels (Quaternary and Tertiary)' 'Tbz','Bozeman Group and related valley-fill deposits, undivided (Pliocene to Eocene)' 'Ts','Basaltic rocks near Sweetwater Creek (Pliocene)' 'Tc','Challis Volcanics (Eocene)' 'Tvu','Volcanic rocks (Tertiary)' 'Tibd','Intrusive basalt and diorite (early Tertiary)' 'Trd','Rhyodacite, dacite, andesite, and rhyolite (Tertiary)' 'Ti','Intrusive rocks (Tertiary)' 'Tq','Monzogranite, granodiorite, quartz monzodiorite, and related intrusive granitic rocks (Tertiary)' 'Tgd','Granodiorite (Tertiary)' 'Tbmg','Biotite-muscovite granodiorite (Tertiary)' 'TKgd','Hornblende-biotite granodiorite (Tertiary and Cretaceous)' 'Kmg','Monzogranite (Cretaceous)' 'Kfgt','Foliated hornblende-biotite granodiorite and tonalite (Cretaceous)' 'Tsi','Silicic dikes (Tertiary)' 'TKg','Biotite-muscovite granite (Tertiary and Cretaceous)' 'Kbgg','Biotite granodiorite and granite (Late Cretaceous)' 'Kgtd','Granodiorite, tonalite, and quartz diorite (Late Cretaceous)' 'Khg','Hornblende gabbro (Late Cretaceous)' 'Kfm','Foliated meta-igneous rocks (Cretaceous?)' 'Kfr','Granite gneiss of Foolhen Ridge (Cretaceous?)' 'Khbg','Hornblende biotite gneiss (Cretaceous?)' 'Kal','Alaskite, aplite, and pegmatite and related felsic rocks (Cretaceous)' 'Kgd','Granodiorite (Cretaceous)' 'Ki','Granitic rocks, undivided (Late Cretaceous)' 'Kvu','High potassium dacite and minor andesite and dacite (Late Cretaceous)' 'Kem','Elkhorn Mountains Volcanics (Late Cretaceous)' 'TKb','Beaverhead Group (Tertiary? and Upper Cretaceous)' 'Km','Sedimentary rocks of McCartney Mountain (Cretaceous)' 'Ks','Sedimentary rocks (upper and lower parts) and Blackleaf Formation, undivided (Upper and Lower Cretaceous)' 'Kk','Kootenai Formation (Lower Cretaceous)' 'J@u','Jurassic and Triassic rocks' 'Jm','Morrison Formation (Upper Jurassic)' '@u','Triassic rocks, undivided' 'PMu','Permian to Mississippian rocks-Includes the Phosphoria Formation (Permian) and Quadrant Formation (Pennsylvanian and Upper Mississippian)' 'Pp','Phosphoria Formation (Permian)' '&Mq','Quadrant Formation (Pennsylvanian and Upper Mississippian)' '&Mu','Snowcrest Range Group (Lower Pennsylvanian Upper Mississippian) and Madison Group (Upper and Lower Mississippian), undivided)' 'MDu','Three Forks Shale and Jefferson Formation (Mississippian? and Upper and Middle Devonian), undivided' 'Oq','Quartzite of Dickie Peak (Ordovician?)' '^u','Cambrian rocks, undivided (Upper and Middle Cambrian)' 'Ys','Swauger Formation (Middle Proterozoic)' 'Yl','Lemhi Group (Middle Proterozoic)' 'Yy','Yellowjacket Formation (Middle Proterozoic)' 'Yg','Prophyritic granite (Middle Proterozoic)' 'Ym','Missoula Group (Middle Proterozoic)' 'Ymm','Foliated metasedimentary rocks, probably part of the Bonner Quartzite and Mount Shields Formation (Middle Proterozoic)' 'Yq','Quartzite of Grace Lake (Middle Proterozoic?)' 'Ycg','Conglomerate (Middle Proterozoic?)' 'Ysc','Quartzite, siltite, and argillite of Swamp Creek (Middle Proterozoic)' 'Yhe','Helena and Empire Formations (Middle Proterozoic)' 'Ysg','Spokane and Greyson Formations (Middle Proterozoic)' 'Ynl','Newland and LaHood Formations (Middle Proterozoic)' 'Ytm','Quartzite of Table Mountain (Middle Proterozoic)' 'Yd','Diabase (Middle Proterozoic)' 'Xga','Gneiss and amphibolite (Early Proterozoic)' 'Xmb','Mylonitic biotite gneiss (Early Proterozoic)' 'Xg','Granite, aplite, and pegmatite (Early Proterozoic)' 'Xi','Mylonitic orthogneiss and granite sills (Early Proterozoic)' 'X(A)b','Biotite gneiss (Early Proterozoic and Archean)' 'X(A)m','Mylonitic biotite gneiss (Early Proterozoic and Archean)' 'X(A)g','Garnetiferous gneiss and schist (Early Proterozoic and Archean)' 'X(A)qf','Quartz-feldspar-biotite gneiss (Early Proterozoic and Archean)' 'X(A)q','Quartzofeldspathic gneiss (Early Proterozoic and Archean)' 'XAu','Ultramafic rocks (Early Proterozoic? and Archean)' 'Aqf','Quartzofeldspathic gneiss (Archean)' 'Aa','Amphibolite (Archean)' 'Aas','Aluminous schist (Archean)' 'Asg','Interlayered schist and gneiss (Archean)' 'Am','Marble (Archean)' 'Aq','Quartzite (Archean)' 'Aif','Iron-formation (Archean)' 'Ag','Gneissic rocks (Archean)' 'water','Water' =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ---------------------------------------- FAULTS COVERAGE (arcs and point markers) ---------------------------------------- Contains mapped faults. Arcs are codes to represent specific fault types and certainty of surface location. Points denote spacial markers on faults (i.e., ball & bar and strike-slip arrows). Strike value rotates the point marker appropriately for the trend of the fault trace at the location of the point marker. ** faults.aat ** (arccode 5 6 c) --> fault arc code -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= **NOTE** For reverse faults, thrust faults, and detachment faults, the teeth are on the LEFT-HAND side of the arc based on the FNODE and the TNODE. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= faul = fault afaul = approximately located fault ifaul = inferred fault cfaul = concealed fault rev = reverse fault arev = approximately located reverse fault irev = inferred reverse fault crev = concealed reverse fault tst = thrust fault atst = approximately located thrust fault itst = inferred thrust fault ctst = concealed thrust fault det = detachment fault adet = approximately located detachment fault idet = inferred detachment fault cdet = concealed detachment fault cald = caldera margin acald = approximately located caldera margin icald = inferred caldera margin ccalc = concealed caldera margin ** faults.pat ** --> fault point marker code (ftype 4 5 c) ball = ball and bar on downthrown block rlss = right-lateral strike-slip fault llss = left-lateral strike-slip fault mylo = mylonite or shear zone (strike 3 4 i) -- strike of fault at fault marker point location --------------------------------------- FOLDS COVERAGE (arcs and point markers) --------------------------------------- Contains arcs representing fold axial traces. Arcs are coded to represent certainty of location of axial trace. Points denote markers to indicate fold type (i.e., anticline, syncline, etc.). Strike value rotates the point marker appropriately for the trend of the fold axial trace at the location of the point marker. ** folds.aat ** (arccode 5 6 c) --> fold arc code fold = fold axis afold = approximately located fold axis ifold = inferred fold axis cfold = concealed fold axis ** folds.pat ** (ftype 4 5 c) --> fold point marker code -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= **NOTE** For overturned anticlines, overturned synclines and monoclines the beds dip to the RIGHT while looking in the strike direction. For plunge direction, the strike is in the direction of axial plunge. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= anti = anticline syn = syncline mono = monocline otan = overturned anticline otsy = overturned syncline dome = dome basi = basin plun = plunge direction (strike 3 4 i) --> strike of fold axis at fold marker point location ----------------------------------- STRIKE&DIP COVERAGE (point markers) ----------------------------------- Contains points where structural attitudes were measured. Points are coded to represent the type of planar feature measured. Strike value is used to rotate the attitude marker symbol appropriately. Dip value is added as annotation next to the attitude symbol. Annotation size is scaled to plot as an 6 point Helvetica font when plotted at the indicated map scale. ** strike&dip.pat ** (atype 4 5 c) bdg = bedding fol = foliation jnt = jointing (strike 3 4 i) --> strike of layering (dip 3 4 i) --> dip of layering ------------------------------- GEOL_REGIONS COVERAGE (regions) ------------------------------- Contains polygons for specific geologic features not included in the CONTACTS coverage. Specific geologic features are separated into different REGIONS subclasses. Subclass names indicate the geologic feature. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= **NOTE** Attribute items not needed for geol_regions.pat or geol_regions.aat. Use regionlines and regionshades to plot these features. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= geol_regions.patCLINKER = regions of clinker geol_regions.patHYDRO = regions with hydrothermal alteration geol_regions.patPALEOSOL = regions of paleosol geol_regions.patSILICIFIED = regions with silicification geol_regions.patPEDIMENT = pediment surfaces -------------------------- GEOL_LINES COVERAGE (arcs) -------------------------- Contains arcs for specific geologic features not included in the CONTACTS, FAULTS, or FOLDS coverage. Arcs are coded to indicate the type of geological line feature. ** geology_lines.aat ** (arccode 5 6 c) silcr = silcrete bed vein = veins dik1 = dikes and sills cdik1 = concealed dikes and sills dik2 = dikes and sills cdik2 = concealed dikes and sills dik3 = dikes and sills cdik3 = concealed dikes and sills dik4 = dikes and sills cdik4 = concealed dikes and sills dik5 = dikes and sills cdik5 = concealed dikes and sills dik6 = dikes and sills cdik6 = concealed dikes and sills vein = veins cvein = concealed veins scarp = scarps glax = glacial extent glam = glacial meltwater channel scarp mine = open pit mine linem = geological lineament determined from air photos ------------------------------------ GEOL_POINTS COVERAGE (point markers) ------------------------------------ Contains geologic point features not included in other coverages. Point code indicates the type of feature. ** geology_points.pat ** (ptcode 5 6 c) brecc = sedimentary breccia