LIST OF MAP UNITS QUATERNARY SURFICIAL DEPOSITS .1 Qd Quaternary deposits undivided (Holocene and Pleistocene) .2 Qa Alluvium undivided (Holocene) .3 Qf Alluvial-fan deposits (Holocene) .4 Ql Landslide and related deposits (Holocene) .5 Qm Glacial deposits undivided (Pleistocene) .6 Qtr Travertine (Pleistocene) MIOCENE VOLCANIC AND SEDIMENTARY ROCKS .7 Tcb Columbia River Basalt group .8 Tpa Payette Formation EOCENE CHALLIS VOLCANIC GROUP SEDIMENTARY AND INTRUSIVE ROCKS Thunder Mountain Cauldron Complex Intrusive rocks .9 Trd Rhyolite dikes .10 Tqp Quartz porphyry intrusions .11 Tr Rhyolite intrusions .12 Tmi Mafic intrusions Granitic rocks of Casto Pluton .13 Tg Granite .14 Thg Hornblende granite .15 Tgp Gray porphyry Extrusive and sedimentary rocks .16 Tla Latite of Lookout Mountain .17 Tds Beds of Dewey Mine .18 Tss Sunnyside Tuff of Shannon and Reynolds (1975) .19 Tsu Upper Tuff .20 Tmx Megabreccia .21 Tslu Uppermost tuff that has mineralogy of lower tuff .22 Tsrl Rhyolite lava or tuff .23 Tsl Lower tuff .24 Tbr Buff rhyolite .25 Tpl Perlitic rhyolite .26 Tdq Dime-and-quarter size lapilli tuff .27 Tdql Lower densely welded tuff .28 Tll Lower latite lava .29 Tcv Challis volcanic group, undivided Northern part of Van Horn Peak cauldron complex and Panther Creek graben Intrusive rocks .10 Tqp Quartz porphyry intrusions .11 Tr Rhyolite intrusions .12 Tmi Mafic intrusions .30 Tvp Tuff of Van Horn Peak Granitic rocks of Casto Pluton .13 Tg Granite .14 Thg Hornblende granite .15 Tgp Gray porphyry .31 Tdi Dikes and plugs of intermediate composition Extrusive and sedimentary rocks .32 Toc Colluvium of Panther Creek Tuff of Castle Rock and related rocks .33 Tmt Monolith-forming tuff .34 Tck Tuff of Castle Rock .35 Tfl Flow-layered rhyolite .36 Tb Basaltic lava .37 Tqb Quartz-biotite tuff .38 Tap Alkali feldspar-plagioclase tuff .39 Tdt Dirty tuff Tuffs of Camas Creek-Black Mountain and related rocks .40 Tc Tuffs of Camas Creek-Black Mountain .41 Ttm Tuff of Table Mountain .42 Tcs Tuff of Camas Creek-Black Mountain and bedded strata, undivided .43 Tp Tuff of Pennal Gulch .44 Trb Rhyolite of Red Butte .45 Tpq Quartz-phenocryst perlite .46 Tem Tuff of Eightmile Creek .47 Tl Potassium-rich andesite, latite, and basalt lava .48 Te Tuff of Ellis Creek .49 Tdf Dacitic and rhyodacitic lava .50 Tmz Intermediate lava and breccia of mixed zone .51 Tlt Lithic tuff of Corral Creek .52 Tfr Flow-laminated rhyolite or quartz latite lava Corral Creek cauldron segment and area north and east of Challis Intrusive rocks .12 Tmi Mafic intrusions .53 Tinm Intermediate and mafic intrusions Extrusive rocks .54 Tcr Tuff of Challis Creek, outflow unit .41 Ttm Tuff of Table Mountain .43 Tp Tuff of Pennal Gulch .46 Tem Tuff of Eightmile Creek