Historic Trail Map of the Trinidad 1° x 2° Quadrangle, Southern Colorado
By Glenn R. Scott
Version 1.0
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Map PDF file (15 MB)
(This version of the map sheet is presented as a low-resolution (96 dpi) PDF
file that can be downloaded for viewing and printing. A higher resolution PDF
file is not provided because it is prohibitively large and cannot be downloaded
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Map (text only) PDF file (185 KB)
(This version of the report is accessible as defined in Section 508.)
Pamphlet (text only) PDF file (1.1 MB)
(This version of the report is accessible as defined in Section 508.)
(A version of the pamphlet that is fully illustrated with figures and
photographs is not provided as a PDF file, because the file is prohibitively
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High-quality printed paper copies of the map and accompanying fully illustrated pamphlet are available for purchase at Information Services, U.S. Geological Survey (1-888-ASK-USGS).
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