Files available through this site represent the digital component of the Map of Surficial Deposits in the Eastern and Central United States (East of 102 degrees West Longitude), U.S. Geological Investigations Series I-2789. This following files are provided in .ZIP or .tar.gz archives: i-2789.txt--the metadata for the data sfgeoep020.*--the shapefiles of the geology polygons sfgeoel020.*--the shapefiles of the geology arcs glacall020.*--the shapefiles of the glacial limit lines glacagl020.*--the shapefiles of the glacial limit lines and decorations that are only properly displayed in Lambert_Azuthimal projection with the following parameters: Radius of the sphere of projection, 6370997; Longitude of projection center, -100; and Latitude of projection center, 45. sfgeoem020l.e00--the lambert_azimuthal coverage of the geology sfgeoem020.e00--the geographic coverage of the geology glacall020l.e00--the lambert_azimuthal coverage of the glacial limit lines glacall020l.e00--the lambert_azimuthal coverage of the glacial limit lines and decorations glacall020.e00--the geographic coverage of the glacial limit lines Chuck Bush (303) 236-4723