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U.S. Geological Survey Geologic Investigations Series I–2747

Prepared for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Geologic Map of the Kaiwan Fluctus Quadrangle (V–44), Venus

By Nathan T. Bridges and George E. McGill



Kaiwan Fluctus quadrangle (V–44), Venus, lies between 25° to 50° S. latitude and 0° to 30° E. longitude. Alpha Regio dominates the northwestern part of the quadrangle. This Greenland-sized block of tessera has pronounced topography, rising up to 3 km above the surrounding plains. The south-central to southeastern part of the quadrangle contains Astkhik Planum, which stands a few hundred meters above the adjacent plains (see discussion of Derceto Plateau in Baer and others, 1994). The southwest margin of Astkhik is bounded by tessera material, whereas the northern and eastern edges are sur- rounded by a belt of ridges and troughs that slope away from the plateau into a topographic moat. Seven coro-nae are in V–44; five of these—Eve, Carpo, Tamfana, Selu, and Derceto—are part of a larger extensional belt that continues southward into V–56 quadrangle (Baer and others, 1994). A classic assemblage of steep-sided domes, Seoritsu Farra, is 200 km east of Alpha Regio. The map area contains 15 impact craters, including Stuart, which is recognized for its extensive impact melt outflows and parabolic halo.

thumbnail view of map

Last modified March 21, 2012
First posted January 26, 2004

For additional information:
Contact Astrogeology Research Program staff
Astrogeology Science Center
U.S. Geological Survey
2255 N. Gemini Dr.
Flagstaff, AZ 86001

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Suggested citation:

Bridges N.T., and McGill, G.E., 2002, Geologic Map of the Kaiwan Fluctus Quadrangle (V–44), Venus: U.S. Geological Survey Geologic Investigations Series I–2747, available at

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