NOTES ON USING THE 'CTR807' AML AND SHADE SET IN ARC/INFO ________________________________________________________________________________ # Original AML programming by Bill Beeman # Color selection by Ginger Scott # # Eugene G. Ellis # Tue Dec 27 13:49:53 MST 1994 These notes explain how to use the 'ctr807' aml and shade set in ARC/INFO for the prepartion of thematic maps. The 'ctr807.aml' was created to provide an integrated, consistent shade set for thematic maps. The individual colors that compose this shade set are the colors most commonly used in the thematic maps of the USGS (U.S. Geological Survey). The colors are specified with the CMYK color system, which is supported by ARC/INFO and is the system of choice for the printing contractors used by the USGS. Use of the CMYK system enables the production personnel to work with confidence that the final four-color negative separates produced on an electronic prepress system will contain the colors that were specified. The intermediate proof plots that are produced on any of the common paper and film plotters can be expected to be reasonably consistent in regard to color, within the hardware limitations of the various plotters. >>> HOW TO PRODUCE A 'CTR807.SHD' SHADE SET Arc: ctr807 [run ctr807.aml] [you will be asked to choose two percentages for color saturation as explained on screen] The 'ctr807.shd' shade set is produced in your current working directory. This shade set can be used as a replacement for 'plotter.shd'. >>> HOW TO PRODUCE A 'CTR807.SHD' PLOT FILE Arc: ctr807 [run ctr807.aml to produce ctr807.shd] Arc: shd ctr807.shd [run shd.aml to produce ctr807.gra] Arc: hpgl2 ctr807.gra ctr807.hp2 [produce HPGL2 plot file] [rotation is not necessary] The 'ctr807.hp2' plot file can be sent to any plotter that can handle the HPGL2 format. For example, if you want to plot using the Unix SVR4 print system, enter the following command from either the ARC/INFO or system prompt: lp -d your_plotter_name ctr807.hp2 The plot file will be spooled to the plotter, and you can return to your work without waiting for the plotting to finish. >>> SYSTEM INFORMATION The following information is specific to '' which is located at the USGS in Denver, CO. If you set up the 'ctr807' files on your own system, then you might have to make some modifications. ARCHOME=/esri/arcexe61 $ARCHOME/atool/arc/ctr807.aml $ARCHOME/atool/arc/shd.aml $ARCHOME/local/keyshade/ctr807-[1-20].key