The data is supplied in ARC/INFO export format and as Acrobat PDF files.
DATABASE STRUCTURE - ARC/INFO ====================================
The database of the map consists of four coverages (root name = pal).
palpoly coverage: Contains all contact lines and label points for each polygon. The CODE item defines the significance of the lines as listed below. The P1 item defines the category of polygon as listed below and in the TEXT and SYMBOL items in the palpoly.pat INFO file. The TEXT item contains the geologic unit abbreviations and and SYMBOL item contains the color524.shd color numbers.
palline coverage: Contains faults, fold axis, and other non-contact lines. Faults that are contacts also appear in the palpoly coverage. The CODE item defines the significance of the lines as listed below and in the palline.aat INFO file. The TEXT item contains the line feature description.
palsym coverage: Contains points recording observations, such as strike and dip of bedding, points for posting of dip or plunge values associated with the observation points, and arcs that draw out the symbols associated with the observation points and the symbols used to decorate certain lines. The CODE item defines the type of observation as listed below. For rotational observations (CODE 200 to 299) the P1 item is the azimuth (strike) and the P2 item is the inclination (dip).
paltext coverage: Contains text points that define the position, rotation, and size of text to appear on the face of the map. Also includes arcs that draw leaders from the text to the appropriate polygons. This coverage is for cartographic purposes and does not include data critical to the database information. The P1 item defines rotation of the text, the P2 item the size of text, and the TEXT item the actual text.
Database root name: pal
P1 VALUE AND LETTER SYMBOLS FOR GEOLOGIC UNITS MAPPED======= 100,Qac 103,Qls 106,Kd 110,Qt1 112,Qt2 114,Qp 115,Qt3 118,Tg 147,Qfy 176,Qalc 177,Qdy 178,Qdu 179,QTbr 181,Qt 205,af 206,Tb 207,Tw 208,Kmv 209,Km 300,Water
FEATURES IN THE DATABASE------------------------- CODE | FEATURE 001 | contact; certain 003 | contact; approximately located 083 | Rollins ss contact line 090 | concealed contact 092 | topographic escarpment contact line 093 | water boundary contact line 095 | custom line A 099 | map boundary 201 | bedding attitude symbol 300 | Plots the symbol number read from P2 500 | Unit labels text & tag 501 | Hidden unit tags 502 | Ordinary text 503 | map text 700 | Splined text