U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Field Studies Map MF-2327-C
Geochemistry, Geochronology, Mineralogy, and Geology Suggest Sources of and Controls on Mineral Systems in the Southern Toquima Range, Nye County, Nevada
By Daniel R. Shawe1
With geochemistry maps of Gold, silver, mercury, arsenic, antimony, zinc, copper, lead, molybdenum, bismuth, iron, titanium, vanadium, cobalt, beryllium, boron, fluorine, and sulfurBy Daniel R. Shawe1 and J.D. Hoffman1
And with a section on Lead associations, mineralogy and paragenesis, and isotopesBy Daniel R. Shawe1, Bruce R. Doe1, Eugene E. Foord2, Holly J. Stein3, and Robert A. Ayuso1
Version 1.0
1U.S. Geological Survey
2U.S. Geological Survey (deceased)
3Colorado State University
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Pamphlet PDF file (7.4 MB) (This version of the report is accessible as defined in Section 508.) |
Pamphlet to accompany maps. | |||
Maps showing distribution and abundance of gold (Map A), silver (Map B), mercury (Map C), arsenic (Map D), and antimony (Map E) in rock samples from part of the southern Toquima Range and adjacent areas, Nye County, Nevada. | |||
Maps showing distribution and abundance of zinc (Map F), copper (Map G), lead (Map H), molybdenum (Map I), and bismuth (Map J) in rock samples from part of the southern Toquima Range and adjacent areas, Nye County, Nevada. | |||
Maps showing distribution and abundance of iron (Map K), titanium (Map L), vanadium (Map M), and cobalt (Map N) in rock samples from part of the southern Toquima Range and adjacent areas, Nye County, Nevada. | |||
Maps showing distribution and abundance of beryllium (Map O), boron (Map P), fluorine (Map Q), and sulfur (Map R) in rock samples from part of the southern Toquima Range and adjacent areas, Nye County, Nevada. | |||
Maps showing the locations of rock samples from part of the southern Toquima Range and adjacent areas, Nye County, Nevada. | |||
Data ZIP file (184 KB) | Zipped archive of chemical data to accompany maps. |
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