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125 Years of Science for America - 1879 to 2004
U.S. Geological Survey

Other Publications by USGS Authors

This Web site is a place where we post publications that were written by U.S. Geological Survey authors but either have no standard USGS series designation or were first published elsewhere. This might include publications by organizations that have no online posting available. It also includes organizations that no longer exist.

FISC Proceedings - Federal Interagency Sedimentation Conferences, 1947 to 2006 This collection contains images of printed Proceedings from seven Federal Interagency Sedimentation Conferences of 1947, 1963, 1976, 1986, 1991, 1996, 2001, and 2006. This is an online version of a CD-ROM that was produced in only limited numbers. (521 MB total)

Hawai‘i Division of Hydrography Bulletins These reports contain the first comprehensive and detailed studies of the geology and water resources of the (then) Territory of Hawai‘i. The main author of this remarkable series was Harold T. Stearns, a geologist with the U.S. Geological Survey for more than 20 years. (408 MB total)

Earthquakes and Volcanoes Volume 20, number 2 (1988):, the Parkfield edition. (660 MB total)

Field Demonstrations in Anthropogenic Waste or Unexploded Ordnance Sought for USGS Marine Induced Polarization (IP) Streamer System Technology by Jeff Wynn, printed Sept. 2008 (IP-Streamer_Wynn-Giller.pdf, 2.5 MB)

U.S. Geological Survey National Center for Earthquake Research Crustal Studies Technical Letters, a series that started in 1962.

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Maintained by: Michael Diggles
Created: June 18, 2004
Last modified: July 18, 2012 (mfd)