Quality of Ground Water in Shallow Wells in Agricultural Areas of Haywood, Shelby, Lake, and Obion Counties, Tennessee, January and February 1988

U.S. Geological Survey, Open-File Report 88-309

by D.B. Withington

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There are sparse data on the impact of agricultural chemicals on ground-water quality in the state of Tennessee. Three areas have been chosen in West Tennessee for sampling ground water for nitrogen species and pesticides. These areas, located in Haywood, Shelby, Lake, and Obion Counties, are all areas of high intensity agriculture. Because of the importance of the surficial alluvial aquifer to domestic supply in West Tennessee, shallow wells at each site were sampled. Two sampling events were scheduled, in the winter and in the spring, to document seasonal variation in concentrations of nutrients and pesticides. Preliminary results from the first sampling event indicate a range of concentrations of nitrite plus nitrate as nitrogen from less than 0.1 to 7.8 milligrams per liter. The results from analyses for triazine pesticide show all concentrations below the analytical detection limit.

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