Water Quality of Runoff to the Clarksville Memorial Hospital Drainage Well and of Mobley Spring Clarksville, Tennessee, February-March 1988

U.S. Geological Survey, Open-File Report 88-310

by A.B. Hoos

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A drainage-well and a spring site in Clarksville, Tennessee, have been instrumented to collect storm-related data in order to define the types and concentrations of water-quality characteristics in stormwater runoff and in the receiving ground-water basin. Water-quality samples of storm runoff at the drainage well at Clarksville Memorial Hospital and of nearby Mobley Spring were collected during four storms and during normal flow conditions during the period February to March 1988.

Samples were analyzed for major inorganic water-quality constituents, selected trace metals, and organic compounds. Several samples from the drainage well and the spring had trace-metal concentrations that exceeded maximum contaminant levels for State drinking-water standards. Organic compounds including phenols , polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons, and other base-neutral extractable organic substances are present in samples from both the drainage well and spring.

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