Errata for Kansas reservoir values in USGS Open-File Report 90-163 ----------------------------------------------------- Originally published in 1990 ----------------------------------------------------- This errata sheet was added to the report citation page October 2017 In OFR 90-163, the values for the normal capacity of five reservoirs in Kansas controlled by the Bureau of Reclamation were mistakenly reported as including the flood control storage. Also, a typo in the normal capacity of Wilson Lake meant it was reported as ten times the actual normal capacity. Below are the corrections. Page 11, Table 1: Change total normal capacity of reservoirs in Kansas from 6,918,641 acre-feet to 3,418,031 acre-feet Page 12, Table 2: Remove Wilson Lake from the table. No reservoirs in Kansas have a normal capacity of 2,000,000 acre-feet or more. Pages 107-109, Table 3: The normal capacities for the following reservoirs are revised based on the active capacity reported by Bureau of Reclamation in the Annual Operating Plans for Niobrara, Lower Platte, and Kansas River Basins for calendar years 1990-1991: Keith Sebelius Lake: change from 134,738 to 35,935 acre-feet Kirwin Reservoir: change from 314,558 to 99,435 acre-feet Lovewell Reservoir: change from 92,150 to 41,690 acre-feet Waconda Lake: change from 963,800 to 241,460 acre-feet Webster Reservoir: change from 260,740 to 77,371 acre-feet Page 109, Table 3: The normal capacity for Wilson Lake is revised based on an August 8, 2017 phone conversation with Christopher Burzer, Water Management Section Chief, Kansas City District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers: Wilson Lake: change from 2,478,350 to 247,835 acre-feet -----------------------------------------------------