U.S. Geological Survey

Some Industrial Mineral Deposit Models:
Descriptive Deposit Models

Edited by G.J. Orris and J.D. Bliss

U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 91-0011-A

This publication is a compilation of descriptive mineral deposit models
for 21 industrial mineral deposits. Industrial minerals are defined as
rock, mineral, or other natural substances that are nonmetallic. This
paper follows a format similar to that used in "Mineral Deposit Models"
(USGS Bulletin 1693, D. Cox and D. Singer, editors, 1986). The models
describe the geological, geochemical, and geophysical characteristics of
each deposit type along with principal commodities produced and economic
limitations of the deposit.

Originally published in 1991, this report is presented here in
Portable Document Format. Adobe Acrobat Reader 3.0™ is required
to view it. If you already have Acrobat Reader 3.0 installed on
your computer, click here to access the text (950 kb).
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For more information about this report contact William D. Heran at wheran@usgs.gov