Contents of the COMMENTS.DAT file
Version 1.0, 1 Sep 92

         For each station having comments, the first line contains the
          station name and the subsequent lines contain the comment.

              The file is sorted on station number (columns 1-8)
               and sequence number (columns 10-11) within that.

Columns  Format  Contents

  1-8     I8     Station number - the 8 digit station number uniquely
                    identifying the station.
   9      1X     Blank.
 10-11    I2     Sequence number of this comment line for this station.  The
                    line containing the station name has a sequence number of
   12     1X     Blank.
 13-60    A48    Comment or one line of a multi-line comment or the station
                    name if the sequence number is zero.

Format descriptions:

   In    an integer field n columns wide.
   A48   a character field 48 columns wide.
   1X    a single blank column.

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