Contents of the STATIONS.DAT file
Version 1.0, 1 Sep 92
There is one record (line) for each station.
The file is sorted on station number (columns 1-8).
Columns Format Contents
1-8 I8 Station number - the 8 digit station number uniquely
identifying the station.
9 1X Blank.
10-57 A48 Station name - the 48 character name of the station.
58 1X Blank.
59-66 I8 Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC). The first two digits of the HUC
specify the Water Resources Council region. The data, if
any, for this station will be found in a sub-directory
based on these first two digits of the HUC.
67 1X Blank.
68-75 F8.0 Drainage area in square miles.
76 1X Blank.
77 A1 Time Scale - a one character code which indicates the shortest
time scale at which the data is suitable for use in
climatic analysis.
D - Values at any time scale are suitable. Daily,
monthly, and annual values are provided.
M - Only monthly or longer term values are suitable;
however, daily, monthly, and annual values are
N - No data is suitable and no data is provided.
78 A1 Portion of record - a one character code which indicates
whether the entire gaged record, or only a subset of it, is
suitable for use in climatic analysis. No record after
WY1988 has been examined for inclusion in the HCDN. The
WYEARS.DAT file shows the water years for which data is
E - The entire period of record, but not after WY1988,
is suitable and provided.
P - Only part of the gaged record is suitable and
N - No data is suitable and no data is provided.
79 1X Blank.
80-81 I2 Number of lines of comments for this station in the
COMMENTS.DAT file. This count does not include the initial
line giving the station name.
82 1X Blank.
83-84 A2 District - the two character abbreviation of the USGS Water
Resources Division District which services the gaging
station. See the STATES.DAT file for a list of these
85 1X Blank.
86-87 A2 State - the two character abbreviation of the state in which
the gaging station is located. See the STATES.DAT file for
a list of these abbreviations.
88 1X Blank.
89-91 I3 County - the code number of the county in which the gaging
station is located. See Federal Information Processing
Standards Publication (FIPS PUBS) 6-3 for a list of these
92 1X Blank.
93-98 I6 Latitude of the gaging station in the form DDMMSS where D is
degrees, M is minutes, and S is seconds.
99 A1 Hemisphere of the latitude - N for Northern and S for
100 1X Blank.
101-107 I7 Longitude of the gaging station in the form DDDMMSS.
108 A1 Hemisphere of the longitude - W for Western and E for
109-116 F8.2 Datum - an arbitrary reference point generally corresponding
to the elevation of the gaging station in feet above the
National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929. A value of
-99.00 indicates a missing value.
117-120 I4 Non-contributing drainage area in percent of drainage area.
121 1X Blank.
122 A1 Benchmark indicator - B if the station is a Benchmark station,
blank otherwise.
123 A1 Current Conditions indicator - C if the station is a Current
Conditions station, blank otherwise.
Conversion factors:
Multiply feet by 0.3048 to obtain meters.
Multiply square miles by 2.590 to obtain square kilometers.
Format descriptions:
In an integer field n columns wide.
F8.x a real (float) field 8 columns wide with x decimal places to the right
of the decimal point.
An a character field n columns wide.
1X a single blank column.
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