Contents of the WYEARS.DAT file
Version 1.0, 1 Sep 92

            No record after WY1988 has been examined for inclusion
                       in the HCDN and none is provided.

                 There is one record (line) for each station.

              The file is sorted on station number (columns 1-8).

Columns  Format  Contents

  1-8     I8     Station number - the 8 digit station number uniquely
                    identifying the station.
   9      1X     Blank.
 10-12    I3     Number of complete water years of record for this station.
   13     1X     Blank.
 14-128   115A1  Indicator for whether there is data for a particular water
                    year.  The character * (asterisk) indicates that the water
                    year is complete and so can be found in the data files for
                    the station.  The character . (period) indicates that the
                    water year is not complete or is not suitable and so no
                    data is supplied.  Column 14 corresponds to water year
                    1874, column n to water year 1860+n, and column 128
                    corresponds to water year 1988.

Format descriptions:

   In    an integer field n columns wide.
   A1    a character field 1 column wide.
   1X    a single blank column.

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