Well-Construction, Water-Level, Geophysical, and Water-Quality Data for Ground-Water Monitoring Wells for Arnold Air Force Base, Tennessee

U.S. Geological Survey, Open-File Report 92-135

by C.J. Haugh, E.N. Mahoney, and J.A. Robinson

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Section 1 -- 2.47 MB



Well construction

Ground-water levels

Borehole geophysics

Ground-water quality


Selected references

Appendix 1--Lithologic descriptions, rock sample analyses, and geophysical logs for wells AEDC

Section 2 -- 1.66 MB

Appendix 2--Inorganic constituents and physical properties of ground-water samples from wells in the Arnold Air Force Base area

Appendix 3--Volatile organic compounds in ground water from wells sampled in the Arnold Air Force Base area

Appendix 4--Field quality-assurance sample data for volatile organic compounds for wells sampled in the Arnold Air Force Base area

Appendix 5--Field duplicate-sample analysis

Appendix 6--Laboratory quality-control check standards recovery percentages

Appendix 7--Holding times and surrogate spike recovery percentages

Appendix 8--Matrix spike recovery percentages

Appendix 9--Laboratory duplicate-sample analysis




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