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Core OL-92 from Owens Lake, southeast California

Age and Correlation of Tephra Layers in Owens Lake Drill Core OL-92-1 and -2

Appendix II: Comparison of volcanic glasses from Owens Lake with those of other tephra units in the Western U.S.

This appendix compares the average composition of volcanic glass shards separated from tephra samples in the Owens Lake cores, obtained in 1992 (OL92-1 and OL92-2), with analyses of volcanic glass shards from tephra layers sampled at other sites in the western U.S.. Each analysis is an average of between about 15 and 20 individual shards. Comparisons are for the 6 major oxides, Na2O, Al2O3, SiO2, K2O, CaO, and Fe2O3. Each sample was compared with all other samples analyzed by our project (Tephrochronology of the Western Region, Branch of Western Regional Geology, Geologic Division, U.S. Geological Survey, Menlo Park, Calif.) and those of other projects, that are entered into our Probe Data, Conterminous Western United States, data base (PDBCWUS), consisting of about 3100 sample analyses. The chemically closest samples are ranked using the similarity coefficient (labelled "Sim. Co.", in the tables) (Sarna-Wojcicki and others, 1984).

The first sample in each comparison is the Owens Lake core sample being compared, and the value of the similarity coefficient for comparison of the sample with itself is 1.000, the highest possible value for a perfectly identical sample pair. This sample is entered for reference, and for visual comparison with other samples for the remaining oxides, MgO, MnO, and TiO2, which are usually present in low concentrations and not included in the calculations of the similarity coefficients, to avoid unwieldly scatter in the comparison procedure. The best matches are then examined for the three latter oxides, to see if compositions are similar, within the errors of the analyses for these three oxides. To clarify this last procedure, replicate analyses on a sample may indicate that MnO values range from 0.02 to 0.05 for a particular sample. Inclusion of such data for MnO into the calculation of the rankings, for example of a sample that had 0.02 percent MnO as opposed to another that had 0.04 Mn0, would reduce the similarity coefficient for some sample pairs to the point where they might show up low in the ranking, or not show up at all, even though other oxides compared very well. By leaving these oxide out of the calculation, we can then visually examine the rankings, and spot obvious outliers for these three oxides. For example, an average value of 0.10% MnO would generally be considered significantly different from one of 0. 03%, given that between 15 and 20 shards were analyzed from each population.

The second through 11-th samples are listed in the annotations, which follow each table of comparisons for each sample, giving the identity and age of the tephra units in question, if known, and their sampling localities. Additional information regarding the precise location and stratigraphic details of specific matching samples can be obtained from the lead author on request.


Results are shown for the following samples:

Sample OL92-S

Listing of 30 closest matches for COMP. NO. 2921 for elements: Na, Al, Si, K , Ca, Fe Date of Update: 12/12/93
    C.No Sample Number                  Date       SiO2  Al2O3  Fe2O3    MgO    MnO    CaO   TiO2   Na2O    K2O Total,R Sim. Co
    ---- ------------------------------ -------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------- -------

  1 2921 OL-92-S T270-8                 12/16/92  77.73  12.50   0.81   0.03   0.04   0.47   0.03   3.94   4.44   99.99  1.0000
  2  587 PICO-161, T49-2                12/09/82  77.17  12.85   0.81   0.04   0.03   0.48   0.10   3.96   4.57  100.01  0.9852
  3 2920 OL92-1015 T270-7               12/16/92  78.01  12.19   0.77   0.03   0.04   0.47   0.05   3.85   4.57   99.98  0.9785
  4  279 PICO-73, T39-3                           77.29  12.83   0.79   0.03   0.04   0.45   0.06   4.03   4.48  100.00  0.9784
  5  282 PICO-78(1), T37-8                        76.41  12.75   0.80   0.03   0.05   0.47   0.06   4.15   4.30   99.02  0.9782
  6  274 PICO-39A(2), T20-6                       77.47  12.75   0.75   0.03   0.04   0.46   0.05   3.95   4.49   99.99  0.9780
  7   20 BHA-I, T18-10                            77.56  12.72   0.76   0.03   0.03   0.47   0.05   3.83   4.56  100.01  0.9774
  8  270 PICO-21, T2-8                            77.06  13.00   0.79   0.03   0.04   0.47   0.05   3.88   4.67   99.99  0.9773
  9 1277 PICO-39A (2) BULK T20-6        7/1/85    77.77  12.51   0.75   0.03   0.07   0.45   0.07   3.89   4.47  100.01  0.9771
 10  441 23-24-16B, T2-15                         77.25  12.90   0.76   0.06   0.05   0.48   0.06   3.92   4.51   99.99  0.9766
 11  273 PICO-39A(1), T8-6                        77.32  12.99   0.75   0.04   0.05   0.46   0.05   3.90   4.44  100.00  0.9753
 12   69 DSDP-2, T9-4                             77.69  12.46   0.81   0.05   0.03   0.48   0.08   3.67   4.73  100.00  0.9743
 13 1825 FLV-1-CS  T145-4               8/24/87   77.63  12.72   0.73   0.03   0.09   0.47   0.07   3.80   4.45   99.99  0.9741
 14 2759 ET-CFD-1 T250-3                2/26/92   77.07  12.60   0.80   0.04   0.04   0.46   0.09   3.95   4.95  100.00  0.9741
 15  264 PICO-5(1), T2-7                          77.30  12.93   0.77   0.03   0.04   0.48   0.06   3.83   4.55   99.99  0.9732
 16  449 66W5, T5-7                               77.59  12.74   0.74   0.03   0.05   0.45   0.07   3.88   4.44   99.99  0.9725
 17 1805 R-1-87  T143-6                 6/24/87   77.52  12.67   0.75   0.03   0.03   0.45   0.05   3.93   4.58  100.01  0.9724
 18  262 PICO-3, T2-18                            77.14  12.92   0.78   0.04   0.05   0.49   0.05   3.89   4.63   99.99  0.9714
 19 1932 SAFZ-6  T163-3                 5/14/88   77.73  12.62   0.74   0.03   0.04   0.44   0.06   3.96   4.37   99.99  0.9699
 20 2545 UCSB-FS-89-3-4DE T225-3        4/22/91   77.22  12.69   0.76   0.03   0.04   0.46   0.07   3.96   4.78  100.01  0.9699
 21   31 BT-7, T20-1                              77.54  12.60   0.76   0.03   0.03   0.45   0.05   3.86   4.66   99.98  0.9696
 22  272 PICO-24, T2-16                           77.34  12.89   0.76   0.04   0.03   0.49   0.07   3.84   4.53   99.99  0.9695
 23 1884 JT-6387-1  T150-3              11/9/97   77.34  12.89   0.76   0.03   0.07   0.46   0.06   3.81   4.59  100.01  0.9693
 24 1885 JT-41186-1  T150-4             9/11/87   77.34  12.89   0.76   0.03   0.07   0.46   0.06   3.81   4.59  100.01  0.9693
 25   26 BT-1, T2-13                              77.32  12.91   0.80   0.03   0.03   0.43   0.05   3.85   4.57   99.99  0.9690
 26 3082 KRL-880605-G T285-4            8/6/93    77.25  13.02   0.81   0.03   0.03   0.51   0.06   3.76   4.53  100.00  0.9683
 27 2907 FLV-3.5 T268-7                 11/16/92  77.11  12.71   0.77   0.05   0.05   0.49   0.08   3.96   4.79  100.01  0.9679
 28  144 JANDA-328, T2-12                         77.42  12.87   0.74   0.04   0.02   0.47   0.05   4.10   4.28   99.99  0.9676
 29  100 ELSI-1, T2-9,                            77.42  12.85   0.75   0.02   0.03   0.46   0.05   4.10   4.31   99.99  0.9675
 30  444 63CJ-26(3), T1, N-ASW-2, P               77.64  12.88   0.74   0.03   0.02   0.46   0.07   3.72   4.43   99.99  0.9673

Annotations to sample OL92-S:

  1. Bailey ash bed, Sexton Canyon, S. flank Ventura Avenue anticline, Ventura Co., Calif. Bailey ash bed is 1.2 ±0.4 Ma, based on zircon fission-track date (Izett and others, 1974).
  2. Ash in Owens Lake core, inferred to be reworked Bishop ash bed or one of the Glass Mt. ash beds.
  3. Bailey ash bed, W. of Ventura River, N. flank Ventura Avenue anticline, Ventura Co., Calif.
  4. Bailey ash bed, W. and near locality 4, N. flank Ventura Avenue anticline, Ventura Co., Calif..
  5. Bailey ash bed, east of Padre Juan Canyon, N. flank Ventura Avenue anticline, Ventura Co., Calif.
  6. Tephra from borings, NE San Joaquin Valley. Post Laguna(?). Sample from D. E. Marchand (deceased); exact location not available.
  7. Bailey ash bed, east of Pitas Point, S. flank of Ventura Avenue anticline, Ventura Co., Calif.
  8. Bailey ash bed, same as sample 6.
  9. Bishop ash bed, San Joaquin Valley, near Alpaugh, Tulare Co., Calif. (Sarna-Wojcicki and others, 1984).
  10. Bailey ash bed, same as samples 6 and 9.

Sample OL92-1 (1)

Listing of 30 closest matches for COMP. NO. 2961 for elements: Na, Al, Si, K , Ca, Fe Date of Update: 12/12/93
    C.No Sample Number                  Date       SiO2  Al2O3  Fe2O3    MgO    MnO    CaO   TiO2   Na2O    K2O Total,R Sim. Co
    ---- ------------------------------ -------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------- -------

  1 2961 OL92-1 T274-1                  3/31/93   76.85  12.82   1.09   0.03   0.03   0.44   0.06   4.11   4.58  100.01  1.0000
  2  844 GS-90                                    76.95  12.93   1.06   0.01   0.03   0.44   0.07   4.11   4.41  100.01  0.9876
  3 1193 TULELAKE 2054 (57.60M) T90-8   3/1/85    77.29  12.58   1.10   0.00   0.04   0.44   0.04   4.04   4.47  100.00  0.9876
  4 2413 TULELAKE SAMPLE 1243  T208-5   5/24/90   77.22  12.52   1.12   0.00   0.04   0.43   0.04   4.14   4.48   99.99  0.9822
  5  761 BO-17                                    76.70  12.90   1.11   0.02   0.04   0.46   0.06   4.00   4.70   99.99  0.9797
  6 2412 TULELAKE SAMPLE 1242  T208-4   5/24/90   77.27  12.63   1.07   0.00   0.03   0.42   0.08   4.07   4.43  100.00  0.9789
  7 1190 TULELAKE 2038 (53.67M) T90-5   2/28/85   77.07  12.56   1.12   0.04   0.03   0.45   0.07   3.97   4.69  100.00  0.9784
  8 1274 TULE LAKE 310 (61.55M) T73-10  2/16/84   77.29  12.67   1.05   0.00   0.04   0.45   0.05   4.00   4.43   99.98  0.9774
  9 2949 OL92-1 T274-1 JEOL             3/12/93   76.94  12.99   1.06   0.01   0.00   0.41   0.04   4.07   4.47   99.99  0.9760
 10 1203 TULELAKE 2119 (59.35M) T91-4   3/1/85    77.39  12.55   1.00   0.01   0.04   0.44   0.05   4.11   4.41  100.00  0.9754
 11 1207 TULELAKE 2099 LAP (55.37M) T91 3/1/85    76.67  12.81   1.22   0.03   0.05   0.44   0.07   4.03   4.68  100.00  0.9749
 12 1306 ASW 61585 52E T100-7           7/2/85    77.41  12.48   1.13   0.02   0.05   0.43   0.06   4.04   4.38  100.00  0.9746
 13 1284 ASW61585-52A T100-3            07/02/85  76.93  12.72   1.19   0.02   0.05   0.45   0.08   4.13   4.43  100.00  0.9746
 14 1195 TULELAKE 2067 (61.57M) T90-10  3/1/85    77.35  12.46   1.06   0.00   0.04   0.47   0.06   4.08   4.48  100.00  0.9742
 15  755 BO-3                                     76.43  13.02   1.10   0.03   0.04   0.49   0.08   4.11   4.71  100.01  0.9734
 16 1204 TULELAKE 2148 (33.31M) T91-5   3/1/85    77.01  12.50   1.22   0.03   0.05   0.43   0.05   4.13   4.58  100.00  0.9731
 17 1192 TULELAKE 2053 (56.44M) T90-7   3/1/85    77.12  12.58   1.17   0.02   0.04   0.42   0.06   4.12   4.47  100.00  0.9729
 18 1200 TULELAKE 2099 (55.37M) T91-1   3/1/85    76.71  12.88   1.13   0.05   0.05   0.49   0.08   4.06   4.55  100.00  0.9729
 19  517 CL-0590(100-200), T66-2        11/03/83  76.82  12.83   1.07   0.07   0.05   0.45   0.06   3.82   4.83  100.00  0.9727
 20 3007 JY-92-70 T278-5                5/7/93    76.72  13.02   1.11   0.02   0.05   0.40   0.06   4.16   4.46  100.00  0.9726
 21 3047 JY-92-64 MAJ T282-6            7/7/93    76.66  12.86   1.12   0.01   0.04   0.44   0.05   4.49   4.34  100.01  0.9718
 22  622 TULELAKE-296, T63-6(2)         09/02/83  76.97  12.63   1.10   0.06   0.04   0.48   0.11   3.94   4.67  100.00  0.9718
 23 1201 TULELAKE 2102 (55.69M) T91-2   3/1/85    76.70  12.76   1.14   0.05   0.04   0.47   0.07   4.02   4.74   99.99  0.9717
 24 2871 BL-3986  T264-6                08/20/92  76.68  12.74   1.14   0.01   0.06   0.41   0.06   4.32   4.57   99.99  0.9715
 25  845 GS-91                                    76.73  13.02   1.13   0.02   0.03   0.48   0.08   4.11   4.41  100.01  0.9712
 26 2414 TULELAKE SAMPLE 1244  T208-6   5/24/90   77.28  12.48   1.14   0.02   0.05   0.41   0.06   4.12   4.45  100.01  0.9708
 27 2263 T189-4  1359-M                 5/9/89    77.44  12.51   1.11   0.00   0.03   0.41   0.06   4.10   4.33   99.99  0.9708
 28  739 S-20                                     76.83  12.90   1.09   0.03   0.07   0.51   0.06   4.00   4.50   99.99  0.9687
 29  624 TULELAKE-315, T61-7            08/17/83  76.81  12.90   1.10   0.01   0.05   0.47   0.03   4.32   4.30   99.99  0.9684
 30  606 TULELAKE-260, T69-5            12/xx/83  76.51  12.81   1.19   0.05   0.05   0.47   0.07   4.08   4.76   99.99  0.9670

Annotations to sample OL92-1 (1):

  1. Middle ash bed, 2 mm, Mt. Jefferson, Toquina Range, N. of Tonopah, Nev. Attr. to Mono Craters by J. O. Davis (deceased). Age unknown.
  2. Ash bed in Tulelake, N. Calif., core at 57.60 m depth. Age estimate is ~325 ±50 ka (Rieck and others, 1992).
  3. Ash bed in Tulelake, N. Calif., core at 56.75 m depth. Age estimate is ~280 ±50 ka (Rieck and others, 1992).
  4. Ash bed in the vicinity of Walker Lake, Nev., coll. by J. O. Davis (deceased) and inferred to be Holocene.
  5. Ash bed in Tulelake, N. Calif., core at 57.40 m depth. Age estimate is ~320 ±50 ka (Rieck and others, 1992).
  6. Ash bed in Tulelake, N. Calif., core at 53.67 m depth. Age estimate is ~165-170 ±25 ka (Rieck and others, 1992).
  7. Ash bed in Tulelake, N. Calif., core at 61.55 m depth. Age estimate is ~550 ±75 ka.
  8. Replicate analysis of OL92-1.
  9. Ash bed in Tulalake, N. Calif., core at 59.35 m depth. Age estimate is ~390 +20-50 ka (Rieck and others, 1992).
  10. Ash bed in Tulalake, N. Calif., core at 55.37 m depth. Age estimate is ~225 ±25 ka (Rieck and others, 1992).

Sample OL92-1 (2)

Listing of 30 closest matches for COMP. NO. 2949 for elements: Na, Al, Si, K , Ca, Fe Date of Update: 12/12/93
    C.No Sample Number                  Date       SiO2  Al2O3  Fe2O3    MgO    MnO    CaO   TiO2   Na2O    K2O Total,R Sim. Co
    ---- ------------------------------ -------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------- -------

  1 2949 OL92-1 T274-1 JEOL             3/12/93   76.94  12.99   1.06   0.01   0.00   0.41   0.04   4.07   4.47   99.99  1.0000
  2 2412 TULELAKE SAMPLE 1242  T208-4   5/24/90   77.27  12.63   1.07   0.00   0.03   0.42   0.08   4.07   4.43  100.00  0.9877
  3  844 GS-90                                    76.95  12.93   1.06   0.01   0.03   0.44   0.07   4.11   4.41  100.01  0.9840
  4 3007 JY-92-70 T278-5                5/7/93    76.72  13.02   1.11   0.02   0.05   0.40   0.06   4.16   4.46  100.00  0.9836
  5 2263 T189-4  1359-M                 5/9/89    77.44  12.51   1.11   0.00   0.03   0.41   0.06   4.10   4.33   99.99  0.9788
  6 2414 TULELAKE SAMPLE 1244  T208-6   5/24/90   77.28  12.48   1.14   0.02   0.05   0.41   0.06   4.12   4.45  100.01  0.9783
  7 2961 OL92-1 T274-1                  3/31/93   76.85  12.82   1.09   0.03   0.03   0.44   0.06   4.11   4.58  100.01  0.9760
  8 1193 TULELAKE 2054 (57.60M) T90-8   3/1/85    77.29  12.58   1.10   0.00   0.04   0.44   0.04   4.04   4.47  100.00  0.9753
  9 1274 TULE LAKE 310 (61.55M) T73-10  2/16/84   77.29  12.67   1.05   0.00   0.04   0.45   0.05   4.00   4.43   99.98  0.9744
 10  617 TULELAKE-277, T61-4            08/17/83  77.28  12.42   1.12   0.00   0.05   0.41   0.04   4.25   4.42   99.99  0.9741
 11 2413 TULELAKE SAMPLE 1243  T208-5   5/24/90   77.22  12.52   1.12   0.00   0.04   0.43   0.04   4.14   4.48   99.99  0.9735
 12 1192 TULELAKE 2053 (56.44M) T90-7   3/1/85    77.12  12.58   1.17   0.02   0.04   0.42   0.06   4.12   4.47  100.00  0.9727
 13  618 TULELAKE-277(200-325), T62-4   08/25/83  77.23  12.58   1.14   0.01   0.05   0.40   0.04   4.16   4.38   99.99  0.9714
 14 2871 BL-3986  T264-6                08/20/92  76.68  12.74   1.14   0.01   0.06   0.41   0.06   4.32   4.57   99.99  0.9712
 15 1195 TULELAKE 2067 (61.57M) T90-10  3/1/85    77.35  12.46   1.06   0.00   0.04   0.47   0.06   4.08   4.48  100.00  0.9703
 16 1306 ASW 61585 52E T100-7           7/2/85    77.41  12.48   1.13   0.02   0.05   0.43   0.06   4.04   4.38  100.00  0.9698
 17 1203 TULELAKE 2119 (59.35M) T91-4   3/1/85    77.39  12.55   1.00   0.01   0.04   0.44   0.05   4.11   4.41  100.00  0.9687
 18  615 TULELAKE-276, T61-3            08/17/83  77.04  12.67   1.15   0.00   0.03   0.40   0.03   4.29   4.39  100.00  0.9670
 19  616 TULELAKE-276(200-325), T62-3   08/25/83  77.19  12.53   1.16   0.01   0.05   0.40   0.05   4.22   4.39  100.00  0.9662
 20 1184 TULELAKE 2053 (56.44M) pum t89 2/28/85   77.21  12.59   1.18   0.01   0.03   0.40   0.04   4.17   4.38  100.01  0.9659
 21  686 TULE LAKE 275, T73-7, 55.91 m  2/16/84   77.39  12.51   1.15   0.01   0.04   0.38   0.06   3.98   4.49  100.01  0.9632
 22 1194 TULELAKE 2055 (57.94M) T90-9   3/1/85    77.44  12.53   1.06   0.01   0.04   0.48   0.03   3.99   4.41   99.99  0.9632
 23 2851 BL-3492 T262-5                 7/29/92   76.97  12.55   1.14   0.02   0.03   0.42   0.04   4.44   4.40  100.01  0.9621
 24  761 BO-17                                    76.70  12.90   1.11   0.02   0.04   0.46   0.06   4.00   4.70   99.99  0.9617
 25  845 GS-91                                    76.73  13.02   1.13   0.02   0.03   0.48   0.08   4.11   4.41  100.01  0.9607
 26 2869 BL-3495 T264-4                 08/20/92  76.92  12.60   1.15   0.00   0.04   0.40   0.04   4.45   4.39   99.99  0.9606
 27 1284 ASW61585-52A T100-3            07/02/85  76.93  12.72   1.19   0.02   0.05   0.45   0.08   4.13   4.43  100.00  0.9596
 28  623 TULELAKE-296(200-325), T62-5   08/25/83  76.54  13.06   1.06   0.06   0.05   0.48   0.09   3.93   4.74  100.01  0.9587
 29  517 CL-0590(100-200), T66-2        11/03/83  76.82  12.83   1.07   0.07   0.05   0.45   0.06   3.82   4.83  100.00  0.9587
 30 1190 TULELAKE 2038 (53.67M) T90-5   2/28/85   77.07  12.56   1.12   0.04   0.03   0.45   0.07   3.97   4.69  100.00  0.9585

Annotations to sample OL92-1 (2):

  1. Ash bed in Tulelake, N. Calif., core at 57.40 m depth. Age estimate is ~320 ±50 ka (Rieck and others, 1992).
  2. Middle ash bed, 2 mm, Mt. Jefferson, Toquina Range, N. of Tonopah, Nev. Attr. to Mono Craters by J. O. Davis (deceased). Age unknown.
  3. Ash bed from Mohawk Valley, N. Sierra Nevada, Calif. Age and stratigraphic context unknown.
  4. Obsidian of Cougar Butte, Medicine Lake Volcano, N. Calif. K-Ar age of ~580 ka, J. A. Donelly-Nolan, written commun., 1989.
  5. Ash bed in Tulelake, N. Calif., core at 56.46 m depth. Age estimate is ~275±50 ka (Rieck and others, 1992).
  6. Replicate analysis of same sample (OL92-1).
  7. Ash bed in Tulelake, N. Calif., core at 57.60 m depth. Age estimate is ~325 ±50 ka (Rieck and others, 1992).
  8. Ash bed in Tulelake, N. Calif., core at 61.55 m depth. Age estimate is ~550 ±50 ka (Rieck and others, 1992).
  9. Ash bed in Tulelake, N. Calif., core at 56.22 m depth. Age estimate is ~265 ±50 ka (Rieck and others, 1992)
  10. Ash bed in Tulelake, N. Calif., core at 56.75 m depth. Age estimate is ~280 ±50 ka (Rieck and others, 1992).

Sample OL92-1001

Listing of 30 closest matches for COMP. NO. 2918 for elements: Na, Al, Si, K , Ca, Fe Date of Update: 12/12/93
    C.No Sample Number                  Date       SiO2  Al2O3  Fe2O3    MgO    MnO    CaO   TiO2   Na2O    K2O Total,R Sim. Co
    ---- ------------------------------ -------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------- -------

  1 2918 OL92-1001 T270-5               12/16/92  77.42  12.67   0.78   0.06   0.05   0.77   0.08   3.61   4.56  100.00  1.0000
  2 1262 *WL 5-19 78.91m                5/29/85   77.29  12.54   0.79   0.06   0.05   0.84   0.08   3.62   4.73  100.00  0.9756
  3 2837 911005C T260-1                 7/14/92   77.01  12.92   0.76   0.17   0.07   0.75   0.11   3.77   4.43   99.99  0.9755
  4 1260 *WL 4-26 6a7.04m t95-7         5/29/85   77.27  12.59   0.84   0.04   0.05   0.74   0.06   3.73   4.70  100.02  0.9699
  5 1964 WL-4-27 (68.59M)  T163-8       5/15/88   76.85  13.06   0.85   0.04   0.06   0.75   0.06   3.64   4.69  100.00  0.9697
  6  334 RS-2(2), T34-6                           77.51  12.82   0.81   0.16   0.02   0.74   0.15   3.39   4.40  100.00  0.9692
  7  216 MILL-10, T30-5                           77.78  12.72   0.80   0.14   0.04   0.75   0.16   3.52   4.09  100.00  0.9687
  8 1258 *WL 4-26 66.79m t95-5          5/29/85   76.94  12.84   0.81   0.05   0.04   0.73   0.07   3.77   4.75  100.00  0.9682
  9  302 PU-1, T18-1                              77.92  12.57   0.78   0.13   0.04   0.75   0.15   3.69   3.97  100.00  0.9681
 10 1962 WL-4-25 (62.76M)  T164-6       5/15/88   76.91  12.91   0.79   0.05   0.05   0.70   0.09   3.62   4.87   99.99  0.9675
 11  860 LM-15                                    77.08  13.23   0.80   0.13   0.06   0.78   0.10   3.21   4.61  100.00  0.9656
 12 1570 WLC-85-2 (11.34M)  T128-1      8/18/86   76.89  12.97   0.84   0.04   0.05   0.75   0.08   3.54   4.85  100.01  0.9656
 13 2595 EL-1-M  T230-5                 7/2/91    76.61  13.14   0.85   0.06   0.04   0.79   0.08   3.64   4.79  100.00  0.9650
 14 1110 61484-42 ASW T82-12            10/11/84  78.15  12.64   0.79   0.12   0.03   0.77   0.12   3.38   4.00  100.00  0.9649
 15  333 RS-2(1), T32-8                           77.76  12.74   0.82   0.14   0.02   0.75   0.15   3.50   4.12  100.00  0.9647
 16 1983 WL-5-16 (73.40m)  T164-12      5/22/88   76.37  13.29   0.81   0.05   0.04   0.75   0.10   3.70   4.89  100.00  0.9642
 17 1963 WL-4-26 (66.50M)  T163-7       5/15/88   76.67  13.24   0.84   0.04   0.04   0.73   0.07   3.66   4.70   99.99  0.9634
 18 1958 WL-4-17 (39.81M)  T162-12      5/15/88   76.91  12.98   0.84   0.04   0.05   0.72   0.05   3.70   4.70   99.99  0.9632
 19  696 RSCS2                                    77.33  12.80   0.89   0.01   0.00   0.81   0.05   3.50   4.60   99.99  0.9628
 20 1007 jod 5/5/83a t74-1              5/30/84   78.01  12.52   0.84   0.15   0.03   0.77   0.13   3.62   3.93  100.00  0.9614
 21 1039 WL 4-26-3.06, T78-12           08/18/84  76.97  12.78   0.86   0.04   0.05   0.73   0.06   3.65   4.87  100.01  0.9610
 22 1300 WL 5-13 64.51M T99-15          07/01/85  77.18  12.74   0.88   0.04   0.06   0.73   0.07   3.53   4.78  100.01  0.9596
 23  907 DR-12                                    76.27  13.53   0.73   0.09   0.03   0.81   0.12   3.61   4.81  100.00  0.9594
 24 1243 WL 4-26 66.40m T93-12          5/2/85    76.71  13.12   0.83   0.05   0.04   0.71   0.06   3.70   4.78  100.00  0.9580
 25 1045 DSDP 36-10-2 SSA, T78-5        07/18/84  76.90  12.80   0.85   0.04   0.04   0.72   0.09   3.73   4.83  100.00  0.9580
 26 1037 WL 3-7-2.66                    08/18/84  76.74  13.00   0.82   0.06   0.03   0.83   0.08   3.51   4.92   99.99  0.9573
 27 1959 WL-4-18 (43.53M)  T162-13      5/15/88   77.01  12.97   0.82   0.04   0.04   0.67   0.06   3.63   4.77  100.01  0.9572
 28 1259 *WL 4-26 66.87m t95-6          5/29/85   77.01  12.69   0.88   0.04   0.04   0.73   0.09   3.81   4.71  100.00  0.9572
 29 1480 6VI84-1-5.5M  T117-13          3/6/86    76.73  13.08   0.87   0.06   0.05   0.74   0.08   3.55   4.85  100.01  0.9568
 30 1084 PS 84 1HR T81-1                9/4/84    78.31  12.44   0.77   0.13   0.04   0.74   0.15   3.40   4.01   99.99  0.9567

Annotations to sample OL92-1001:

  1. Ash bed in Walker Lake, W. Nev., core at 78.91 m. Age estimate is 70-85 ka (Sarna-Wojcicki and others, 1988; Benson, 1988).
  2. Upper Miocene tephra layer, San Francisco Bay area. Not a good match with respect to MgO and TiO2.
  3. Ash bed in Walker Lake, W. Nev., core at 67.04 m. Age estimate is 60-80 ka (Sarna-Wojcicki and others, 1988; Benson, 1988).
  4. Ash bed in Walker Lake, W. Nev., core at 68.59 m. Age estimate is 60-80 ka (Sarna-Wojcicki and others, 1988; Benson, 1988).
  5. Upper Pliocene Ishi Tuff, NE Sacramento Valley. Not a good match with respect to MgO, TiO2.
  6. Upper Pliocene Ishi Tuff, NE Sacramento Valley. Not a good match with respect to MgO, TiO2.
  7. Ash bed in Walker Lake, W. Nev., core at 66.79 m. Age estimate is 60-80 ka (Sarna-Wojcicki and others, 1988; Benson, 1988).
  8. Upper Pliocene Ishi Tuff, NE Sacramento Valley. Not a good match with respect to MgO, TiO2.
  9. Ash bed in Walker Lake, W. Nev., core at 62.76 m. Age estimate is 60-80 ka (Sarna-Wojcicki and others, 1988; Bensopn, 1988).
  10. Ash bed S. of Oreana, Nev., of unknown age and strat. context, coll. by J. O. Davis. Not a good match with respect to MgO.

Sample OL92-1003

Listing of 30 closest matches for COMP. NO. 2919 for elements: Na, Al, Si, K , Ca, Fe Date of Update: 12/12/93
    C.No Sample Number                  Date       SiO2  Al2O3  Fe2O3    MgO    MnO    CaO   TiO2   Na2O    K2O Total,R Sim. Co
    ---- ------------------------------ -------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------- -------

  1 2919 OL92-1003 T270-6               12/16/92  73.85  14.38   1.07   0.09   0.11   0.47   0.22   5.19   4.62  100.00  1.0000
  2 2547 UCSB-FS-89-6-6BC T225-5        4/22/91   73.00  14.93   1.11   0.11   0.10   0.49   0.21   5.20   4.86  100.01  0.9706
  3 1676 SPRG-2  T133-3                 10/21/86  75.36  14.03   1.09   0.04   0.05   0.47   0.06   4.68   4.21   99.99  0.9584
  4 1925 1-JWB-1-CM-3  T154-2           2/24/88   72.87  14.90   1.29   0.12   0.12   0.48   0.20   5.10   4.92  100.00  0.9470
  5 1027 KRL-71082 (II-3) (592) T58-3   6/22/84   72.65  14.86   1.27   0.12   0.00   0.49   0.24   5.26   5.11  100.00  0.9407
  6 1924 1-JWB-1-CM-2  T154-1           2/.24/88  72.82  14.97   1.30   0.12   0.11   0.50   0.20   5.06   4.92  100.00  0.9373
  7  624 TULELAKE-315, T61-7            08/17/83  76.81  12.90   1.10   0.01   0.05   0.47   0.03   4.32   4.30   99.99  0.9324
  8  755 BO-3                                     76.43  13.02   1.10   0.03   0.04   0.49   0.08   4.11   4.71  100.01  0.9294
  9  623 TULELAKE-296(200-325), T62-5   08/25/83  76.54  13.06   1.06   0.06   0.05   0.48   0.09   3.93   4.74  100.01  0.9291
 10 1195 TULELAKE 2067 (61.57M) T90-10  3/1/85    77.35  12.46   1.06   0.00   0.04   0.47   0.06   4.08   4.48  100.00  0.9280
 11  761 BO-17                                    76.70  12.90   1.11   0.02   0.04   0.46   0.06   4.00   4.70   99.99  0.9261
 12 3047 JY-92-64 MAJ T282-6            7/7/93    76.66  12.86   1.12   0.01   0.04   0.44   0.05   4.49   4.34  100.01  0.9256
 13 2961 OL92-1 T274-1                  3/31/93   76.85  12.82   1.09   0.03   0.03   0.44   0.06   4.11   4.58  100.01  0.9256
 14 2640 JB-BS-13  T241-4               10/21/91  76.49  12.83   1.08   0.03   0.08   0.53   0.06   4.26   4.64  100.00  0.9253
 15  845 GS-91                                    76.73  13.02   1.13   0.02   0.03   0.48   0.08   4.11   4.41  100.01  0.9234
 16  622 TULELAKE-296, T63-6(2)         09/02/83  76.97  12.63   1.10   0.06   0.04   0.48   0.11   3.94   4.67  100.00  0.9230
 17 1201 TULELAKE 2102 (55.69M) T91-2   3/1/85    76.70  12.76   1.14   0.05   0.04   0.47   0.07   4.02   4.74   99.99  0.9230
 18  753 BO-1                                     76.45  13.11   1.09   0.03   0.04   0.51   0.07   4.00   4.70  100.00  0.9224
 19 1132 T1249 (Tulelake) T84-8  k,ca i 12/3/84   77.29  12.57   1.03   0.01   0.05   0.47   0.07   4.20   4.31  100.00  0.9224
 20  844 GS-90                                    76.95  12.93   1.06   0.01   0.03   0.44   0.07   4.11   4.41  100.01  0.9220
 21 1200 TULELAKE 2099 (55.37M) T91-1   3/1/85    76.71  12.88   1.13   0.05   0.05   0.49   0.08   4.06   4.55  100.00  0.9219
 22 2642 JB-BS-15  T241-6               10/21/91  76.59  12.83   1.08   0.03   0.07   0.54   0.04   4.23   4.59  100.00  0.9210
 23  759 BO-15                                    76.67  13.03   1.11   0.03   0.06   0.50   0.09   3.91   4.61  100.01  0.9208
 24  754 BO-2                                     76.55  13.03   1.14   0.03   0.06   0.50   0.08   4.01   4.61  100.01  0.9200
 25 3063 ANA-B LOFE(2) T282-2           7/26/93   74.39  14.27   1.21   0.02   0.08   0.36   0.04   4.80   4.82   99.99  0.9198
 26 1157 K-RA-14C  T85-10               12/4/84   75.76  13.50   1.13   0.03   0.07   0.56   0.04   4.53   4.37   99.99  0.9198
 27 1194 TULELAKE 2055 (57.94M) T90-9   3/1/85    77.44  12.53   1.06   0.01   0.04   0.48   0.03   3.99   4.41   99.99  0.9197
 28 2980 9-11-85-5P T276-1              4/7/93    74.14  14.92   1.22   0.11   0.11   0.41   0.23   4.61   4.25  100.00  0.9196
 29  435 3-30-82-1, T43-3                         76.62  12.93   1.06   0.02   0.05   0.54   0.07   4.13   4.59  100.01  0.9189
 30 2897 FLV-1.2 T267-2                 10/27/92  76.87  12.61   1.01   0.02   0.03   0.52   0.04   4.29   4.62  100.01  0.9187

Annotations to sample OL92-1003:

  1. Ash bed from Owens River terrace (core 6, unit 6B, C) at Fish Slough, 12 mi. N. of Bishop, Calif. Late Pleistocene (?)..
  2. Pliocene (?) tephra layer, Sprague River area, central Oregon. Not good match with respect to MgO, TiO2.
  3. Ash bed in road cut, in alluvial fan, Cedar Mountain area, Nev. Late Pleistocene (?). Coll. by J. W. Bell, Nevada Bur. Mines. Marginal match with respect to Fe2O3.
  4. Ash bed exposed in Negit causeway at low lake level (1982), Mono Lake; within tephra sequence >40 ka; estimated to be 60-85 ka (Sarna-Wojcicki and others, 1988; Benson, 1988). Marginal match with respect to Fe2O3.
  5. Ash bed at base of wash, in fan alluvium, Cedar Mountain area, Nev. Late Pleistocene (?). Coll. by J. W. Bell, Nevada Bur. Mines. Marginal match with respect to Fe2O3.
  6. Not good matches with respect to MgO, TiO2, and in some instances, other oxides as well.
  7. Not good matches with respect to MgO, TiO2, and in some instances, other oxides as well.
  8. Not good matches with respect to MgO, TiO2, and in some instances, other oxides as well.
  9. Not good matches with respect to MgO, TiO2, and in some instances, other oxides as well.
  10. Not good matches with respect to MgO, TiO2, and in some instances, other oxides as well.

Sample OL92-1015

Listing of 30 closest matches for COMP. NO. 2920 for elements: Na, Al, Si, K , Ca, Fe Date of Update: 12/12/93
    C.No Sample Number                  Date       SiO2  Al2O3  Fe2O3    MgO    MnO    CaO   TiO2   Na2O    K2O Total,R Sim. Co
    ---- ------------------------------ -------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------- -------

  1 2920 OL92-1015 T270-7               12/16/92  78.01  12.19   0.77   0.03   0.04   0.47   0.05   3.85   4.57   99.98  1.0000
  2   20 BHA-I, T18-10                            77.56  12.72   0.76   0.03   0.03   0.47   0.05   3.83   4.56  100.01  0.9887
  3  264 PICO-5(1), T2-7                          77.30  12.93   0.77   0.03   0.04   0.48   0.06   3.83   4.55   99.99  0.9839
  4  269 PICO-15, T1, N-ASW-58, P                 77.88  12.23   0.76   0.04   0.04   0.47   0.05   3.72   4.80   99.99  0.9834
  5 1884 JT-6387-1  T150-3              11/9/97   77.34  12.89   0.76   0.03   0.07   0.46   0.06   3.81   4.59  100.01  0.9813
  6 1885 JT-41186-1  T150-4             9/11/87   77.34  12.89   0.76   0.03   0.07   0.46   0.06   3.81   4.59  100.01  0.9813
  7   31 BT-7, T20-1                              77.54  12.60   0.76   0.03   0.03   0.45   0.05   3.86   4.66   99.98  0.9807
  8  272 PICO-24, T2-16                           77.34  12.89   0.76   0.04   0.03   0.49   0.07   3.84   4.53   99.99  0.9787
  9 1355 29068502  T107-2               8/30/85   78.16  12.15   0.76   0.03   0.04   0.44   0.07   3.72   4.63  100.00  0.9785
 10  270 PICO-21, T2-8                            77.06  13.00   0.79   0.03   0.04   0.47   0.05   3.88   4.67   99.99  0.9785
 11 2921 OL-92-S T270-8                 12/16/92  77.73  12.50   0.81   0.03   0.04   0.47   0.03   3.94   4.44   99.99  0.9785
 12 1277 PICO-39A (2) BULK T20-6        7/1/85    77.77  12.51   0.75   0.03   0.07   0.45   0.07   3.89   4.47  100.01  0.9784
 13  441 23-24-16B, T2-15                         77.25  12.90   0.76   0.06   0.05   0.48   0.06   3.92   4.51   99.99  0.9784
 14 2382 FLV-136-WP  T203-6             4/16/90   77.86  12.35   0.74   0.03   0.04   0.44   0.08   3.90   4.57  100.01  0.9783
 15 1805 R-1-87  T143-6                 6/24/87   77.52  12.67   0.75   0.03   0.03   0.45   0.05   3.93   4.58  100.01  0.9775
 16 2080 CRAW-88-2D3  T172-10           10/5/88   77.66  12.62   0.76   0.03   0.04   0.46   0.05   3.70   4.69  100.01  0.9771
 17 1825 FLV-1-CS  T145-4               8/24/87   77.63  12.72   0.73   0.03   0.09   0.47   0.07   3.80   4.45   99.99  0.9770
 18 2343 FLV-69-PA  T195-3              7/21/89   78.04  12.31   0.74   0.02   0.06   0.44   0.05   3.77   4.55   99.98  0.9770
 19  274 PICO-39A(2), T20-6                       77.47  12.75   0.75   0.03   0.04   0.46   0.05   3.95   4.49   99.99  0.9765
 20  262 PICO-3, T2-18                            77.14  12.92   0.78   0.04   0.05   0.49   0.05   3.89   4.63   99.99  0.9759
 21 2910 FLV-7.4 T269-2                 11/16/92  77.62  12.29   0.74   0.04   0.06   0.46   0.09   3.82   4.88  100.00  0.9759
 22  287 PICO-107A, T39-4                         77.09  12.73   0.77   0.03   0.04   0.46   0.08   3.89   4.91  100.00  0.9742
 23 2545 UCSB-FS-89-3-4DE T225-3        4/22/91   77.22  12.69   0.76   0.03   0.04   0.46   0.07   3.96   4.78  100.01  0.9741
 24  273 PICO-39A(1), T8-6                        77.32  12.99   0.75   0.04   0.05   0.46   0.05   3.90   4.44  100.00  0.9735
 25 1354 29068501  T107-1               8/30/85   78.06  12.27   0.76   0.04   0.04   0.44   0.07   3.64   4.67   99.99  0.9733
 26  587 PICO-161, T49-2                12/09/82  77.17  12.85   0.81   0.04   0.03   0.48   0.10   3.96   4.57  100.01  0.9733
 27 2348 FLV-94-WP  T195-8              7/21/89   78.08  12.37   0.72   0.03   0.06   0.45   0.05   3.82   4.43  100.01  0.9731
 28 1827 FLV-3-CS  T145-6               8/24/87   77.68  12.69   0.73   0.05   0.09   0.48   0.05   3.68   4.56  100.01  0.9729
 29  449 66W5, T5-7                               77.59  12.74   0.74   0.03   0.05   0.45   0.07   3.88   4.44   99.99  0.9723
 30 2907 FLV-3.5 T268-7                 11/16/92  77.11  12.71   0.77   0.05   0.05   0.49   0.08   3.96   4.79  100.01  0.9722

Annotations to sample OL92-1015:

  1. Tephra from borings, NE San Joaquin Valley. Post Laguna(?). Sample from D. E. Marchand (deceased); exact location not available.
  2. Bailey ash bed, W. side Ventura River, S. flank Ventura Avenue anticline, Ventura Co., Calif. Bailey ash bed is 1.2 ±0.4 Ma, based on zircon fission-track date (Izett and others, 1974).
  3. Bishop ash bed, E. side Ventura River, S. flank Ventura Avenue anticline, Ventura Co., Calif. The Bishop ash is dated as 0.756 ±0.002 Ma, by laser-fusion 40Ar/39Ar analysis on sanidine grains (Sarna-Wojcicki and Pringle, 1992).
  4. Tephra layer in late Neogene alluvium of indeterminate age, near Mormon Point, Death Valley, collected by J. C. Tinsley.
  5. Tephra layer in late Neogene alluvium of indeterminate age, near Mormon Point, Death Valley, collected by J. C. Tinsley.
  6. Bishop Tuff, basal part of ash-flow tuff overlying basal Bishop air-fall pumice, Insulating Aggregates Quarry, 11 mi. N. of Bishop, Calif.
  7. Bishop ash bed in Hall Canyon, E. of Ventura River, S. flank of the Ventura Avenue anticline, Ventura Co., Calif.
  8. Tephra bed, Columbus Salt Marsh, W.-Central Nev. Bishop ash bed (?).
  9. Bailey ash bed, near Pitas Point, W. of Ventura River, S. flank Ventura Ave. Anticline, Ventura Co., Calif.
  10. OL92-S, surface outcrop of ash bed in auarry, near Owens Lake (see above).

Sample OL92-1016 Major Mode

Listing of 30 closest matches for COMP. NO. 2935 for elements: Na, Al, Si, K , Ca, Fe Date of Update: 12/12/93
    C.No Sample Number                  Date       SiO2  Al2O3  Fe2O3    MgO    MnO    CaO   TiO2   Na2O    K2O Total,R Sim. Co
    ---- ------------------------------ -------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------- -------

  1 2935 OL92-1016 MAJ T272-1 JEOL      3/3/93    76.12  13.54   1.29   0.05   0.04   0.59   0.08   4.22   4.06   99.99  1.0000
  2  627 TULELAKE-318, T61-8(1)         08/17/83  76.32  13.31   1.31   0.05   0.03   0.59   0.07   4.28   4.05  100.01  0.9914
  3  341 SAM-25A, T33-3                           76.50  13.30   1.30   0.06   0.01   0.59   0.07   4.12   4.05  100.00  0.9906
  4  193 LD-19, T3,4                              76.65  13.17   1.30   0.05   0.03   0.61   0.07   4.06   4.06  100.00  0.9812
  5  165 JOD-20-6-78C, LAH-4, T11-13              76.50  13.24   1.29   0.04   0.03   0.62   0.08   4.10   4.10  100.00  0.9810
  6  703 LD-19                                    76.59  13.13   1.30   0.05   0.03   0.61   0.07   4.11   4.11  100.00  0.9808
  7  628 TULELAKE-318, T61-8(2)         09/01/83  76.93  12.86   1.28   0.04   0.04   0.59   0.05   4.08   4.13  100.00  0.9802
  8  530 JOD-20-6-78C, LAH-4, T63-2     09/01/83  76.89  13.03   1.27   0.05   0.03   0.58   0.06   4.05   4.05  100.01  0.9795
  9  342 SAM-25B, T38-4                           75.69  13.09   1.28   0.04   0.04   0.61   0.06   4.27   3.93   99.01  0.9795
 10 2767 #4077 T251-3                   2/27/92   76.48  13.06   1.33   0.05   0.03   0.62   0.07   4.23   4.13  100.00  0.9770
 11 2856 BL-3498 T263-2                 7/30/92   76.82  13.04   1.25   0.05   0.02   0.61   0.06   4.21   3.94  100.00  0.9764
 12 1658 AA-29 JOD                      09/12/86  76.94  12.74   1.27   0.03   0.04   0.60   0.08   4.12   4.18  100.00  0.9743
 13  626 TULELAKE-315(200-325), T62-6   08/25/83  76.76  13.14   1.21   0.05   0.03   0.57   0.07   4.16   4.01  100.00  0.9733
 14  865 LM-21                                    76.29  13.43   1.27   0.04   0.03   0.66   0.05   4.11   4.11   99.99  0.9716
 15 1196 TULELAKE 2069 (62.02M) T90-12  3/1/85    77.20  12.85   1.28   0.04   0.03   0.60   0.06   3.91   4.03  100.00  0.9716
 16 3100 CCRK-2 T289-2                  11/4/93   76.67  13.31   1.23   0.04   0.03   0.62   0.07   3.95   4.07   99.99  0.9691
 17 1197 TULELAKE 2079 (48.98M) T90-13  3/1/85    76.59  12.90   1.24   0.08   0.06   0.60   0.09   4.12   4.32  100.00  0.9679
 18  779 GS-20                                    76.21  13.44   1.27   0.05   0.03   0.72   0.06   4.21   4.01  100.00  0.9634
 19  933 DR-45                                    76.23  13.42   1.27   0.04   0.04   0.70   0.08   4.11   4.11  100.00  0.9631
 20   47 CCRK-1, T1, N-ASW-77, P                  77.02  12.62   1.31   0.05   0.03   0.65   0.08   4.13   4.12  100.01  0.9628
 21 3009 JY-92-73 T278-8                5/7/93    75.18  13.86   1.24   0.09   0.04   0.61   0.13   4.33   4.52  100.00  0.9610
 22  840 GS-86                                    76.36  13.33   1.28   0.04   0.04   0.68   0.06   4.01   4.21  100.01  0.9593
 23  645 TULELAKE-834, T61-15(1)        08/17/83  76.58  13.09   1.12   0.08   0.04   0.60   0.09   4.16   4.24  100.00  0.9593
 24  646 TULELAKE-834, T61-15(2)        08/26/83  76.64  13.14   1.09   0.08   0.03   0.61   0.14   4.15   4.13  100.01  0.9571
 25 1737 ASW 61585-51B  T-136-5         4/22/87   76.21  12.98   1.44   0.08   0.05   0.56   0.12   4.23   4.32   99.99  0.9566
 26  621 TULELAKE-296, T61-6            08/17/83  75.70  13.47   1.21   0.09   0.04   0.56   0.14   4.16   4.63  100.00  0.9565
 27 2766 #4076 T251-2                   2/27/92   76.80  12.80   1.16   0.05   0.04   0.58   0.08   4.15   4.35  100.01  0.9559
 28 1188 TULELAKE 2036 (53.14M) T90-3   2/28/85   76.13  13.05   1.22   0.10   0.03   0.61   0.15   4.11   4.59   99.99  0.9558
 29  647 TULELAKE-834(200-325), T62-7   08/25/83  77.15  12.80   1.13   0.09   0.04   0.59   0.10   3.97   4.13  100.00  0.9553
 30 1130 T1240 (Tulelake) T84-6  ca,k i 12/3/84   76.48  12.87   1.19   0.10   0.05   0.59   0.12   4.06   4.54  100.00  0.9541

Annotations to sample OL92-1016:

  1. Dibekulewe ash bed at 62.27 m in Tulelake, N. Calif., core (Rieck and others, 1992). This ash bed is bracketed between the Rockland ash bed, above (410-470 ka; Meyer and others, 1991) and the Lava Creek B ash bed, below (~665 ka; Izett and others, 1992).
  2. Dibekulewe ash bed, Mohawk Valley, N. Sierra Nevada, N. Calif. Coll by S. A. Mathieson.
  3. Dibekulewe ash bed, Oreana area, W.-central Nev. Coll by J. O. Davis.
  4. Dibekulewe ash bed, Oreana area, W.-central Nev. Coll by J. O. Davis.
  5. Dibekulewe ash bed, Oreana area, W.-central Nev. Coll by J. O. Davis.
  6. Replicate analysis of 2 (above).
  7. Dibekulewe ash bed, Oreana area, W.-central Nev. Coll by J. O. Davis.
  8. Replicate analysis of 2 (above).
  9. Dibekulewe ash bed from Butte Valley, N. Calif., core at 35.94 m. Coll. by D. P. Adam.
  10. Dibekulewe ash bed from Buck Lake, S.-central Ore., core at 20.85 m. Coll. by D. P. Adam.

Sample OL92-1019

Listing of 30 closest matches for COMP. NO. 2966 for elements: Na, Al, Si, K , Ca, Fe Date of Update: 12/12/93
    C.No Sample Number                  Date       SiO2  Al2O3  Fe2O3    MgO    MnO    CaO   TiO2   Na2O    K2O Total,R Sim. Co
    ---- ------------------------------ -------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------- -------

  1 2966 OL92-1019 T274-2               3/24/93   77.20  12.83   0.76   0.04   0.08   0.42   0.06   4.20   4.42  100.01  1.0000
  2  294 PICO-143, T36-4                          76.45  12.91   0.76   0.04   0.01   0.42   0.06   3.93   4.43   99.01  0.9863
  3  276 PICO-41A. T8-8                           77.38  12.94   0.73   0.03   0.05   0.42   0.04   4.01   4.39   99.99  0.9829
  4  145 JC-239, T43-4                            77.40  12.81   0.74   0.03   0.04   0.44   0.06   4.20   4.27   99.99  0.9817
  5  271 PICO-23, T2-11                           77.28  12.87   0.77   0.04   0.05   0.42   0.07   3.89   4.61  100.00  0.9780
  6  283 PICO-78(2)(100-200), T38-1               76.33  12.93   0.73   0.03   0.04   0.41   0.06   4.24   4.24   99.01  0.9779
  7 2930 LW-SL3.1.92 T271-2 2SH JEOL    2/24/92   77.23  12.93   0.77   0.03   0.03   0.42   0.08   3.89   4.60   99.98  0.9777
  8 2379 FLV-129-DS  T203-3             4/16/90   78.05  12.28   0.74   0.02   0.04   0.42   0.07   4.03   4.36  100.01  0.9776
  9  284 PICO-78(3), T36-7                        76.59  12.86   0.72   0.04   0.04   0.42   0.05   4.13   4.16   99.01  0.9769
 10 2071 ARCH-88-1  T172-1              9/28/88   77.66  12.73   0.74   0.04   0.03   0.43   0.07   3.87   4.44  100.01  0.9756
 11 2273 T191-5  N.DARWIN               5/10/89   77.70  12.62   0.77   0.01   0.03   0.41   0.05   3.90   4.50   99.99  0.9752
 12  280 PICO-74, T36-5                           76.55  12.99   0.74   0.03   0.04   0.42   0.07   4.12   4.05   99.01  0.9750
 13  100 ELSI-1, T2-9,                            77.42  12.85   0.75   0.02   0.03   0.46   0.05   4.10   4.31   99.99  0.9745
 14  577 LCB-1, T52-8                   03/25/83  77.37  12.62   0.74   0.04   0.04   0.43   0.06   4.04   4.65   99.99  0.9741
 15  279 PICO-73, T39-3                           77.29  12.83   0.79   0.03   0.04   0.45   0.06   4.03   4.48  100.00  0.9734
 16 2573 FLV-160-MI  T227-7             6/13/91   77.28  12.87   0.75   0.02   0.08   0.44   0.06   3.93   4.58  100.01  0.9730
 17 1932 SAFZ-6  T163-3                 5/14/88   77.73  12.62   0.74   0.03   0.04   0.44   0.06   3.96   4.37   99.99  0.9728
 18  285 PICO-80, T22-6                           77.09  12.91   0.83   0.04   0.04   0.43   0.08   4.29   4.28   99.99  0.9720
 19  953 DR-66                                    77.71  12.70   0.73   0.03   0.04   0.42   0.07   3.80   4.50  100.00  0.9718
 20 2504 MH002 T220-5                   1/31/91   77.52  13.04   0.75   0.04   0.04   0.43   0.05   3.85   4.27   99.99  0.9710
 21 2226 FLV-66-MA  T185-1              2/28/89   77.74  12.66   0.75   0.02   0.04   0.43   0.07   3.79   4.51  100.01  0.9710
 22 2497 FLV-164A-WP  T219-7            12/20/90  77.84  12.68   0.71   0.03   0.03   0.42   0.07   4.00   4.23  100.01  0.9706
 23  274 PICO-39A(2), T20-6                       77.47  12.75   0.75   0.03   0.04   0.46   0.05   3.95   4.49   99.99  0.9692
 24  449 66W5, T5-7                               77.59  12.74   0.74   0.03   0.05   0.45   0.07   3.88   4.44   99.99  0.9690
 25   41 BT-11D2, T13-13                          77.17  13.13   0.76   0.02   0.04   0.42   0.05   3.73   4.66   99.98  0.9689
 26 2574 FLV-161-MI  T227-8             6/13/91   77.35  12.80   0.77   0.03   0.07   0.41   0.06   3.82   4.69  100.00  0.9685
 27  273 PICO-39A(1), T8-6                        77.32  12.99   0.75   0.04   0.05   0.46   0.05   3.90   4.44  100.00  0.9683
 28  144 JANDA-328, T2-12                         77.42  12.87   0.74   0.04   0.02   0.47   0.05   4.10   4.28   99.99  0.9676
 29  278 PICO-68, T38-2                           76.25  12.69   0.78   0.03   0.06   0.41   0.06   3.98   4.75   99.01  0.9676
 30 1805 R-1-87  T143-6                 6/24/87   77.52  12.67   0.75   0.03   0.03   0.45   0.05   3.93   4.58  100.01  0.9674

Annotations to sample OL92-1019:

  1. Bishop ash bed from Sexton Canyon, S. flank Ventura Avenue Anticline, Ventura Co., Calif.
  2. Very thin (1-4 mm) ash bed in Padre Juan Canyon, W. of Ventura River, N. flank Ventura Avenue anticline, Ventura Co., Calif. One of the Glass Mountain ash beds.
  3. Bishop ash bed (?) from W. side Coxcomb Mts., Mojave Desert, Calif. Coll. by James Calzia (Merriam and Bischoff, 1975).
  4. Glass Mt. D ash bed, near Pitas Point, W. of Ventura River, S. flank Ventura Avenue anticline, Ventura Co., Calif.
  5. Bailey ash bed, W. of Ventura River, N. Flank of the Ventura Avenue anticline, Ventura Co., Calif.
  6. Disseminated, reworked (Bishop-Glass Mt.) tephra in Sherman Lake, central Calif., core at 2.17 m. Coll. by Lisa Wells.
  7. Bishop ash bed (?) in Fish Lake Valley, W.-central Nev. Coll. by Marith Reheis.
  8. Bailey ash bed, W. of Ventura River, N. Flank of the Ventura Avenue anticline, Ventura Co., Calif.
  9. Bishop ash bed from Arches National Park, S. Utah.
  10. Bishop ash bed (?) from near Darwin, E.-central Calif. Coll. by D. R. Harden.

Sample OL92-1020

Listing of 30 closest matches for COMP. NO. 2936 for elements: Na, Al, Si, K , Ca, Fe Date of Update: 12/12/93
    C.No Sample Number                  Date       SiO2  Al2O3  Fe2O3    MgO    MnO    CaO   TiO2   Na2O    K2O Total,R Sim. Co
    ---- ------------------------------ -------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------- -------

  1 2936 OL92-1020 T272-2 JEOL          3/3/93    74.27  14.09   1.39   0.17   0.03   0.91   0.21   3.83   5.10  100.00  1.0000
  2 3003 JY-92-14 T278-9                5/3/93    74.47  14.01   1.33   0.16   0.04   0.89   0.19   3.72   5.18   99.99  0.9804
  3 3002 JY-92-13 T277-8                5/3/93    74.44  14.14   1.32   0.17   0.04   0.88   0.20   3.71   5.11  100.01  0.9796
  4 2224 RVS-BL-1  T184-6               2/28/89   74.42  14.43   1.37   0.18   0.03   0.94   0.21   3.53   4.88   99.99  0.9678
  5 2252 T188-1  256-M                  5/9/89    75.27  13.24   1.49   0.23   0.02   0.90   0.24   3.83   4.78  100.00  0.9643
  6 2538 BEC-4  R224-4                  4/22/91   75.41  13.91   1.35   0.10   0.04   0.90   0.09   3.85   4.36  100.01  0.9637
  7 2537 BEC-3  T224-3                  4/22/91   75.55  13.84   1.35   0.08   0.04   0.89   0.08   3.81   4.36  100.00  0.9607
  8  992 RC-13                                    75.28  13.63   1.31   0.17   0.04   0.86   0.19   3.71   4.81  100.00  0.9589
  9 3050 68-16-2378                               75.18  13.58   1.52   0.24   0.04   0.89   0.13   3.41   5.01  100.00  0.9528
 10  586 PICO-160, T49-1                12/09/82  75.23  13.69   1.60   0.08   0.04   0.90   0.10   3.79   4.63  100.06  0.9523
 11 1961 WL-4-21 (49.16M)  T162-15      5/15/88   73.96  14.24   1.33   0.19   0.06   0.87   0.23   4.36   4.76  100.00  0.9517
 12  522 CL-06663, T56-1                07/01/83  75.45  13.60   1.26   0.15   0.03   0.94   0.19   3.54   4.84  100.00  0.9496
 13 2758 BEC-3 T250-2                   2/26/92   75.73  13.30   1.37   0.10   0.04   0.90   0.07   4.10   4.39  100.00  0.9490
 14  492 758-373, T18-2                           74.92  13.58   1.51   0.15   0.00   0.82   0.19   3.59   5.24  100.00  0.9479
 15 3049 68-16-2360                               74.88  13.98   1.55   0.33   0.04   0.93   0.13   3.27   4.88   99.99  0.9450
 16 1073 61284-14-ASW OBSIDIAN T77-3    7/30/84   74.84  13.98   1.31   0.12   0.04   0.98   0.27   4.07   4.38   99.99  0.9426
 17 2409 89B474  T208-1                 5/24/90   74.60  13.76   1.82   0.12   0.03   0.92   0.17   3.76   4.83  100.01  0.9423
 18 1592 MOD-6  T130-2                  9/19/86   76.26  12.71   1.33   0.20   0.03   0.86   0.27   3.66   4.67   99.99  0.9415
 19 2703 LM-UBC  T245-4                 11/27/91  76.32  13.24   1.30   0.09   0.04   0.89   0.08   3.69   4.36  100.01  0.9407
 20 1762 OD-ECQM-E1-54 CM  T139-9       5/28/87   73.75  14.44   1.35   0.08   0.05   0.75   0.12   4.14   5.34  100.02  0.9407
 21  521 CL-0662(100-200), T60-12       08/16/83  75.65  13.59   1.26   0.15   0.04   0.95   0.16   3.50   4.69   99.99  0.9407
 22 1765 OD-QWP-2-15 CM  T139-6         5/28/87   74.37  13.94   1.54   0.09   0.06   0.73   0.14   4.03   5.10  100.00  0.9405
 23 2403 MGP-16  T206-6                 5/15/90   76.07  12.95   1.33   0.21   0.03   0.84   0.27   3.54   4.77  100.01  0.9392
 24 1946 AV52-TW  T155-6                5/15/88   74.95  13.54   1.20   0.19   0.04   0.76   0.30   3.85   5.17  100.00  0.9386
 25 2329 FLV-87-HT  T192-6              6/1/89    75.68  13.42   1.25   0.21   0.05   0.85   0.23   3.61   4.70  100.00  0.9385
 26 2262 T189-3  1351-M                 5/9/89    75.83  13.30   1.31   0.18   0.02   0.80   0.19   3.77   4.59   99.99  0.9382
 27 1464 ZALTIPAN 14 T115-7             1/27/86   74.30  14.00   1.40   0.13   0.06   0.66   0.15   4.15   5.17  100.02  0.9368
 28  299 PR, T25-5                                74.63  13.86   1.53   0.16   0.07   0.81   0.19   4.11   4.64  100.00  0.9365
 29 1602 MOD-19  T130-13                9/19/86   75.78  12.86   1.21   0.20   0.02   0.79   0.28   3.84   5.01   99.99  0.9352
 30 2407 TULELAKE SAMPLE 694  T207-3    5/15/90   75.11  13.79   1.43   0.13   0.04   0.72   0.17   3.98   4.65  100.02  0.9341

Annotations to sample OL92-1020:

  1. Ash beds from Mohawk Valley, N. Sierra Nevada, N. Calif., undated and in undefined stratigraphic context.
  2. Ash beds from Mohawk Valley, N. Sierra Nevada, N. Calif., undated and in undefined stratigraphic context.
  3. Tephra layer (tuff) from Borrego Badlands, W. of Salton Sea, S. Calif. Coll. by R. V. Sharp.
  4. Scarface obsidian, Medicine Lake Volcano, N. Calif., K-Ar date of 320 ka (written commun., J. M. Donnelly-Nolan, 1989). Not a good match with respect to SiO2, Al2O3, Fe2O3, and MgO.
  5. Not good matches with respect to several oxides.
  6. Not good matches with respect to several oxides.
  7. Not good matches with respect to several oxides.
  8. Not good matches with respect to several oxides.
  9. Not good matches with respect to several oxides.
  10. Not good matches with respect to several oxides.

Sample OL92-1021

Listing of 30 closest matches for COMP. NO. 2939 for elements: Na, Al, Si, K , Ca, Fe Date of Update: 12/12/93
    C.No Sample Number                  Date       SiO2  Al2O3  Fe2O3    MgO    MnO    CaO   TiO2   Na2O    K2O Total,R Sim. Co
    ---- ------------------------------ -------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------- -------

  1 2939 OL92-1021 T273-1 JEOL          3/3/93    76.91  13.00   0.72   0.03   0.03   0.45   0.06   4.00   4.81  100.01  1.0000
  2 2945 OL92-1028 MAJ T273-8 JEOL      3/3/93    76.89  12.97   0.73   0.04   0.04   0.45   0.06   3.97   4.85  100.00  0.9947
  3 2946 OL92-1022 T273-2 JEOL          3/3/93    76.95  12.95   0.74   0.03   0.03   0.45   0.07   3.99   4.79  100.00  0.9937
  4 2943 OL92-1027 MAJ T273-7 JEOL      3/3/93    76.94  13.00   0.70   0.03   0.03   0.46   0.05   3.99   4.80  100.00  0.9909
  5 2948 OL92-1028 MIN T273-8 JEOL      3/3/93    76.73  13.16   0.71   0.04   0.01   0.45   0.07   4.08   4.75  100.00  0.9899
  6 2947 OL92-1023 T273-3 JEOL          3/3/93    76.96  12.93   0.70   0.03   0.04   0.46   0.05   4.01   4.83  100.01  0.9896
  7 2942 OL92-1026 T273-6 JEOL          3/3/93    76.96  12.93   0.69   0.03   0.03   0.45   0.08   3.97   4.87  100.01  0.9887
  8 2940 OL92-1024 T273-4 JEOL          3/3/93    76.86  13.00   0.70   0.03   0.03   0.44   0.05   4.04   4.85  100.00  0.9885
  9 2522 FLV-VH-5A  T222-2              4/2/91    77.14  12.75   0.72   0.04   0.07   0.44   0.11   3.89   4.85  100.01  0.9866
 10   33 BT-8(2), T20-2                           77.48  12.68   0.71   0.03   0.02   0.45   0.06   3.85   4.72  100.00  0.9830
 11 2938 OL92-1030 T272-4 JEOL          3/3/93    76.94  12.91   0.74   0.04   0.03   0.44   0.07   3.90   4.93  100.00  0.9823
 12 2941 OL92-1025                      3/3/93    76.86  12.99   0.68   0.04   0.02   0.45   0.08   3.92   4.96  100.00  0.9821
 13  396 TL-111, T46-2                            77.24  12.85   0.75   0.04   0.01   0.45   0.07   3.81   4.78  100.00  0.9817
 14 2937 OL92-1029 T273-3 JEOL          3/3/93    76.92  13.06   0.71   0.03   0.04   0.42   0.05   3.92   4.85  100.00  0.9811
 15 2545 UCSB-FS-89-3-4DE T225-3        4/22/91   77.22  12.69   0.76   0.03   0.04   0.46   0.07   3.96   4.78  100.01  0.9803
 16 1893 YJC-1-87  T150-11              11/9/87   77.28  12.91   0.73   0.04   0.05   0.44   0.07   3.74   4.75  100.01  0.9791
 17 2480 FLV-130-WP  T218-1             11/19/90  77.39  12.93   0.73   0.05   0.03   0.45   0.08   3.80   4.55  100.01  0.9784
 18 1030 FRIANT 9A T74-4                6/22/84   77.42  12.57   0.71   0.03   0.00   0.44   0.07   3.86   4.91  100.01  0.9781
 19 2710 FLV-195-BC  T246-4             12/12/91  77.39  12.52   0.73   0.05   0.04   0.48   0.05   3.99   4.76  100.01  0.9780
 20 2481 FLV-133B-O T218-2              11/19/90  77.40  12.93   0.72   0.03   0.03   0.44   0.06   3.69   4.71  100.01  0.9780
 21   65 D77-2D, T31-6                            77.39  12.66   0.73   0.03   0.05   0.45   0.07   3.72   4.89   99.99  0.9779
 22 1805 R-1-87  T143-6                 6/24/87   77.52  12.67   0.75   0.03   0.03   0.45   0.05   3.93   4.58  100.01  0.9769
 23 2523 FLV-VH-5B  T222-3              4/2/91    77.29  12.69   0.70   0.05   0.07   0.43   0.10   3.85   4.82  100.00  0.9766
 24 2573 FLV-160-MI  T227-7             6/13/91   77.28  12.87   0.75   0.02   0.08   0.44   0.06   3.93   4.58  100.01  0.9763
 25 1279 BT-7 BULK 200SEC CTS T20-1     7/1/85    77.57  12.48   0.73   0.02   0.05   0.43   0.07   3.88   4.78  100.01  0.9762
 26 2927 LRSW T271-1 JEOL               2/24/93   77.33  12.89   0.73   0.03   0.03   0.43   0.07   3.82   4.66   99.99  0.9753
 27  577 LCB-1, T52-8                   03/25/83  77.37  12.62   0.74   0.04   0.04   0.43   0.06   4.04   4.65   99.99  0.9750
 28 2540 FLV-SP-2  T224-6               4/22/91   76.79  13.07   0.71   0.05   0.07   0.44   0.10   3.73   5.02   99.98  0.9746
 29  387 TECO-30B-2, T17-9                        76.88  13.08   0.74   0.03   0.04   0.44   0.07   3.75   4.98  100.01  0.9746
 30 1305 TRENCH *8 (B) BULK T100-15     7/2/85    77.07  12.78   0.71   0.06   0.08   0.45   0.12   3.70   5.04  100.01  0.9744

Sample OL92-1022

Listing of 30 closest matches for COMP. NO. 2946 for elements: Na, Al, Si, K , Ca, Fe Date of Update: 12/12/93
    C.No Sample Number                  Date       SiO2  Al2O3  Fe2O3    MgO    MnO    CaO   TiO2   Na2O    K2O Total,R Sim. Co
    ---- ------------------------------ -------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------- -------

  1 2946 OL92-1022 T273-2 JEOL          3/3/93    76.95  12.95   0.74   0.03   0.03   0.45   0.07   3.99   4.79  100.00  1.0000
  2 2945 OL92-1028 MAJ T273-8 JEOL      3/3/93    76.89  12.97   0.73   0.04   0.04   0.45   0.06   3.97   4.85  100.00  0.9945
  3 2939 OL92-1021 T273-1 JEOL          3/3/93    76.91  13.00   0.72   0.03   0.03   0.45   0.06   4.00   4.81  100.01  0.9937
  4  396 TL-111, T46-2                            77.24  12.85   0.75   0.04   0.01   0.45   0.07   3.81   4.78  100.00  0.9880
  5 2938 OL92-1030 T272-4 JEOL          3/3/93    76.94  12.91   0.74   0.04   0.03   0.44   0.07   3.90   4.93  100.00  0.9873
  6 2545 UCSB-FS-89-3-4DE T225-3        4/22/91   77.22  12.69   0.76   0.03   0.04   0.46   0.07   3.96   4.78  100.01  0.9865
  7 2943 OL92-1027 MAJ T273-7 JEOL      3/3/93    76.94  13.00   0.70   0.03   0.03   0.46   0.05   3.99   4.80  100.00  0.9864
  8 2948 OL92-1028 MIN T273-8 JEOL      3/3/93    76.73  13.16   0.71   0.04   0.01   0.45   0.07   4.08   4.75  100.00  0.9850
  9 2942 OL92-1026 T273-6 JEOL          3/3/93    76.96  12.93   0.69   0.03   0.03   0.45   0.08   3.97   4.87  100.01  0.9849
 10 2947 OL92-1023 T273-3 JEOL          3/3/93    76.96  12.93   0.70   0.03   0.04   0.46   0.05   4.01   4.83  100.01  0.9849
 11 1805 R-1-87  T143-6                 6/24/87   77.52  12.67   0.75   0.03   0.03   0.45   0.05   3.93   4.58  100.01  0.9831
 12 2522 FLV-VH-5A  T222-2              4/2/91    77.14  12.75   0.72   0.04   0.07   0.44   0.11   3.89   4.85  100.01  0.9826
 13 2573 FLV-160-MI  T227-7             6/13/91   77.28  12.87   0.75   0.02   0.08   0.44   0.06   3.93   4.58  100.01  0.9825
 14 2940 OL92-1024 T273-4 JEOL          3/3/93    76.86  13.00   0.70   0.03   0.03   0.44   0.05   4.04   4.85  100.00  0.9823
 15 1893 YJC-1-87  T150-11              11/9/87   77.28  12.91   0.73   0.04   0.05   0.44   0.07   3.74   4.75  100.01  0.9810
 16  577 LCB-1, T52-8                   03/25/83  77.37  12.62   0.74   0.04   0.04   0.43   0.06   4.04   4.65   99.99  0.9805
 17   33 BT-8(2), T20-2                           77.48  12.68   0.71   0.03   0.02   0.45   0.06   3.85   4.72  100.00  0.9803
 18 2480 FLV-130-WP  T218-1             11/19/90  77.39  12.93   0.73   0.05   0.03   0.45   0.08   3.80   4.55  100.01  0.9803
 19   31 BT-7, T20-1                              77.54  12.60   0.76   0.03   0.03   0.45   0.05   3.86   4.66   99.98  0.9799
 20 2710 FLV-195-BC  T246-4             12/12/91  77.39  12.52   0.73   0.05   0.04   0.48   0.05   3.99   4.76  100.01  0.9798
 21  449 66W5, T5-7                               77.59  12.74   0.74   0.03   0.05   0.45   0.07   3.88   4.44   99.99  0.9791
 22  287 PICO-107A, T39-4                         77.09  12.73   0.77   0.03   0.04   0.46   0.08   3.89   4.91  100.00  0.9785
 23   65 D77-2D, T31-6                            77.39  12.66   0.73   0.03   0.05   0.45   0.07   3.72   4.89   99.99  0.9784
 24  274 PICO-39A(2), T20-6                       77.47  12.75   0.75   0.03   0.04   0.46   0.05   3.95   4.49   99.99  0.9784
 25  387 TECO-30B-2, T17-9                        76.88  13.08   0.74   0.03   0.04   0.44   0.07   3.75   4.98  100.01  0.9781
 26 1279 BT-7 BULK 200SEC CTS T20-1     7/1/85    77.57  12.48   0.73   0.02   0.05   0.43   0.07   3.88   4.78  100.01  0.9780
 27  452 81BO51, T35-5                            76.52  12.77   0.74   0.04   0.02   0.46   0.07   3.67   4.72   99.01  0.9773
 28 2941 OL92-1025                      3/3/93    76.86  12.99   0.68   0.04   0.02   0.45   0.08   3.92   4.96  100.00  0.9771
 29 2927 LRSW T271-1 JEOL               2/24/93   77.33  12.89   0.73   0.03   0.03   0.43   0.07   3.82   4.66   99.99  0.9771
 30  273 PICO-39A(1), T8-6                        77.32  12.99   0.75   0.04   0.05   0.46   0.05   3.90   4.44  100.00  0.9769

Sample OL92-1023

Listing of 30 closest matches for COMP. NO. 2947 for elements: Na, Al, Si, K , Ca, Fe Date of Update: 12/12/93
    C.No Sample Number                  Date       SiO2  Al2O3  Fe2O3    MgO    MnO    CaO   TiO2   Na2O    K2O Total,R Sim. Co
    ---- ------------------------------ -------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------- -------

  1 2947 OL92-1023 T273-3 JEOL          3/3/93    76.96  12.93   0.70   0.03   0.04   0.46   0.05   4.01   4.83  100.01  1.0000
  2 2943 OL92-1027 MAJ T273-7 JEOL      3/3/93    76.94  13.00   0.70   0.03   0.03   0.46   0.05   3.99   4.80  100.00  0.9972
  3 2942 OL92-1026 T273-6 JEOL          3/3/93    76.96  12.93   0.69   0.03   0.03   0.45   0.08   3.97   4.87  100.01  0.9910
  4 2940 OL92-1024 T273-4 JEOL          3/3/93    76.86  13.00   0.70   0.03   0.03   0.44   0.05   4.04   4.85  100.00  0.9897
  5 2939 OL92-1021 T273-1 JEOL          3/3/93    76.91  13.00   0.72   0.03   0.03   0.45   0.06   4.00   4.81  100.01  0.9896
  6 2945 OL92-1028 MAJ T273-8 JEOL      3/3/93    76.89  12.97   0.73   0.04   0.04   0.45   0.06   3.97   4.85  100.00  0.9865
  7 2948 OL92-1028 MIN T273-8 JEOL      3/3/93    76.73  13.16   0.71   0.04   0.01   0.45   0.07   4.08   4.75  100.00  0.9850
  8 2946 OL92-1022 T273-2 JEOL          3/3/93    76.95  12.95   0.74   0.03   0.03   0.45   0.07   3.99   4.79  100.00  0.9849
  9 2941 OL92-1025                      3/3/93    76.86  12.99   0.68   0.04   0.02   0.45   0.08   3.92   4.96  100.00  0.9825
 10 2522 FLV-VH-5A  T222-2              4/2/91    77.14  12.75   0.72   0.04   0.07   0.44   0.11   3.89   4.85  100.01  0.9797
 11 2545 UCSB-FS-89-3-4DE T225-3        4/22/91   77.22  12.69   0.76   0.03   0.04   0.46   0.07   3.96   4.78  100.01  0.9794
 12   33 BT-8(2), T20-2                           77.48  12.68   0.71   0.03   0.02   0.45   0.06   3.85   4.72  100.00  0.9792
 13 2523 FLV-VH-5B  T222-3              4/2/91    77.29  12.69   0.70   0.05   0.07   0.43   0.10   3.85   4.82  100.00  0.9783
 14 2655 UWB-19  T238-2                 10/16/91  77.50  12.68   0.71   0.06   0.04   0.46   0.11   3.72   4.71   99.99  0.9771
 15 2937 OL92-1029 T273-3 JEOL          3/3/93    76.92  13.06   0.71   0.03   0.04   0.42   0.05   3.92   4.85  100.00  0.9770
 16 2710 FLV-195-BC  T246-4             12/12/91  77.39  12.52   0.73   0.05   0.04   0.48   0.05   3.99   4.76  100.01  0.9767
 17 1030 FRIANT 9A T74-4                6/22/84   77.42  12.57   0.71   0.03   0.00   0.44   0.07   3.86   4.91  100.01  0.9758
 18 2938 OL92-1030 T272-4 JEOL          3/3/93    76.94  12.91   0.74   0.04   0.03   0.44   0.07   3.90   4.93  100.00  0.9755
 19 1280 PICO-5 BULK 200SEC CTS T20-5   7/1/85    77.46  12.51   0.70   0.03   0.07   0.45   0.07   3.76   4.96  100.01  0.9751
 20 1276 PICO-5 (2) BULK T20-5          7/1/85    77.43  12.56   0.70   0.03   0.07   0.45   0.06   3.74   4.96  100.00  0.9750
 21 1022 O.L. 858.5 T75-9               6/23/84   77.43  12.68   0.68   0.04   0.04   0.44   0.05   3.80   4.85  100.01  0.9743
 22  287 PICO-107A, T39-4                         77.09  12.73   0.77   0.03   0.04   0.46   0.08   3.89   4.91  100.00  0.9743
 23 2546 UCSB-FS-89-4  T225-4           4/22/91   77.17  12.75   0.73   0.05   0.04   0.48   0.08   3.83   4.88  100.01  0.9742
 24 2079 CRAW-88-2D2  T172-9            9/28/88   77.61  12.69   0.70   0.03   0.04   0.47   0.08   3.64   4.76  100.02  0.9742
 25  396 TL-111, T46-2                            77.24  12.85   0.75   0.04   0.01   0.45   0.07   3.81   4.78  100.00  0.9736
 26 1989 WL-5-24 (90.23m)  T165-3       5/22/88   77.51  12.44   0.70   0.03   0.06   0.47   0.10   3.73   4.96  100.00  0.9729
 27 2549 UCSB-FS-89-8-5 T225-7          4/22/91   77.32  12.70   0.63   0.02   0.04   0.47   0.06   3.95   4.81  100.00  0.9729
 28 2077 CRAW-88-1A  T172-7             9/28/88   77.72  12.63   0.70   0.03   0.04   0.47   0.04   3.71   4.65   99.99  0.9723
 29 1305 TRENCH *8 (B) BULK T100-15     7/2/85    77.07  12.78   0.71   0.06   0.08   0.45   0.12   3.70   5.04  100.01  0.9720
 30 2219 KRL-880828-N  T181B-7          1/23/89   77.35  12.96   0.71   0.03   0.03   0.46   0.07   3.48   4.90   99.99  0.9720

Sample OL92-1024

Listing of 30 closest matches for COMP. NO. 2940 for elements: Na, Al, Si, K , Ca, Fe Date of Update: 12/12/93
    C.No Sample Number                  Date       SiO2  Al2O3  Fe2O3    MgO    MnO    CaO   TiO2   Na2O    K2O Total,R Sim. Co
    ---- ------------------------------ -------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------- -------

  1 2940 OL92-1024 T273-4 JEOL          3/3/93    76.86  13.00   0.70   0.03   0.03   0.44   0.05   4.04   4.85  100.00  1.0000
  2 2947 OL92-1023 T273-3 JEOL          3/3/93    76.96  12.93   0.70   0.03   0.04   0.46   0.05   4.01   4.83  100.01  0.9897
  3 2942 OL92-1026 T273-6 JEOL          3/3/93    76.96  12.93   0.69   0.03   0.03   0.45   0.08   3.97   4.87  100.01  0.9892
  4 2943 OL92-1027 MAJ T273-7 JEOL      3/3/93    76.94  13.00   0.70   0.03   0.03   0.46   0.05   3.99   4.80  100.00  0.9888
  5 2939 OL92-1021 T273-1 JEOL          3/3/93    76.91  13.00   0.72   0.03   0.03   0.45   0.06   4.00   4.81  100.01  0.9885
  6 2948 OL92-1028 MIN T273-8 JEOL      3/3/93    76.73  13.16   0.71   0.04   0.01   0.45   0.07   4.08   4.75  100.00  0.9866
  7 2945 OL92-1028 MAJ T273-8 JEOL      3/3/93    76.89  12.97   0.73   0.04   0.04   0.45   0.06   3.97   4.85  100.00  0.9861
  8 2522 FLV-VH-5A  T222-2              4/2/91    77.14  12.75   0.72   0.04   0.07   0.44   0.11   3.89   4.85  100.01  0.9854
  9 2937 OL92-1029 T273-3 JEOL          3/3/93    76.92  13.06   0.71   0.03   0.04   0.42   0.05   3.92   4.85  100.00  0.9842
 10 2941 OL92-1025                      3/3/93    76.86  12.99   0.68   0.04   0.02   0.45   0.08   3.92   4.96  100.00  0.9828
 11 2523 FLV-VH-5B  T222-3              4/2/91    77.29  12.69   0.70   0.05   0.07   0.43   0.10   3.85   4.82  100.00  0.9824
 12 2946 OL92-1022 T273-2 JEOL          3/3/93    76.95  12.95   0.74   0.03   0.03   0.45   0.07   3.99   4.79  100.00  0.9823
 13 1030 FRIANT 9A T74-4                6/22/84   77.42  12.57   0.71   0.03   0.00   0.44   0.07   3.86   4.91  100.01  0.9815
 14 2938 OL92-1030 T272-4 JEOL          3/3/93    76.94  12.91   0.74   0.04   0.03   0.44   0.07   3.90   4.93  100.00  0.9812
 15 1022 O.L. 858.5 T75-9               6/23/84   77.43  12.68   0.68   0.04   0.04   0.44   0.05   3.80   4.85  100.01  0.9800
 16 2540 FLV-SP-2  T224-6               4/22/91   76.79  13.07   0.71   0.05   0.07   0.44   0.10   3.73   5.02   99.98  0.9782
 17   33 BT-8(2), T20-2                           77.48  12.68   0.71   0.03   0.02   0.45   0.06   3.85   4.72  100.00  0.9762
 18 1893 YJC-1-87  T150-11              11/9/87   77.28  12.91   0.73   0.04   0.05   0.44   0.07   3.74   4.75  100.01  0.9753
 19  577 LCB-1, T52-8                   03/25/83  77.37  12.62   0.74   0.04   0.04   0.43   0.06   4.04   4.65   99.99  0.9744
 20 2985 POG2B11 T276-5                 4/7/93    77.07  12.73   0.67   0.04   0.08   0.44   0.09   3.76   4.94   99.82  0.9744
 21 2006 FLV-57-CS   T166-7             7/19/88   77.34  12.71   0.69   0.02   0.04   0.44   0.07   3.69   4.98   99.98  0.9741
 22 1683 R-86-Y1  T134-5                11/25/86  77.78  12.52   0.70   0.04   0.04   0.44   0.05   3.75   4.68  100.00  0.9741
 23 2481 FLV-133B-O T218-2              11/19/90  77.40  12.93   0.72   0.03   0.03   0.44   0.06   3.69   4.71  100.01  0.9741
 24  387 TECO-30B-2, T17-9                        76.88  13.08   0.74   0.03   0.04   0.44   0.07   3.75   4.98  100.01  0.9736
 25 1280 PICO-5 BULK 200SEC CTS T20-5   7/1/85    77.46  12.51   0.70   0.03   0.07   0.45   0.07   3.76   4.96  100.01  0.9735
 26 1276 PICO-5 (2) BULK T20-5          7/1/85    77.43  12.56   0.70   0.03   0.07   0.45   0.06   3.74   4.96  100.00  0.9734
 27 2573 FLV-160-MI  T227-7             6/13/91   77.28  12.87   0.75   0.02   0.08   0.44   0.06   3.93   4.58  100.01  0.9725
 28 2500 FLV-SP-3 T220-1                1/31/91   77.18  12.76   0.73   0.07   0.07   0.44   0.09   3.71   4.95  100.00  0.9724
 29 1279 BT-7 BULK 200SEC CTS T20-1     7/1/85    77.57  12.48   0.73   0.02   0.05   0.43   0.07   3.88   4.78  100.01  0.9722
 30   34 BT-11A1, T13-6                           77.55  12.72   0.69   0.03   0.04   0.43   0.06   3.69   4.78   99.99  0.9719

Sample OL92-1025

Listing of 30 closest matches for COMP. NO. 2941 for elements: Na, Al, Si, K , Ca, Fe Date of Update: 12/12/93
    C.No Sample Number                  Date       SiO2  Al2O3  Fe2O3    MgO    MnO    CaO   TiO2   Na2O    K2O Total,R Sim. Co
    ---- ------------------------------ -------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------- -------

  1 2941 OL92-1025                      3/3/93    76.86  12.99   0.68   0.04   0.02   0.45   0.08   3.92   4.96  100.00  1.0000
  2 2942 OL92-1026 T273-6 JEOL          3/3/93    76.96  12.93   0.69   0.03   0.03   0.45   0.08   3.97   4.87  100.01  0.9915
  3 2943 OL92-1027 MAJ T273-7 JEOL      3/3/93    76.94  13.00   0.70   0.03   0.03   0.46   0.05   3.99   4.80  100.00  0.9830
  4 2940 OL92-1024 T273-4 JEOL          3/3/93    76.86  13.00   0.70   0.03   0.03   0.44   0.05   4.04   4.85  100.00  0.9828
  5 2985 POG2B11 T276-5                 4/7/93    77.07  12.73   0.67   0.04   0.08   0.44   0.09   3.76   4.94   99.82  0.9826
  6 2947 OL92-1023 T273-3 JEOL          3/3/93    76.96  12.93   0.70   0.03   0.04   0.46   0.05   4.01   4.83  100.01  0.9825
  7 2945 OL92-1028 MAJ T273-8 JEOL      3/3/93    76.89  12.97   0.73   0.04   0.04   0.45   0.06   3.97   4.85  100.00  0.9825
  8 1022 O.L. 858.5 T75-9               6/23/84   77.43  12.68   0.68   0.04   0.04   0.44   0.05   3.80   4.85  100.01  0.9823
  9 2939 OL92-1021 T273-1 JEOL          3/3/93    76.91  13.00   0.72   0.03   0.03   0.45   0.06   4.00   4.81  100.01  0.9821
 10 1280 PICO-5 BULK 200SEC CTS T20-5   7/1/85    77.46  12.51   0.70   0.03   0.07   0.45   0.07   3.76   4.96  100.01  0.9810
 11 1276 PICO-5 (2) BULK T20-5          7/1/85    77.43  12.56   0.70   0.03   0.07   0.45   0.06   3.74   4.96  100.00  0.9808
 12 2938 OL92-1030 T272-4 JEOL          3/3/93    76.94  12.91   0.74   0.04   0.03   0.44   0.07   3.90   4.93  100.00  0.9797
 13 2006 FLV-57-CS   T166-7             7/19/88   77.34  12.71   0.69   0.02   0.04   0.44   0.07   3.69   4.98   99.98  0.9788
 14 1030 FRIANT 9A T74-4                6/22/84   77.42  12.57   0.71   0.03   0.00   0.44   0.07   3.86   4.91  100.01  0.9784
 15 2522 FLV-VH-5A  T222-2              4/2/91    77.14  12.75   0.72   0.04   0.07   0.44   0.11   3.89   4.85  100.01  0.9784
 16 2540 FLV-SP-2  T224-6               4/22/91   76.79  13.07   0.71   0.05   0.07   0.44   0.10   3.73   5.02   99.98  0.9780
 17 1305 TRENCH *8 (B) BULK T100-15     7/2/85    77.07  12.78   0.71   0.06   0.08   0.45   0.12   3.70   5.04  100.01  0.9778
 18 2946 OL92-1022 T273-2 JEOL          3/3/93    76.95  12.95   0.74   0.03   0.03   0.45   0.07   3.99   4.79  100.00  0.9771
 19 2937 OL92-1029 T273-3 JEOL          3/3/93    76.92  13.06   0.71   0.03   0.04   0.42   0.05   3.92   4.85  100.00  0.9771
 20 2948 OL92-1028 MIN T273-8 JEOL      3/3/93    76.73  13.16   0.71   0.04   0.01   0.45   0.07   4.08   4.75  100.00  0.9769
 21   33 BT-8(2), T20-2                           77.48  12.68   0.71   0.03   0.02   0.45   0.06   3.85   4.72  100.00  0.9766
 22 2523 FLV-VH-5B  T222-3              4/2/91    77.29  12.69   0.70   0.05   0.07   0.43   0.10   3.85   4.82  100.00  0.9754
 23  387 TECO-30B-2, T17-9                        76.88  13.08   0.74   0.03   0.04   0.44   0.07   3.75   4.98  100.01  0.9737
 24   65 D77-2D, T31-6                            77.39  12.66   0.73   0.03   0.05   0.45   0.07   3.72   4.89   99.99  0.9724
 25 2500 FLV-SP-3 T220-1                1/31/91   77.18  12.76   0.73   0.07   0.07   0.44   0.09   3.71   4.95  100.00  0.9720
 26 1989 WL-5-24 (90.23m)  T165-3       5/22/88   77.51  12.44   0.70   0.03   0.06   0.47   0.10   3.73   4.96  100.00  0.9716
 27  396 TL-111, T46-2                            77.24  12.85   0.75   0.04   0.01   0.45   0.07   3.81   4.78  100.00  0.9711
 28  287 PICO-107A, T39-4                         77.09  12.73   0.77   0.03   0.04   0.46   0.08   3.89   4.91  100.00  0.9701
 29 2549 UCSB-FS-89-8-5 T225-7          4/22/91   77.32  12.70   0.63   0.02   0.04   0.47   0.06   3.95   4.81  100.00  0.9696
 30   34 BT-11A1, T13-6                           77.55  12.72   0.69   0.03   0.04   0.43   0.06   3.69   4.78   99.99  0.9694

Sample OL92-1026

Listing of 30 closest matches for COMP. NO. 2942 for elements: Na, Al, Si, K , Ca, Fe Date of Update: 12/12/93
    C.No Sample Number                  Date       SiO2  Al2O3  Fe2O3    MgO    MnO    CaO   TiO2   Na2O    K2O Total,R Sim. Co
    ---- ------------------------------ -------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------- -------

  1 2942 OL92-1026 T273-6 JEOL          3/3/93    76.96  12.93   0.69   0.03   0.03   0.45   0.08   3.97   4.87  100.01  1.0000
  2 2941 OL92-1025                      3/3/93    76.86  12.99   0.68   0.04   0.02   0.45   0.08   3.92   4.96  100.00  0.9915
  3 2947 OL92-1023 T273-3 JEOL          3/3/93    76.96  12.93   0.70   0.03   0.04   0.46   0.05   4.01   4.83  100.01  0.9910
  4 2943 OL92-1027 MAJ T273-7 JEOL      3/3/93    76.94  13.00   0.70   0.03   0.03   0.46   0.05   3.99   4.80  100.00  0.9898
  5 2945 OL92-1028 MAJ T273-8 JEOL      3/3/93    76.89  12.97   0.73   0.04   0.04   0.45   0.06   3.97   4.85  100.00  0.9895
  6 2940 OL92-1024 T273-4 JEOL          3/3/93    76.86  13.00   0.70   0.03   0.03   0.44   0.05   4.04   4.85  100.00  0.9892
  7 2939 OL92-1021 T273-1 JEOL          3/3/93    76.91  13.00   0.72   0.03   0.03   0.45   0.06   4.00   4.81  100.01  0.9887
  8 2946 OL92-1022 T273-2 JEOL          3/3/93    76.95  12.95   0.74   0.03   0.03   0.45   0.07   3.99   4.79  100.00  0.9849
  9 2948 OL92-1028 MIN T273-8 JEOL      3/3/93    76.73  13.16   0.71   0.04   0.01   0.45   0.07   4.08   4.75  100.00  0.9833
 10 2522 FLV-VH-5A  T222-2              4/2/91    77.14  12.75   0.72   0.04   0.07   0.44   0.11   3.89   4.85  100.01  0.9826
 11 1022 O.L. 858.5 T75-9               6/23/84   77.43  12.68   0.68   0.04   0.04   0.44   0.05   3.80   4.85  100.01  0.9818
 12   33 BT-8(2), T20-2                           77.48  12.68   0.71   0.03   0.02   0.45   0.06   3.85   4.72  100.00  0.9808
 13 1030 FRIANT 9A T74-4                6/22/84   77.42  12.57   0.71   0.03   0.00   0.44   0.07   3.86   4.91  100.01  0.9800
 14 2938 OL92-1030 T272-4 JEOL          3/3/93    76.94  12.91   0.74   0.04   0.03   0.44   0.07   3.90   4.93  100.00  0.9798
 15 2937 OL92-1029 T273-3 JEOL          3/3/93    76.92  13.06   0.71   0.03   0.04   0.42   0.05   3.92   4.85  100.00  0.9797
 16 2523 FLV-VH-5B  T222-3              4/2/91    77.29  12.69   0.70   0.05   0.07   0.43   0.10   3.85   4.82  100.00  0.9797
 17 1280 PICO-5 BULK 200SEC CTS T20-5   7/1/85    77.46  12.51   0.70   0.03   0.07   0.45   0.07   3.76   4.96  100.01  0.9793
 18 1276 PICO-5 (2) BULK T20-5          7/1/85    77.43  12.56   0.70   0.03   0.07   0.45   0.06   3.74   4.96  100.00  0.9792
 19 2985 POG2B11 T276-5                 4/7/93    77.07  12.73   0.67   0.04   0.08   0.44   0.09   3.76   4.94   99.82  0.9775
 20 2006 FLV-57-CS   T166-7             7/19/88   77.34  12.71   0.69   0.02   0.04   0.44   0.07   3.69   4.98   99.98  0.9772
 21 1305 TRENCH *8 (B) BULK T100-15     7/2/85    77.07  12.78   0.71   0.06   0.08   0.45   0.12   3.70   5.04  100.01  0.9762
 22   65 D77-2D, T31-6                            77.39  12.66   0.73   0.03   0.05   0.45   0.07   3.72   4.89   99.99  0.9753
 23  396 TL-111, T46-2                            77.24  12.85   0.75   0.04   0.01   0.45   0.07   3.81   4.78  100.00  0.9752
 24 2540 FLV-SP-2  T224-6               4/22/91   76.79  13.07   0.71   0.05   0.07   0.44   0.10   3.73   5.02   99.98  0.9744
 25 2545 UCSB-FS-89-3-4DE T225-3        4/22/91   77.22  12.69   0.76   0.03   0.04   0.46   0.07   3.96   4.78  100.01  0.9739
 26   34 BT-11A1, T13-6                           77.55  12.72   0.69   0.03   0.04   0.43   0.06   3.69   4.78   99.99  0.9738
 27 1893 YJC-1-87  T150-11              11/9/87   77.28  12.91   0.73   0.04   0.05   0.44   0.07   3.74   4.75  100.01  0.9725
 28 2480 FLV-130-WP  T218-1             11/19/90  77.39  12.93   0.73   0.05   0.03   0.45   0.08   3.80   4.55  100.01  0.9719
 29 2549 UCSB-FS-89-8-5 T225-7          4/22/91   77.32  12.70   0.63   0.02   0.04   0.47   0.06   3.95   4.81  100.00  0.9718
 30  287 PICO-107A, T39-4                         77.09  12.73   0.77   0.03   0.04   0.46   0.08   3.89   4.91  100.00  0.9715

Sample OL92-1027 Major Mode

Listing of 30 closest matches for COMP. NO. 2943 for elements: Na, Al, Si, K , Ca, Fe Date of Update: 12/12/93
    C.No Sample Number                  Date       SiO2  Al2O3  Fe2O3    MgO    MnO    CaO   TiO2   Na2O    K2O Total,R Sim. Co
    ---- ------------------------------ -------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------- -------

  1 2943 OL92-1027 MAJ T273-7 JEOL      3/3/93    76.94  13.00   0.70   0.03   0.03   0.46   0.05   3.99   4.80  100.00  1.0000
  2 2947 OL92-1023 T273-3 JEOL          3/3/93    76.96  12.93   0.70   0.03   0.04   0.46   0.05   4.01   4.83  100.01  0.9972
  3 2939 OL92-1021 T273-1 JEOL          3/3/93    76.91  13.00   0.72   0.03   0.03   0.45   0.06   4.00   4.81  100.01  0.9909
  4 2942 OL92-1026 T273-6 JEOL          3/3/93    76.96  12.93   0.69   0.03   0.03   0.45   0.08   3.97   4.87  100.01  0.9898
  5 2940 OL92-1024 T273-4 JEOL          3/3/93    76.86  13.00   0.70   0.03   0.03   0.44   0.05   4.04   4.85  100.00  0.9888
  6 2945 OL92-1028 MAJ T273-8 JEOL      3/3/93    76.89  12.97   0.73   0.04   0.04   0.45   0.06   3.97   4.85  100.00  0.9865
  7 2946 OL92-1022 T273-2 JEOL          3/3/93    76.95  12.95   0.74   0.03   0.03   0.45   0.07   3.99   4.79  100.00  0.9864
  8 2948 OL92-1028 MIN T273-8 JEOL      3/3/93    76.73  13.16   0.71   0.04   0.01   0.45   0.07   4.08   4.75  100.00  0.9861
  9 2941 OL92-1025                      3/3/93    76.86  12.99   0.68   0.04   0.02   0.45   0.08   3.92   4.96  100.00  0.9830
 10 2545 UCSB-FS-89-3-4DE T225-3        4/22/91   77.22  12.69   0.76   0.03   0.04   0.46   0.07   3.96   4.78  100.01  0.9803
 11   33 BT-8(2), T20-2                           77.48  12.68   0.71   0.03   0.02   0.45   0.06   3.85   4.72  100.00  0.9801
 12 2522 FLV-VH-5A  T222-2              4/2/91    77.14  12.75   0.72   0.04   0.07   0.44   0.11   3.89   4.85  100.01  0.9786
 13 2655 UWB-19  T238-2                 10/16/91  77.50  12.68   0.71   0.06   0.04   0.46   0.11   3.72   4.71   99.99  0.9779
 14 2523 FLV-VH-5B  T222-3              4/2/91    77.29  12.69   0.70   0.05   0.07   0.43   0.10   3.85   4.82  100.00  0.9779
 15 2937 OL92-1029 T273-3 JEOL          3/3/93    76.92  13.06   0.71   0.03   0.04   0.42   0.05   3.92   4.85  100.00  0.9777
 16 2710 FLV-195-BC  T246-4             12/12/91  77.39  12.52   0.73   0.05   0.04   0.48   0.05   3.99   4.76  100.01  0.9777
 17 2079 CRAW-88-2D2  T172-9            9/28/88   77.61  12.69   0.70   0.03   0.04   0.47   0.08   3.64   4.76  100.02  0.9750
 18 1030 FRIANT 9A T74-4                6/22/84   77.42  12.57   0.71   0.03   0.00   0.44   0.07   3.86   4.91  100.01  0.9747
 19  396 TL-111, T46-2                            77.24  12.85   0.75   0.04   0.01   0.45   0.07   3.81   4.78  100.00  0.9745
 20 2938 OL92-1030 T272-4 JEOL          3/3/93    76.94  12.91   0.74   0.04   0.03   0.44   0.07   3.90   4.93  100.00  0.9744
 21 1280 PICO-5 BULK 200SEC CTS T20-5   7/1/85    77.46  12.51   0.70   0.03   0.07   0.45   0.07   3.76   4.96  100.01  0.9740
 22 1276 PICO-5 (2) BULK T20-5          7/1/85    77.43  12.56   0.70   0.03   0.07   0.45   0.06   3.74   4.96  100.00  0.9739
 23 1022 O.L. 858.5 T75-9               6/23/84   77.43  12.68   0.68   0.04   0.04   0.44   0.05   3.80   4.85  100.01  0.9732
 24  287 PICO-107A, T39-4                         77.09  12.73   0.77   0.03   0.04   0.46   0.08   3.89   4.91  100.00  0.9732
 25 2077 CRAW-88-1A  T172-7             9/28/88   77.72  12.63   0.70   0.03   0.04   0.47   0.04   3.71   4.65   99.99  0.9731
 26 2549 UCSB-FS-89-8-5 T225-7          4/22/91   77.32  12.70   0.63   0.02   0.04   0.47   0.06   3.95   4.81  100.00  0.9731
 27 2546 UCSB-FS-89-4  T225-4           4/22/91   77.17  12.75   0.73   0.05   0.04   0.48   0.08   3.83   4.88  100.01  0.9731
 28  274 PICO-39A(2), T20-6                       77.47  12.75   0.75   0.03   0.04   0.46   0.05   3.95   4.49   99.99  0.9721
 29 1893 YJC-1-87  T150-11              11/9/87   77.28  12.91   0.73   0.04   0.05   0.44   0.07   3.74   4.75  100.01  0.9718
 30 1989 WL-5-24 (90.23m)  T165-3       5/22/88   77.51  12.44   0.70   0.03   0.06   0.47   0.10   3.73   4.96  100.00  0.9718

Sample OL92-1027 Minor Mode

Listing of 30 closest matches for COMP. NO. 2944 for elements: Na, Al, Si, K , Ca, Fe Date of Update: 12/12/93
    C.No Sample Number                  Date       SiO2  Al2O3  Fe2O3    MgO    MnO    CaO   TiO2   Na2O    K2O Total,R Sim. Co
    ---- ------------------------------ -------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------- -------

  1 2944 OL92-1027 MIN T273-7 JEOL      3/3/93    76.52  12.90   0.80   0.04   0.05   0.44   0.06   4.10   5.11  100.02  1.0000
  2 2759 ET-CFD-1 T250-3                2/26/92   77.07  12.60   0.80   0.04   0.04   0.46   0.09   3.95   4.95  100.00  0.9764
  3  384 TECO-29, T17-6                           76.68  13.12   0.81   0.04   0.04   0.43   0.07   3.85   4.96  100.00  0.9760
  4  382 TECO-28A, T17-4                          76.74  13.09   0.81   0.03   0.04   0.43   0.06   3.85   4.94   99.99  0.9756
  5 2938 OL92-1030 T272-4 JEOL          3/3/93    76.94  12.91   0.74   0.04   0.03   0.44   0.07   3.90   4.93  100.00  0.9725
  6  295 PICO-152, T39-1                          76.98  12.97   0.79   0.03   0.06   0.42   0.05   3.89   4.80   99.99  0.9698
  7  377 TECO-10, T17-1                           76.77  13.09   0.78   0.04   0.03   0.42   0.08   3.78   5.01  100.00  0.9690
  8  383 TECO-28B, T17-5                          77.00  12.89   0.75   0.04   0.03   0.43   0.06   3.80   5.00  100.00  0.9688
  9 1729 WEB-2  T137-11                 4/21/87   77.44  12.50   0.80   0.05   0.06   0.43   0.04   3.69   4.99  100.00  0.9685
 10  279 PICO-73, T39-3                           77.29  12.83   0.79   0.03   0.04   0.45   0.06   4.03   4.48  100.00  0.9683
 11  287 PICO-107A, T39-4                         77.09  12.73   0.77   0.03   0.04   0.46   0.08   3.89   4.91  100.00  0.9680
 12  375 TECO-7, T14-2                            77.09  12.90   0.81   0.03   0.05   0.42   0.06   3.75   4.89  100.00  0.9677
 13 2946 OL92-1022 T273-2 JEOL          3/3/93    76.95  12.95   0.74   0.03   0.03   0.45   0.07   3.99   4.79  100.00  0.9673
 14 2898 FLV-1.3 T267-3                 10/27/92  76.99  12.40   0.74   0.06   0.07   0.44   0.09   3.92   5.29  100.00  0.9670
 15   26 BT-1, T2-13                              77.32  12.91   0.80   0.03   0.03   0.43   0.05   3.85   4.57   99.99  0.9666
 16 2945 OL92-1028 MAJ T273-8 JEOL      3/3/93    76.89  12.97   0.73   0.04   0.04   0.45   0.06   3.97   4.85  100.00  0.9662
 17 2940 OL92-1024 T273-4 JEOL          3/3/93    76.86  13.00   0.70   0.03   0.03   0.44   0.05   4.04   4.85  100.00  0.9662
 18  387 TECO-30B-2, T17-9                        76.88  13.08   0.74   0.03   0.04   0.44   0.07   3.75   4.98  100.01  0.9660
 19 2086 CRAW-88-3F  T173-1             10/6/88   76.98  12.97   0.83   0.04   0.06   0.45   0.08   3.82   4.77  100.00  0.9659
 20 2926 BT-2 T62-15 JEOL               2/24/93   77.27  12.90   0.79   0.03   0.03   0.43   0.06   3.68   4.81  100.00  0.9657
 21  719 LD-70                                    77.20  12.92   0.79   0.04   0.04   0.43   0.07   3.60   4.91  100.00  0.9656
 22  201 LD-70, T3,4                              77.22  12.91   0.79   0.04   0.04   0.43   0.07   3.58   4.93  100.01  0.9655
 23  278 PICO-68, T38-2                           76.25  12.69   0.78   0.03   0.06   0.41   0.06   3.98   4.75   99.01  0.9645
 24 2912 FLV-7.6 T269-4                 11/16/92  77.53  12.29   0.77   0.06   0.07   0.43   0.11   3.93   4.83  100.02  0.9639
 25 2545 UCSB-FS-89-3-4DE T225-3        4/22/91   77.22  12.69   0.76   0.03   0.04   0.46   0.07   3.96   4.78  100.01  0.9637
 26 2939 OL92-1021 T273-1 JEOL          3/3/93    76.91  13.00   0.72   0.03   0.03   0.45   0.06   4.00   4.81  100.01  0.9637
 27 2573 FLV-160-MI  T227-7             6/13/91   77.28  12.87   0.75   0.02   0.08   0.44   0.06   3.93   4.58  100.01  0.9634
 28 3098 BT-14 T289-1                   9/24/93   77.21  12.78   0.75   0.03   0.04   0.43   0.06   3.77   4.92   99.99  0.9631
 29 2522 FLV-VH-5A  T222-2              4/2/91    77.14  12.75   0.72   0.04   0.07   0.44   0.11   3.89   4.85  100.01  0.9630
 30  380 TECO-24, T17-3                           76.58  13.07   0.76   0.03   0.03   0.44   0.07   3.65   5.37  100.00  0.9630

Sample OL92-1028 Major Mode

Listing of 30 closest matches for COMP. NO. 2945 for elements: Na, Al, Si, K , Ca, Fe Date of Update: 12/12/93
    C.No Sample Number                  Date       SiO2  Al2O3  Fe2O3    MgO    MnO    CaO   TiO2   Na2O    K2O Total,R Sim. Co
    ---- ------------------------------ -------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------- -------

  1 2945 OL92-1028 MAJ T273-8 JEOL      3/3/93    76.89  12.97   0.73   0.04   0.04   0.45   0.06   3.97   4.85  100.00  1.0000
  2 2939 OL92-1021 T273-1 JEOL          3/3/93    76.91  13.00   0.72   0.03   0.03   0.45   0.06   4.00   4.81  100.01  0.9947
  3 2946 OL92-1022 T273-2 JEOL          3/3/93    76.95  12.95   0.74   0.03   0.03   0.45   0.07   3.99   4.79  100.00  0.9945
  4 2942 OL92-1026 T273-6 JEOL          3/3/93    76.96  12.93   0.69   0.03   0.03   0.45   0.08   3.97   4.87  100.01  0.9895
  5 2938 OL92-1030 T272-4 JEOL          3/3/93    76.94  12.91   0.74   0.04   0.03   0.44   0.07   3.90   4.93  100.00  0.9875
  6 2522 FLV-VH-5A  T222-2              4/2/91    77.14  12.75   0.72   0.04   0.07   0.44   0.11   3.89   4.85  100.01  0.9873
  7 2947 OL92-1023 T273-3 JEOL          3/3/93    76.96  12.93   0.70   0.03   0.04   0.46   0.05   4.01   4.83  100.01  0.9865
  8 2943 OL92-1027 MAJ T273-7 JEOL      3/3/93    76.94  13.00   0.70   0.03   0.03   0.46   0.05   3.99   4.80  100.00  0.9865
  9 2940 OL92-1024 T273-4 JEOL          3/3/93    76.86  13.00   0.70   0.03   0.03   0.44   0.05   4.04   4.85  100.00  0.9861
 10 2948 OL92-1028 MIN T273-8 JEOL      3/3/93    76.73  13.16   0.71   0.04   0.01   0.45   0.07   4.08   4.75  100.00  0.9848
 11  396 TL-111, T46-2                            77.24  12.85   0.75   0.04   0.01   0.45   0.07   3.81   4.78  100.00  0.9841
 12   65 D77-2D, T31-6                            77.39  12.66   0.73   0.03   0.05   0.45   0.07   3.72   4.89   99.99  0.9831
 13 2545 UCSB-FS-89-3-4DE T225-3        4/22/91   77.22  12.69   0.76   0.03   0.04   0.46   0.07   3.96   4.78  100.01  0.9827
 14 2941 OL92-1025                      3/3/93    76.86  12.99   0.68   0.04   0.02   0.45   0.08   3.92   4.96  100.00  0.9825
 15 1893 YJC-1-87  T150-11              11/9/87   77.28  12.91   0.73   0.04   0.05   0.44   0.07   3.74   4.75  100.01  0.9816
 16 2937 OL92-1029 T273-3 JEOL          3/3/93    76.92  13.06   0.71   0.03   0.04   0.42   0.05   3.92   4.85  100.00  0.9810
 17 2480 FLV-130-WP  T218-1             11/19/90  77.39  12.93   0.73   0.05   0.03   0.45   0.08   3.80   4.55  100.01  0.9810
 18   33 BT-8(2), T20-2                           77.48  12.68   0.71   0.03   0.02   0.45   0.06   3.85   4.72  100.00  0.9809
 19 1805 R-1-87  T143-6                 6/24/87   77.52  12.67   0.75   0.03   0.03   0.45   0.05   3.93   4.58  100.01  0.9794
 20 2546 UCSB-FS-89-4  T225-4           4/22/91   77.17  12.75   0.73   0.05   0.04   0.48   0.08   3.83   4.88  100.01  0.9792
 21  387 TECO-30B-2, T17-9                        76.88  13.08   0.74   0.03   0.04   0.44   0.07   3.75   4.98  100.01  0.9790
 22  287 PICO-107A, T39-4                         77.09  12.73   0.77   0.03   0.04   0.46   0.08   3.89   4.91  100.00  0.9788
 23 2710 FLV-195-BC  T246-4             12/12/91  77.39  12.52   0.73   0.05   0.04   0.48   0.05   3.99   4.76  100.01  0.9788
 24 1030 FRIANT 9A T74-4                6/22/84   77.42  12.57   0.71   0.03   0.00   0.44   0.07   3.86   4.91  100.01  0.9788
 25 2573 FLV-160-MI  T227-7             6/13/91   77.28  12.87   0.75   0.02   0.08   0.44   0.06   3.93   4.58  100.01  0.9788
 26 2500 FLV-SP-3 T220-1                1/31/91   77.18  12.76   0.73   0.07   0.07   0.44   0.09   3.71   4.95  100.00  0.9787
 27 1279 BT-7 BULK 200SEC CTS T20-1     7/1/85    77.57  12.48   0.73   0.02   0.05   0.43   0.07   3.88   4.78  100.01  0.9787
 28 2927 LRSW T271-1 JEOL               2/24/93   77.33  12.89   0.73   0.03   0.03   0.43   0.07   3.82   4.66   99.99  0.9778
 29 2910 FLV-7.4 T269-2                 11/16/92  77.62  12.29   0.74   0.04   0.06   0.46   0.09   3.82   4.88  100.00  0.9765
 30   31 BT-7, T20-1                              77.54  12.60   0.76   0.03   0.03   0.45   0.05   3.86   4.66   99.98  0.9761

Sample OL92-1028 Minor Mode

Listing of 30 closest matches for COMP. NO. 2948 for elements: Na, Al, Si, K , Ca, Fe Date of Update: 12/12/93
    C.No Sample Number                  Date       SiO2  Al2O3  Fe2O3    MgO    MnO    CaO   TiO2   Na2O    K2O Total,R Sim. Co
    ---- ------------------------------ -------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------- -------

  1 2948 OL92-1028 MIN T273-8 JEOL      3/3/93    76.73  13.16   0.71   0.04   0.01   0.45   0.07   4.08   4.75  100.00  1.0000
  2 2939 OL92-1021 T273-1 JEOL          3/3/93    76.91  13.00   0.72   0.03   0.03   0.45   0.06   4.00   4.81  100.01  0.9899
  3 2940 OL92-1024 T273-4 JEOL          3/3/93    76.86  13.00   0.70   0.03   0.03   0.44   0.05   4.04   4.85  100.00  0.9866
  4 2943 OL92-1027 MAJ T273-7 JEOL      3/3/93    76.94  13.00   0.70   0.03   0.03   0.46   0.05   3.99   4.80  100.00  0.9861
  5 2946 OL92-1022 T273-2 JEOL          3/3/93    76.95  12.95   0.74   0.03   0.03   0.45   0.07   3.99   4.79  100.00  0.9850
  6 2947 OL92-1023 T273-3 JEOL          3/3/93    76.96  12.93   0.70   0.03   0.04   0.46   0.05   4.01   4.83  100.01  0.9850
  7 2945 OL92-1028 MAJ T273-8 JEOL      3/3/93    76.89  12.97   0.73   0.04   0.04   0.45   0.06   3.97   4.85  100.00  0.9848
  8 2942 OL92-1026 T273-6 JEOL          3/3/93    76.96  12.93   0.69   0.03   0.03   0.45   0.08   3.97   4.87  100.01  0.9833
  9   33 BT-8(2), T20-2                           77.48  12.68   0.71   0.03   0.02   0.45   0.06   3.85   4.72  100.00  0.9819
 10 2937 OL92-1029 T273-3 JEOL          3/3/93    76.92  13.06   0.71   0.03   0.04   0.42   0.05   3.92   4.85  100.00  0.9772
 11 2941 OL92-1025                      3/3/93    76.86  12.99   0.68   0.04   0.02   0.45   0.08   3.92   4.96  100.00  0.9769
 12 2522 FLV-VH-5A  T222-2              4/2/91    77.14  12.75   0.72   0.04   0.07   0.44   0.11   3.89   4.85  100.01  0.9767
 13  396 TL-111, T46-2                            77.24  12.85   0.75   0.04   0.01   0.45   0.07   3.81   4.78  100.00  0.9740
 14 1893 YJC-1-87  T150-11              11/9/87   77.28  12.91   0.73   0.04   0.05   0.44   0.07   3.74   4.75  100.01  0.9735
 15 1030 FRIANT 9A T74-4                6/22/84   77.42  12.57   0.71   0.03   0.00   0.44   0.07   3.86   4.91  100.01  0.9729
 16 2480 FLV-130-WP  T218-1             11/19/90  77.39  12.93   0.73   0.05   0.03   0.45   0.08   3.80   4.55  100.01  0.9726
 17 2655 UWB-19  T238-2                 10/16/91  77.50  12.68   0.71   0.06   0.04   0.46   0.11   3.72   4.71   99.99  0.9725
 18 2938 OL92-1030 T272-4 JEOL          3/3/93    76.94  12.91   0.74   0.04   0.03   0.44   0.07   3.90   4.93  100.00  0.9725
 19  577 LCB-1, T52-8                   03/25/83  77.37  12.62   0.74   0.04   0.04   0.43   0.06   4.04   4.65   99.99  0.9725
 20 2545 UCSB-FS-89-3-4DE T225-3        4/22/91   77.22  12.69   0.76   0.03   0.04   0.46   0.07   3.96   4.78  100.01  0.9725
 21 2481 FLV-133B-O T218-2              11/19/90  77.40  12.93   0.72   0.03   0.03   0.44   0.06   3.69   4.71  100.01  0.9723
 22 2540 FLV-SP-2  T224-6               4/22/91   76.79  13.07   0.71   0.05   0.07   0.44   0.10   3.73   5.02   99.98  0.9718
 23 2710 FLV-195-BC  T246-4             12/12/91  77.39  12.52   0.73   0.05   0.04   0.48   0.05   3.99   4.76  100.01  0.9715
 24 2523 FLV-VH-5B  T222-3              4/2/91    77.29  12.69   0.70   0.05   0.07   0.43   0.10   3.85   4.82  100.00  0.9713
 25 1805 R-1-87  T143-6                 6/24/87   77.52  12.67   0.75   0.03   0.03   0.45   0.05   3.93   4.58  100.01  0.9711
 26 2573 FLV-160-MI  T227-7             6/13/91   77.28  12.87   0.75   0.02   0.08   0.44   0.06   3.93   4.58  100.01  0.9705
 27 2927 LRSW T271-1 JEOL               2/24/93   77.33  12.89   0.73   0.03   0.03   0.43   0.07   3.82   4.66   99.99  0.9695
 28 1305 TRENCH *8 (B) BULK T100-15     7/2/85    77.07  12.78   0.71   0.06   0.08   0.45   0.12   3.70   5.04  100.01  0.9693
 29 1279 BT-7 BULK 200SEC CTS T20-1     7/1/85    77.57  12.48   0.73   0.02   0.05   0.43   0.07   3.88   4.78  100.01  0.9684
 30 2463 SN-7  T215-4                   9/25/90   77.71  12.73   0.71   0.03   0.02   0.44   0.06   3.81   4.48   99.99  0.9682

Sample OL92-1029

Listing of 30 closest matches for COMP. NO. 2937 for elements: Na, Al, Si, K , Ca, Fe Date of Update: 12/12/93
    C.No Sample Number                  Date       SiO2  Al2O3  Fe2O3    MgO    MnO    CaO   TiO2   Na2O    K2O Total,R Sim. Co
    ---- ------------------------------ -------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------- -------

  1 2937 OL92-1029 T273-3 JEOL          3/3/93    76.92  13.06   0.71   0.03   0.04   0.42   0.05   3.92   4.85  100.00  1.0000
  2 2522 FLV-VH-5A  T222-2              4/2/91    77.14  12.75   0.72   0.04   0.07   0.44   0.11   3.89   4.85  100.01  0.9844
  3 2523 FLV-VH-5B  T222-3              4/2/91    77.29  12.69   0.70   0.05   0.07   0.43   0.10   3.85   4.82  100.00  0.9842
  4 2940 OL92-1024 T273-4 JEOL          3/3/93    76.86  13.00   0.70   0.03   0.03   0.44   0.05   4.04   4.85  100.00  0.9842
  5 2939 OL92-1021 T273-1 JEOL          3/3/93    76.91  13.00   0.72   0.03   0.03   0.45   0.06   4.00   4.81  100.01  0.9811
  6 2945 OL92-1028 MAJ T273-8 JEOL      3/3/93    76.89  12.97   0.73   0.04   0.04   0.45   0.06   3.97   4.85  100.00  0.9810
  7 1030 FRIANT 9A T74-4                6/22/84   77.42  12.57   0.71   0.03   0.00   0.44   0.07   3.86   4.91  100.01  0.9805
  8 2938 OL92-1030 T272-4 JEOL          3/3/93    76.94  12.91   0.74   0.04   0.03   0.44   0.07   3.90   4.93  100.00  0.9802
  9  288 PICO-108, T39-5                          77.01  12.81   0.73   0.03   0.04   0.42   0.07   3.81   5.07   99.99  0.9801
 10 2942 OL92-1026 T273-6 JEOL          3/3/93    76.96  12.93   0.69   0.03   0.03   0.45   0.08   3.97   4.87  100.01  0.9797
 11  293 PICO-141, T39-7                          77.29  12.84   0.73   0.03   0.02   0.42   0.07   3.68   4.91   99.99  0.9796
 12  295 PICO-152, T39-1                          76.98  12.97   0.79   0.03   0.06   0.42   0.05   3.89   4.80   99.99  0.9789
 13 1279 BT-7 BULK 200SEC CTS T20-1     7/1/85    77.57  12.48   0.73   0.02   0.05   0.43   0.07   3.88   4.78  100.01  0.9787
 14 2540 FLV-SP-2  T224-6               4/22/91   76.79  13.07   0.71   0.05   0.07   0.44   0.10   3.73   5.02   99.98  0.9783
 15 2927 LRSW T271-1 JEOL               2/24/93   77.33  12.89   0.73   0.03   0.03   0.43   0.07   3.82   4.66   99.99  0.9777
 16 2943 OL92-1027 MAJ T273-7 JEOL      3/3/93    76.94  13.00   0.70   0.03   0.03   0.46   0.05   3.99   4.80  100.00  0.9777
 17 1024 M1493-100 T75-11               6/23/84   77.53  12.50   0.74   0.03   0.07   0.41   0.04   3.88   4.80  100.00  0.9774
 18 1275 BT-7 (2) BULK T20-1            7/1/85    77.63  12.48   0.74   0.03   0.05   0.42   0.07   3.87   4.71  100.00  0.9774
 19 2948 OL92-1028 MIN T273-8 JEOL      3/3/93    76.73  13.16   0.71   0.04   0.01   0.45   0.07   4.08   4.75  100.00  0.9772
 20 2941 OL92-1025                      3/3/93    76.86  12.99   0.68   0.04   0.02   0.45   0.08   3.92   4.96  100.00  0.9771
 21 2947 OL92-1023 T273-3 JEOL          3/3/93    76.96  12.93   0.70   0.03   0.04   0.46   0.05   4.01   4.83  100.01  0.9770
 22   27 BT-1A, T13-3                             77.53  12.65   0.74   0.03   0.04   0.42   0.06   3.71   4.81   99.99  0.9764
 23   38 BT-11C1, T13-10                          77.71  12.59   0.72   0.03   0.04   0.42   0.06   3.67   4.76  100.00  0.9763
 24 2084 CRAW-88-3D  T172-14            10/6/88   77.45  12.81   0.72   0.03   0.05   0.40   0.04   3.88   4.62  100.00  0.9758
 25 2946 OL92-1022 T273-2 JEOL          3/3/93    76.95  12.95   0.74   0.03   0.03   0.45   0.07   3.99   4.79  100.00  0.9757
 26  662 BT-1C, T62-10                  08/26/83  77.47  12.75   0.73   0.03   0.03   0.43   0.07   3.77   4.72  100.00  0.9756
 27   33 BT-8(2), T20-2                           77.48  12.68   0.71   0.03   0.02   0.45   0.06   3.85   4.72  100.00  0.9754
 28 2539 FLV-SP-1  T224-5               4/22/91   76.87  12.99   0.71   0.04   0.08   0.41   0.10   3.67   5.13  100.00  0.9753
 29 2930 LW-SL3.1.92 T271-2 2SH JEOL    2/24/92   77.23  12.93   0.77   0.03   0.03   0.42   0.08   3.89   4.60   99.98  0.9748
 30  383 TECO-28B, T17-5                          77.00  12.89   0.75   0.04   0.03   0.43   0.06   3.80   5.00  100.00  0.9748

Sample OL92-1030

Listing of 30 closest matches for COMP. NO. 2938 for elements: Na, Al, Si, K , Ca, Fe Date of Update: 12/12/93
    C.No Sample Number                  Date       SiO2  Al2O3  Fe2O3    MgO    MnO    CaO   TiO2   Na2O    K2O Total,R Sim. Co
    ---- ------------------------------ -------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------- -------

  1 2938 OL92-1030 T272-4 JEOL          3/3/93    76.94  12.91   0.74   0.04   0.03   0.44   0.07   3.90   4.93  100.00  1.0000
  2 2522 FLV-VH-5A  T222-2              4/2/91    77.14  12.75   0.72   0.04   0.07   0.44   0.11   3.89   4.85  100.01  0.9899
  3  387 TECO-30B-2, T17-9                        76.88  13.08   0.74   0.03   0.04   0.44   0.07   3.75   4.98  100.01  0.9896
  4 2945 OL92-1028 MAJ T273-8 JEOL      3/3/93    76.89  12.97   0.73   0.04   0.04   0.45   0.06   3.97   4.85  100.00  0.9875
  5 2946 OL92-1022 T273-2 JEOL          3/3/93    76.95  12.95   0.74   0.03   0.03   0.45   0.07   3.99   4.79  100.00  0.9873
  6  383 TECO-28B, T17-5                          77.00  12.89   0.75   0.04   0.03   0.43   0.06   3.80   5.00  100.00  0.9870
  7 2500 FLV-SP-3 T220-1                1/31/91   77.18  12.76   0.73   0.07   0.07   0.44   0.09   3.71   4.95  100.00  0.9865
  8 3098 BT-14 T289-1                   9/24/93   77.21  12.78   0.75   0.03   0.04   0.43   0.06   3.77   4.92   99.99  0.9858
  9 1030 FRIANT 9A T74-4                6/22/84   77.42  12.57   0.71   0.03   0.00   0.44   0.07   3.86   4.91  100.01  0.9854
 10 1893 YJC-1-87  T150-11              11/9/87   77.28  12.91   0.73   0.04   0.05   0.44   0.07   3.74   4.75  100.01  0.9841
 11  396 TL-111, T46-2                            77.24  12.85   0.75   0.04   0.01   0.45   0.07   3.81   4.78  100.00  0.9837
 12 2573 FLV-160-MI  T227-7             6/13/91   77.28  12.87   0.75   0.02   0.08   0.44   0.06   3.93   4.58  100.01  0.9834
 13  287 PICO-107A, T39-4                         77.09  12.73   0.77   0.03   0.04   0.46   0.08   3.89   4.91  100.00  0.9825
 14 2939 OL92-1021 T273-1 JEOL          3/3/93    76.91  13.00   0.72   0.03   0.03   0.45   0.06   4.00   4.81  100.01  0.9823
 15 2940 OL92-1024 T273-4 JEOL          3/3/93    76.86  13.00   0.70   0.03   0.03   0.44   0.05   4.04   4.85  100.00  0.9812
 16 1279 BT-7 BULK 200SEC CTS T20-1     7/1/85    77.57  12.48   0.73   0.02   0.05   0.43   0.07   3.88   4.78  100.01  0.9811
 17 2898 FLV-1.3 T267-3                 10/27/92  76.99  12.40   0.74   0.06   0.07   0.44   0.09   3.92   5.29  100.00  0.9811
 18   65 D77-2D, T31-6                            77.39  12.66   0.73   0.03   0.05   0.45   0.07   3.72   4.89   99.99  0.9808
 19 2540 FLV-SP-2  T224-6               4/22/91   76.79  13.07   0.71   0.05   0.07   0.44   0.10   3.73   5.02   99.98  0.9806
 20 2927 LRSW T271-1 JEOL               2/24/93   77.33  12.89   0.73   0.03   0.03   0.43   0.07   3.82   4.66   99.99  0.9803
 21  288 PICO-108, T39-5                          77.01  12.81   0.73   0.03   0.04   0.42   0.07   3.81   5.07   99.99  0.9803
 22 2937 OL92-1029 T273-3 JEOL          3/3/93    76.92  13.06   0.71   0.03   0.04   0.42   0.05   3.92   4.85  100.00  0.9802
 23 2942 OL92-1026 T273-6 JEOL          3/3/93    76.96  12.93   0.69   0.03   0.03   0.45   0.08   3.97   4.87  100.01  0.9798
 24 2941 OL92-1025                      3/3/93    76.86  12.99   0.68   0.04   0.02   0.45   0.08   3.92   4.96  100.00  0.9797
 25 2382 FLV-136-WP  T203-6             4/16/90   77.86  12.35   0.74   0.03   0.04   0.44   0.08   3.90   4.57  100.01  0.9786
 26  293 PICO-141, T39-7                          77.29  12.84   0.73   0.03   0.02   0.42   0.07   3.68   4.91   99.99  0.9784
 27 2910 FLV-7.4 T269-2                 11/16/92  77.62  12.29   0.74   0.04   0.06   0.46   0.09   3.82   4.88  100.00  0.9782
 28  662 BT-1C, T62-10                  08/26/83  77.47  12.75   0.73   0.03   0.03   0.43   0.07   3.77   4.72  100.00  0.9781
 29 2481 FLV-133B-O T218-2              11/19/90  77.40  12.93   0.72   0.03   0.03   0.44   0.06   3.69   4.71  100.01  0.9778
 30 2523 FLV-VH-5B  T222-3              4/2/91    77.29  12.69   0.70   0.05   0.07   0.43   0.10   3.85   4.82  100.00  0.9778

Annotations to samples OL92-1021 through OL92-1030:

The annotations to these samples are grouped together, because this set of samples represents a chemically and petrographically homogenous set of layers within a 16-m-thick interval at the base of Owens Lake core OL92. This interval represents either an initial coarse airfall ash plus multiple reworked tephra layers derived from a single large eruption, or multiple airfall and reworked ash beds from an eruptive episode of short duration. Specific correlative layers from other sites, where the identity, age or stratigraphic context of the layers are known are the following:

Bishop ash bed from Onion Creek, E. Utah. Overlies Bruhes-Matuyama reversal, underlies Lava Creek B ash bed (Izett, 1981; Colman and others, 19__).

Basal part of the Bishop Tuff ash-flow unit immediately overlying the basal air-fall pumice, same locality as BT-8 (above).

The proximal Bishop airfall pumice bed from the Insulating Aggregates Quarry, 11 mi N. of Bishop, E.-central Calif. A laser-fusion 40Ar/39Ar date on sanidine grains from this locality is 0.761 ±0.007 Ma (Sarna-Wojcicki and Pringle; 1992).

Replicate sample from same unit as BT-8 (above).

Bishop ash bed (?) from Clayton Valley, W.-central Nev., core at 175.25 m depth. Coll. by Joseph Davis.

Ash of Glass Mountain, northeastern Fish Lake Valley, W.-central Nev.

Bishop ash bed near Westgard Pass, White Mountains, E.-central Calif.

FLV-SP-2, -3
Ash-flow tuff of the Silver Peak Range, ~6 Ma. Generally similar in glass chemical composition to the Bishop Tuf and ash bed, but not good match with respect to MnO and TiO2.

FLV-VH-5A, -5B
Volcano Hills, N. Fish Lake Valley. From a set of ash-flow and air-fall tuffs of undetermined age. Similar to Bishop Tuff and tephra layers of Glass Mountain, but MnO and TiO2 are significantly different (close to twice the concentration) than the latter units.

Reworked ash of the Bishop ash bed at the California Minerals Quarry near Friant, central Calif. This ash closely overlies primary air-fall ash layers of the Bishop ash bed.

Ash bed from Last Chance Bench, Beaver Basin, W.-central Utah. Locality of M. Machette (Izett and others, 1988).

O.L. 858.5
Disseminated, reworked (?) Bishop ash bed (?) at 261.66 m in old Owens Lake core.

Bailey ash bed, W. side Ventura River, S. flank Ventura Avenue anticline, Ventura Co., Calif.

Bailey ash bed, Canada del Diablo, W. of Ventura River, N. flank Ventura Avenue anticline, Ventura Co., Calif.

Bailey ash bed SW of South Mountain, Ventura Co., Calif.

Bailey ash bed. Same locality as PICO-107A (above).

Bishop ash bed, Sexton Canyon, E. of Ventura River, S. side of Ventura Avenue anticline, Ventura Co., Calif.

Glass Mountain (G?) ash bed, near Padre Juan Canyon, W. of Ventura River, S. side Ventura Avenue anticline, Ventura Co., Calif.

Glass Mountain (D?) ash bed, ~10 m below Bishop ash bed, near Shoshone, N. end of Lake Tecopa.

Glass Mountain (D?) ash bed, ~9-10 m below Bishop ash bed, near Shoshone, N. end of Lake Tecopa.

TECO-28A, -28B
Bishop ash bed near Shoshone, N. end of Lake Tecopa (Bed "B" of Shapard and Gude, 1968).

Ash of Glass Mountain (G?), near Shoshone, N. end of Lake Tecopa.

Thin layer of reworked Bishop ash within Lava Creek B ash bed (ash bed "A" of Shepard and Gude, 1968), near Shoshone, N . end of Lake Tecopa.

Tephra layer from the Saugus Formation near Saugus, Calif. Identified as the Bishop ash bed on the basis of chemistry, normal magnetization, and close stratigraphic position above reversal to reversed polarity, identified as the Brunhes Normal-Matuyama Reversed Chron boundary.

Coarse air-fall Bishop pumice in quarry near head of Yellowjacket Canyon, east of Long Valley, E.-central Calif.

U.S. Department of Interior, U.S. Geological Survey
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