UPDATE TO SYSTEM9 ERRORS AND CORRECTIONS This file contains a list of all errors or changes in the programs and documentation of System 9 released as Open-File 93-511 in July, 1993. This file is intended for printing using the DOS PRINT command. Doing so will create several replacement pages for the documentation. GSMUTIL Error was discovered in Option 13 grid generation with Cartesian coordinates. Program was not supporting the count of the number of lines attached to each node. Verified and fixed. GSPOST Error was discovered using excluded areas while using classification of a data column. Confirmed and fixed 4/10/95. VERSION 9.9 SYMBOLS (Standard Set and Coding of new symbols) A number of users have expressed themselves regarding the difficulty in coding new symbols. Specifically they disliked the use of relative moves. In Version 9.9 we have changed the stan- dard set on the disks (CONFIG9.SYM) to use an absolute set of coordinates. This change required modifying pages 313-316 in the documentation (Coding of New Symbols). New instructions for coding symbols are included at the end of this file. For users who have created their own symbols we have includ- ed a translation program (convsym.exe) which will convert a copy of your CONFIG9.SYM file into a new file called NEW.SYM. This new file should replace the current CONFIG9.SYM. All programs that utilize symbols have been modified to handle the absolute method of specification. CONFIG9.SCR This file is no longer required. Program will set highest screen resolution (from VGA, EGA and CGA) possible. PERFORMANCE ENHANCEMENTS Many of the programs were modified to correct obvious design oversights that could affect performance. For instance, GSMEDIT would redraw the screen if user made an error in setting a window even though the window had not changed. METRIC MODE Version 9.9 has been modified to operate in a metric or english mode. The program will look for the existence of a file called CONFIG9.UNT in the default directory (GSFILES= ). The file should contain one line in uppercase indicating the preferred units. For metric units, use "METRIC" For english units, use "ENGLISH" If the program cannot find a file called CONFIG9.UNT then it will set ENGLISH as the default. The user should configure the digitizer to transmit cen- timeters by the use of the dip switches (or by software) and then should modify the CONFIG9.DIG files to reflect the format for centimeters. DO NOT FORGET TO SET THE COMMUNICATIONS PARAMETERS ON THE FIRST LINE!! The program will read in the values for line patterns stored in CONFIG9.PLT. This file is set for english inches on the distribution disk. If you wish to work in metric units, you should rename CONFIG9.PLT to CONFIG9E.PLT and copy CONFIG9M.PLT to CONFIG9.PLT. This file has the same line pat- terns defined in centimeters. DO NOT FORGET TO SET THE COMMUNI- CATIONS PARAMETERS ON THE FIRST LINE!! Programs will recognize which mode is set and will in- dicate on the disclaimer screen that metric units are being used. REGISTERED PLOTTING A number of the programs allowed the user to plot data on paper or mylar base maps by registering the corners on the plotter. This functionality has been been removed and replaced by a simplier method. Create an HPGL file and then use a new program called HPGLUTIL (Williams, V. and Selner, G., 1994) which has the ability to register to bases as well as other capabilities. By removing the code from each of the programs and placing it a single program, each program became smaller and memory space was freed for other functionality. GSMUTIL Two additional utilities were added to the options: the first allows the user to drop small (short) lines that have a "dangling node" on one or both ends. User specifies length. The second allows the user to "sort" the data base from top to bottom. This can improve the plotting time both on the screen (during editing) and on the plotter. Options 11 and 12 have a new capability to convert lat/lon to ground units in kilometers and back in addition to map inches. GSDIG Program was modified to plot the symbol and the sample-id on the screen in the color yellow. Previously program plotted only a symbol in the color blue that was difficult to see. Program was also modified to allow a window to be set thus magnifying the screen display. END OF VERSION 9.9 UPDATE FILE ------------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 9.02 General HPGL Fix In previous Versions the general graphics library routine would create an IP; command at the beginning of a disk HPGL file. In Version 9 the command was modified to include the user supplied values for P1x,y and P2x,y. Unfortunately, when the new IP command was imported into WordPerfect, WordPerfect would hang up. The only way around it was to edit the HPGL file and modify the IP command. Since a number of other error fixes were required, it was deemed desirable to return to the previous practice when creating the IP command. This necessiated recompilation of all of the programs from Version 9 and changing them to Version 9.01. QUEIT Program contained a reference to the CONFIG8.PLT file instead of the CONFIG9.PLT file for Version 9. Error was fixed. GSLITH Program contained an error in Option 1 Starting a Data Base and in Option 3 Digitizing (Cartesian coordinates only). Errors were confirmed and fixed. Documentation on page 258 second paragraph contains an error. Last sentence should be removed and replaced with "If a UTM projection is specified, the output coordinates will be true UTM coordinates.". Documen- tation on page 269 third example has an extra line in the plot control file. Remove the line that reads "1,77,50 |Pen=1....". GSMAP Default snap distance was changed from 0.05 to 0.02. Draft mode was in error. Program was drawing two circlesat the end point (none at beginning point) and not labelling begin- ning point with entry number. Error was confirmed and fixed. Program would not draw internal grid tick marks if user incorrectly specified plot window. Error was diagnosed and fixed on 12/21/93. GSMEDIT Default snap distance was changed from 0.05 to 0.02. Documentation on page 93 contains no information on function F=ADD PTS. Following should be inserted at the bottom of the page. Hit F to be able to insert points into the line. Use the mouse to position the cursor and then click the left button to set a point. When all points have been added, click the right button and hit 1 key on keyboard to exit from the ADD PTS function. When user chose detail toggle, circles drawn at points where fixed in size. Program was changed to make size a function of parameter stored in CONFIG9.PLT that controls size of node cir- cles at end of lines. State of Missouri reported that program gave "illegal func- tion code" message and crashed when attempting to run on system equiped with EGA color monitor. CONFIG9.SCR appeared to be properly configured. Several places in program used constants in CALL to CLEAR.WINDOW subroutine. Changed CALL statements to always use integer variables. Could not find an EGA color to test either original or modified. Did test using emulation mode but could not get failure on original or modified. Send to Missouri for testing. Program would not draw internal grid tick marks if user incorrectly specified plot window. Error was diagnosed and fixed on 12/21/93. GSMUTIL Option 8 was not writing the detail records to the screen when the screen output option was used. Problem was verified and fixed. Option 15 was not working correctly. Output was being written to the screen instead of the disk file. Error was confirmed and fixed. Option 15 also had an error when data file had 0 (zero)data columns. Error was confirmed and fixed. However was not report- ed until after 9.01 was delivered to Open-File Section. GSMPBS User could inadvertently identify same line twice. Test was inserted as each line is identified to check against previously identified lines and if so, beep issue message and request retry. 8TO9 Documentation was inadverently left out of release. Several places refer to the 8TO9 program as being on page 136. The following is offered as a minimal substitute. This program is a routine for converting data bases prepared by previous versions to the new file structure of GSMAP Version 9. The program is started by entering the name of the program 8TO9 followed by a carriage return. The program will then request the name of the INPUT data base and the name of the OUTPUT data base. If the input data base contains geodetic coordinates, the program will request the name of a projection file. The program will then request the user to supply a snapping distance. The program will then read the input data base, for lines (1-99) snap the ends and prepare an output data base including a node file. At the end the program will list the number of entries and nodes in the output data base. Default snap distance was changed from 0.05 to 0.02. GSPUV At the request of several users the dialogue at the top of page 191 in the documentation and in the program itself have been modified to provide for default answers and an additional question. Enter the Lower Limit of First Class[0.0]: Enter the Class Interval: Enter the Maximum Value to be included[852.5]: When a default value is included in brackets, a carriage return will cause the value within the brackets to be used. If a different value is desired, then type the value and enter a carriage return. NOTE: the class interval CANNOT be defaulted. GSPOST At the request of several users an additional option (T) was added to allow the user to return to the beginning of a plotfile and restart processing at that point. Occasionally users would inadverently (key bounce) enter a duplicate N. This would position them past one of the analysis steps contained in the plot file. By entering T the user can position back to the beginning of the plotfile and use the N key to step forward to the correct position. Error was reported that program would occasionally fail topick up the pen and would attempt to plot with no pen. Error was verified and fixed. END OF 9.02 UPDATE README FILE -------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHAPTER 12 CODING OF SYMBOLS The file named CONFIG9.SYM contains the definitions of symbols used by GSMAP. The file is an ASCII file that can be modified by use of a word processing program to modify standard symbols or add new symbols. New symbols can be encoded by the user and added to the CONFIG9.SYM file. Coding is easier than might be anticipated. Symbols are drawn with straight lines and/or with circles. Closed polygons defined by lines or circles may be filled. Symbols (in the 200 series) may be rotated by the amount specified in P1 and posted with the number specified in P2 if desired. The CONFIG9.SYM file is limited to 2,000 lines; the standard file released with Version 9 has about 1,500 lines, and so has room to grow. Coding of new symbols Any unused number with three digits or less can be selected for a new symbol. The numbers 200-299 have special uses, as these define individually rotatable symbols that are rotated according to Parameter 1 and can be posted with numerical values drawn from Parameter 2 in the data base. Starting To be consistent with other symbols, sketch a square with sides of unit length and a point at the center. Assume that the pen is at the center point of the square. Each line of the code describing the symbol provides one instruction to the computer. The center of the square locates the point digitized. A symbol is drawn using straight line segments (moves) and circles. Moves can be either with pen up (no line drawn) or with pen down (line drawn). Moves can be combined to define polygons which will be filled (solid fill). Circles may either be filled or not filled. The first line of the code for a symbol specifies the number assigned to the symbol and the number of lines (records) required to define that symbol, the X and Y coordinates of the reference point for posting, and the size (in inches) of the height of the numbers to be posted (0's if no posting is desired). Subsequent lines consist of a series of instructions for the plotter. No more than 25 lines may be used. Moves A line starting with a "PU" tells the plotter to move to a new position with the PEN UP (no line drawn); a line starting with "PD" specifies that the move is made with PEN DOWN (drawing a line). The coordinates for moves are referenced to the center point. After the "PU" or "PD" at the start of a line a comma must be used; the number after this comma specifies the X coordinate of the next point, then a comma must be used; the number after the second comma specifies the Y coordinate of the next point. Polygons A line starting with a "PM" is an instruction to the plotter about a polygon. "PM",0,0 defines the start of a polygon. "PM",2,0 ends a polygon and ends polygon mode for the symbol. The polygon defined between "PM",0,0 and "PM",2,0 instructions will be filled with a solid pattern. Moves between "PM",0,0 and "PM",2,0 instructions should define a closed polygon; if the polygon is not closed, the "PM",2,0 instruction forces a closing of the exterior polygon to the point occupied by the pen when the "PM",0 instruction was issued. Exterior and interior polygons The "PM",1,0 instruction ends a polygon but leaves the computer in polygon mode. This instruction is used between moves that define an external polygon and moves that define an internal polygon to be left unfilled. The "PM",1,0 instruction forces a closing of the polygon back to the position at the time the "PM",0,0 instruction was issued. Circles A line of code starting with a "CI", instruction calls for the drawing of a circle. The "CI" must be followed by a comma. The number following the comma specifies the diameter of the circle to be drawn. This number is followed by a comma, then by a 0 (zero). The diameter is specified in units relative to the unit square as discussed at the start of this section. The center of the circle is the point occupied by the pen at the time the "CI" instruction is given. A "CI" instruction defines a complete polygon; it is equivalent to a set of moves between "PM",1,0 instructions, but counts as a single line. Reference position for posting of symbols Code Group 200-299 A reference position for posting of numbers is given in the first line defining the symbol following the symbol number and number of moves and before the number specifying the size of the posted numbers. This reference position is defined in the coordinate space of the unit box used for coding of the symbols. Check symbols with posting in the CONFIG9.SYM file for examples, especially study definitions of symbols 201 and 202. 0's are used for positions and height of characters for symbols without posting. Additional information on coding is given in the Interfacing and Programming Manual supplied with HP plotters. Please note that not all HPGL commands are supported by System 9 programs. Use only the commands provided above. Examples (refer to Plate 1 to see symbols drawn at size of 100 rasters with 0 rotation): Symbol 209 (Paired arrows left lateral movement on fault) uses PU and PD moves only with no posting. 209 7 0 0 0 "PU", 0.400,-1.000 "PD", 0.400, 1.000 "PD", 0.600, 0.600 "PU",-0.400, 1.000 "PD",-0.400,-1.000 "PD",-0.600,-0.600 "PU",-0.600,-0.600 Symbol 14 (Square with lower right filled indicates shaft) uses PU and PD moves and one filled polygon. Note: the "PM",0,0 instruction starts definition of a polygon to be filled; the PM",2,0 ends the polygon's definition. 14 9 0 0 0 "PU", 0.500, 0.500 "PD",-0.500, 0.500 "PD",-0.500,-0.500 "PM", 0, 0 "PD", 0.500,-0.500 "PD", 0.500, 0.500 "PD",-0.500,-0.500 "PM", 2, 0 "PU",-0.500,-0.500 Symbol 77 uses PU and PD moves and two circles defined as exterior and interior polygon. The "units" for the diameter of the circles are specified in the same "units" as the "moves" for the pen, based on the unit square. 77 15 0 0 0 "PU", 0.000, 1.000 "PD", 0.000, 0.500 "PU", 0.000, 0.000 "PM", 0, 0 "CI", 0.500, 0.000 "PM", 2, 0 "PU", 0.000,-0.500 "PD", 0.000,-1.000 "PU",-1.000, 0.000 "PD",-0.500, 0.000 "PU", 0.500, 0.000 "PD", 1.000, 0.000 "PU", 0.000, 0.000 "CI", 1.000, 0.000 "PU", 0.000, 0.000