Figure 1. - Map (AutoCAD .DXF file) of southern Lake Michigan, encompassing the area of the Toleston Beach. Important geological layers within the file are the beach ridges and dunes and core sites. Core sites occur in two parts of the diagram: (1) Miller Woods area (eastern cores), and Gary Airport area (west-central cores). [xxxxxxxx.DXF] Figure 2. - Graph (ZSoft .PCX file) of late Holocene lake level for southern Lake Michigan from cores collected in the Miller Woods area. Note that the axes are calendar years and IGLD (1955) elevation in feet. [MILLER.PCX] Figure 3. - Graph (ZSoft .PCX file) of late Holocene lake level for southern Lake Michigan from cores collected in the Gary Airport area. Note that the axes are calendar years and IGLD (1955) elevation in feet. [GARY.PCX] Table 1. - Core data (Quattro Pro .WQ1 file) for cores collected in the Miller Woods and Gary Airport areas. Contact Dr. Todd A. Thompson, Indiana Geological Survey, 611 N. Walnut Grove, Bloomington, Indiana 47405 (812-855-5067) for foreshore elevations and beach ridge ages at the core sites. [DATA.WQ1]