GREEN RIVER FORMATION Thrust belt--Buff laminated marlstone and limestone, brown oil shale, and siltstone. Includes Angelo and Fossil Butte Members. Tgrw Southwest Wyoming--Oil shale, light-colored tuffaceous marlstone, and sandstone. Tgrw Laney Member (age probably about 45 Ma)--Oil shale and marlstone. Tgl Wilkins Peak Member (age about 49 Ma)--Green, brown, and gray tuffaceous sandstone, shale, and marlstone; contains evaporites in subsurface sections. Tgw, Tgwt Tipton Shale Member or Tongue--Oil shale and marlstone. Tgt, Tgwt Fontenelle Tongue or Member--Oil shale, marlstone, limestone, and siltstone; occurs along Green and New Fork Rivers and on west side of Green River Basin from T. 33 N. south to and lensing out in T. 17 N. Twg Luman Tongue--Oil shale, carbonaceous shale, and sandstone. Tglu GRANITIC CONGLOMERATE ABOVE OR IN UPPER PART OF WASATCH FORMATION--Giant granite boulders in arkosic sandstone matrix. Occurs along west margin of Wind River Range. Tgc WASATCH FORMATION Thrust belt-Variegated mudstone and sandstone. Includes Tunp and Bullpen Members, other tongues and unnamed members, and main body. Tgrw Diamictite and sandstone--Diamictite grades laterally into other members of the formation. Twd Main body--Variegated red to gray, brown, and gray mudstone and sandstone; conglomeratic lenses. Tw Southwest Wyoming--Drab to variegated claystone and siltstone, carbonaceous shale and coal, buff sandstone, arkose, and conglomerate. In northwestern part of Green River Basin is thick arkosic light-yellowish-tan sandstone intertonguing with pale-green to gray claystone and shale. Tw Cathedral Bluffs Tongue--Variegated claystone and lenticular sandstone; conglomeratic near south margin of Wind River Range. Twc New Fork Tongue--Dull-red and green mudstone, brown sandstone, and thin limestone beds, merging southward in T. 23 N. with other units. Twg Niland Tongue--Brown sandstone, carbonaceous shale, and coal. Twn Main body--Drab sandstone, drab to variegated claystone and siltstone; locally derived conglomerate around basin margins. Lower part is Paleocene. Twm La Barge and Chappo Members--Red, gray, and brown mudstone and conglomerate and yellow sandstone. La Barge Member tongues out to north at about T. 35 N. Lower part of Chappo is Paleocene. Twlc East Wyoming--Drab sandstone and drab to variegated claystone; numerous coal beds in lower part. Tw Moncrief Member--Conglomerate of Precambrian clasts, interbedded with drab sandstone and claystone. Twmo Kingsbury Conglomerate Member--Conglomerate of Paleozoic clasts, interbedded with drab sandstone and variegated claystone. Twk TRANSITIONAL UNIT BETWEEN BATTLE SPRING AND WASATCH FORMATIONS-- Contains interbedded lithologies of Battle Spring and Wasatch Formations. Tbw BATTLE SPRING FORMATION--Equivalent to, and lithologically similar to locally derived basin-margin conglomerate of Wasatch Formation; merges southward into main body of Wasatch Formation. Lower part is Paleocene. Tbs